Chapter 7

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Here im putting Sirius' date's dress:

We went out of the store then we strolled to the Three Broomsticks. We got a table together and started to drink Butterbeer talking aimlessly. "Hey Martie" i said suddenly "yeah?" she asked "do you have a date to the Ball?" i asked "no" she said "wanna go with one fo my friends Remus?" i asked "err i guess: she said and blushed deep red. "Speaking of setting people up" Lily said and turned to me "i was thinking" she said "you should go with Sev" she said. "NO no no no no no no no no no no no no!" i said "very flattering Mendez" a voice said then Snape sat down next to Lily. "Not to be mean!" i said "i mean you know im civil towards him i cant say teh same for James an Sirius" i said "screw it they let me get taken dress shopping by you lot which was torture!" i said and crossed my arms, Snape glared at me, Lily clapped and i glared right back to Snape "Good then" she said. "Who're you going with Kimberly?" i asked and she blushed then took a long tug on her drink "Lockhart" Snape coughed "Gilderoy Bloody Lockhart?" i asked wide eyed. "Well he asked i didnt wanna be mean" she said and blushed again "if i wouldve known that i wouldve picked out the worst dress in the place oh youd still look good he wouldnt however" i said. "You Ashley?" i asked "im going solo" she said "i dont wanna go with anyone tehyd steal my spotlight" she said dramatically and i laughed "i doubt anyone could do that, you are the only Metamorphogus in the school" Kimberly said.
"Point taken" Ashley said and the 5 of us laughed "look at Chita Mendez laughing with the rest of the girls" Snape said mockingly "look at Severus Snape hanging out with all the girls 'hanging' out wich is as far as youll be going with girls" i said "you jsut accepted to going to the Ball with me" he said cheekily. "Only as an act of defianse!" i countered "whatever you have to tell yourself" he said and i stuck my tongue out at him "charming Mendez" he said.
"Come on Fangs were here to take you out of your misery" Sirius said as he appeared behind me "im pissed at you Padfoot" i said but nonetheless i grabbed my bags and my jacket and followed him and the Marauders outside and we started to walk to the castle. "So i got you a date withh Lily" i said to James "seriously?" he asked "what do you think i was yelling about earlier?" i asked "oh" he said. "And you" i siad to Remus "i got you a date with Martie one of Lily's friends" i said "oh you did?" he asked and i nodded. A type of look crossed Sirius' face but he quickly shook it off "ahaha Moony's got a date" he said. "You wear a pink flower on your Tux" i told Remus "you wear a red one and you wear a black or red one" i told Sirius and James "i saw whats her face picking her dress" i shrugged.
"So who're you going with?" Remus asked me "oh noone what would make yo think that im going with anyone?" i asked while blushing "cause your blushing like crazy and your denying it" he said smugly. "Fine i am going with someone but im not telling you who" i said. "Why not?" James asked making puppy eyes at me "Sirius' works better" i said great now they were both doing it "im not gonna tell you" i said flatly. "Fine so an we see your dress?" Sirius asked stretching out the word 'Dress'. "No" i said flatly "why not!" Remus said this time now he did puppy eyes "taken yours work better thatn these two's but im not gonna show you guys my dress youll just have to see at the ball" i said "Come on guys its only a week" i said and smiled while they glared.

A female Sirius Black? CrapollaWhere stories live. Discover now