Chapter 6

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"How the heck did the Ball get to be a Week away?!" i asked extremly loudly when id checked my school schedule to see waht i would be getting for the new Term. "I have no idea Oi! you yeah you!"Sirius said (A/N:Seriously when i wrote his name i almost wrote Serious!) calling to a really pretty Ravenclaw who had black hair with red highlights pulled back into a high ponytail with grey eyes. "Wanna go to the ball with me?" he asked and she nodded then squealed to her friend loudly.

"Next time you do that do it alone" i covered my ears as she and her friends started to squeal and shriek and all that girly crap. "Hey James want me to ask Lily out for you? I have very convincing ways!" i said happily to James who was staring at Lily Dreamily. "Huh?" he asked "alrighty then" i said and went over to Lily and ehr friends "Hey Lils wanna play a game?" i asked. "Err sure" she said, while we werent friends only taling buddies we were still civil. "Alright all of you give me your wands" i said to her friends, they looked skeptical "Come one its a game! What could go wrong! Im not Sirius!" i said and smiled and they finally handed their wands over. "Alright so Lily wanna go to the dance with James?" i asked her "no way!" she said and i shrugged then i managed to get her on the ground and sat on her backsquishing her onto the ground (thank god we were at Hogsmeade and in the Three Broomsticks in a secluded corner). "Im not getting oiff til you go with James" i said when she tried to make me get off.


"FINE ILL GO WITH JAMES TO THE BALL!!!" she yelled once id started to stick my tail bone into her back "yay! Meet him at the Common Room the day of the ball" i said happily and got off her. "But" she said and got up "if im going with James then" she grabbed my arm "Your going to wear a dress and heels and your going to actually look like a girl!" she said and started to pull me out of the Pub. "Its 1:30 we should have enough time" she said "No! I havent worn a dress since i was 8!" i said and tried to dig my feet into the floor but her friends grabbed me like quite literally they grabbed my arms and legs carrying me out "JAMES SIRIUS YOU GUYS ARE TERRIBLE FRIENDS REMUS!!!" i yelled as i tried to claw away from the girls "sorry no can do" Sirius laughed "TRAITOR AFTER ALL THE CHICKS I HELPED YOU SCORE!! AND YOU AFTER WHAT I DID FOR YOU! 7 YEARS OF BEING FRIENDS MEANS NOTHING?!" i yelled as i got dragged out of the Pub and out into the street. i stoppd protesting because really it was a lost cause it was 4 against 1 i had no chance.

"There was that so hard?" Lily asked as she sat me down at the Dress shop. "Fine!" i huffed and sat peacefully as she and ehr friends looked for many dresses until finally they had enough for each of us to have about a dozen to try on. "I am not wearing pink!" i said as she approached me witht eh dresses "Fine!' she said and threw back 4 of them "No Ruffles!" i said and she put back another 5 "There you now have 3 to try on" she said and laid 3 dresses infront of me. "Lily" i said and pulled her to the side "Lils i cant wear any of these" i said "oh come on i mean sure there a little low cut but" she said "no Lily i cant wear them remember?" i asked her and gestured to my chest "oh right but im srue i can find i spell to hide it" she said "actually i did find one a while ago its a bit hard but im sure i can do it" she said "if your sure" i said and she nodded.

I put on one of the dresses

"ooh that looks good on you!" Lily said when i came out "yeah just get me a razor to cut my veins" i said Sarcastically "good point" one of her friends Martie said. Next Dress:

"NO" i said when i looked in the mirror.

NExt Dress: "Definetly not" i said then went back into the changing room and got into my jeans and baggy t-shirt.

The rest of the girls kept looking for their dresses coming in and out in and out of hte changing rooms making me uber bored. After a while i staretd to look trhough the dresses too "Hey Lils!" i called her over to were i was "look at this dress" i handed her a red dress "what about it?" she asked "you should totally wear it! Itd so go with your hair jsut you know tan your skin a little" i said. "No its jsut so" "awesome?" "well tight and revealing i dont want James to..." she said "wanna jump your bones? He wants to do that even if youd wear a Potato sack" i told her and she laughed a little. "Well" she said "come on i know that you like him" i said "no i dont!" "yeah you do" i told her flatly and she rolled her eyes "how can you know these things if your barely even a girl?" she asked and i laughed "i just do i mean hes my best friend" i said and smiled then shoved her into the dressing room.

"Martiland!" i called to the tall brunnette "yeah?" she asked "here try this on" i said and shoved a pinkish dress into her arms and then into teh dressing room

"And now Kimberly" i said and looked through the dresses again then called to the blonde i handed her a blueish dress

"Ashley!" i gave her a blue dress too

Just like in those movies the 4 of them came out at the same time. Marti was tall and had wavy dark brown hair so her legs really looked great being shown off with that dress, Lily had grown over the years so she really filled out the dress and it fit her curves perfectly, Ashley's dress looked great against her white skin (not pale) and shed had the sense to put up her Metamorphogus hair up and turned it blonde. Kimberly's dress looked great as she too was blonde and had long fine legs.

"You have a gift" Kim said when she looked in the mirror and i laughed. My attention was taken over though by a pretty dark blue dress.

"That is so you" Lily said and went over to grab it.

When i came out of the Dressing room all the girls gasped "You look gorgeous!" Lily said and smiled...

A female Sirius Black? CrapollaWhere stories live. Discover now