Chapter 30

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"Chris? Chris?! CHRYSTAL?!" i yelled shaking her but she wouldnt wake up.

The baby started to cry then and Chiara had a complete breakdown "Chris you cant die! you cant!!" she yelled clutching at Chris' shirt, Charlie came over and held her close and tight, she tried to fight him off but eventually she just melted into his embrace.

"She cant be dead" she sobbed and i was just numb all over.

"Why? Why why WHY?!" i yelled and beat at the floor.

Remus hugged me form behind trying to soother me btu i pushed him off.

"No! Its not alright! Nothings gonna be alright! Why Remus? Why?!" i yelled

"First James and Lily die!! For nothing leaving Harry all alone then my Grandfather dies leaving ME all alone and Sirius goes to jail!!! All my old friends died during the last war except for 2 now 1 of them is dead and one of my new friends died too!! Leaving a poor little baby all alone!! Its not fair Remus!" i yelled.

Since it was still the christmas holidays the kids made their way into th eliving room and could hear me screaming.

"Chita relax please" Remus said.

"No remus! I wont 'relax' because why should i? hmm? I have absolutely NOONE to live for! My Mother adn Father died when i was 9 9!!" i yelled "I only had my grandfather he died too!! My only chick friend died my best guy friend died my 2nd best guy friend died now what? What do i have to live for?! Maybe i should just die too all the f^cking marauders will be dead then too. YOU WANT THE SET!" i yelled the last part up at the ceiling.

"CHITA!! You have me to live for! Me You and Richard are all we have left!" Remus yelled "YOU have to live for your son, your godson, your husband! You have to live for Sirus! She's not oging to have a mom the least she can have is an aunt. Live fro Sirius for James for Lily! They all loved you and wouldnt want you acting this way!" Remus yelled.

"You have so much going for you so much to live for so much to work for dont give up, not now" he said and i broke down and cried on the floor, he walked over and held me in his arms holding me close then he raised my chin with one of his fingers and pecked me softly on the lips.

A female Sirius Black? CrapollaWhere stories live. Discover now