Chapter 13

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A/N:In this chapter imma add in something that originally i was going to make it for it happening in December but i found that it would be better if i jsut added it in for now

"Have a drink on me Have a drink oooooooon me!!!!!!!!!" Me, Sirius and Remus sang together "We are so fricken drunk!" i said loudly and laughed "no were not durnk were just special!" Sirius said seriously then laughed. "Okay so what happened to your face?" Remus asked and it was like id been given a drunkness potion "nothing" he sat on me.

"Fine! Ill speak!" i said when i was starting to turn purple. "Fine" i said and sat up "when i was in the united States i errr i got married" i said looking down and theyre eyes widened "you?" Sirius said "Married?" Remus said shocked. "Yes! Anyway i was married and he seemed like a really nice and kind guy we got married when i was 30 he was a few years older anyway we were married for 6 years but since a year and a half ago well he he changed" i said "and err he started to umm hit me" i said. "And thats why i came back he beat me more than usual and it was extremely painful and i finally had enough so i dumped him with the cops and came back home" i said "im so sorry" Remus said and i shrugged "with him i always acted like someone i wasnt".

At one point in the night Sirius fell asleep and me and Remus kept drinking. "Minnie" he said out of the blue his voice slurred "what?" i asked lazily "Come here" he said and i crawle over to his spot on the floor "what?" i asked and suddenly he captured my lips with his kissin me roughly andi moaned into the kiss. I dug my fingers into his thick hair and he wrapped his arms around my waist and we kept on making out "ive wanted you for so long" he whispered thickly into my ear and wrapped my legs around his waist as he stood up and we kept making out as he walked up the stairs. We ended up in a deserted room but when we were crossing the doorway i stuck my arms out so that they stuck to the doorway "we cant do this" i said and he sucked on my neck "weve been friends forever" i said "exactly weve been friends forever" he said and let me go onto the bed then he got on top of me and we kept making out on the bed.


"Exactly weve been friends forever" i said thickly and then i dropped her onto the bed and crawled ontop of her kissing down her neck and running my hands over her curves that had developed since wed last seen each other. She moaned at my kisses and wrapped her amrs around my neck pulling me down to kiss her lips again and it was my turn to moan. America had done her well with the kissing part i mean. A few weeks before shed left wed shared a kiss it was a complete accident but still it had been great!. She managed to unbutton my shirt then i threw it off and pulled the top of her dress off and rejoiced in the fact that she wasnt wearing a bra. Her breasts werent large by any means they were a bit smaller than average but still they were something to grab and that i did. I placed small kisses to all of her scars and ran my hadns along the smooth skin that was her stomach. Her scars were no longer the poking out lumps that they used to be no now they were glazed over though they still protruded since some of them were white and others were purplish and her skin was that lovely brown that i loved so much. I kissed down her stomach until i got to her shorts there i pulled the annoying garment off with my teeth and continued to kiss her mouth. She shoved me away and pinned me down onto the bed and pulled off my Pants ever the gentle one. We kept kissing for a while then she crawled ontop of my lap and hissed thickly into my ear "i need you Remus" and that was all i needed...

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