Chapter 14

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I woke up and found myself in a pair of arms not jsut any arms though a pair of 'mans arms a pair of slightly scarred mens arms and i knew only 1 person like that. Remus Lupin. I turned my head and sure enough was met by his sleeping face crap crap CRAP! i thought "sh it balls" i whispered under my breathe and jumped out of the bed. I grabbed my shorts off the floor and put htem on quickly i grabbed my top from were it had hung on the bed frame and put tha on too "sh it" i whispered when i saw my panties on the small chandeliar that hung on the ceiling. I muttered a quick accio then stuffed it into a pocket and ran out of the room and into my own. "Sh it Sh it Sh it" i said over and over again "what did i do?" i thought aloud.

I sniffled then took my clothes off and wrapped a towel around my body then i tip toes out of my room and to teh bathroom. I took a long long long shower then when the hot water had run out i wrapped a towel around my body and another around my hair. Just as i came out of the Bathroom i was bombarded by two red heads "ah just teh freakishly strong girl we wanted to see!" Fred said "Nice eye" i said since it was now healed "wha? Oh yeah" he said "anyways how many other freakishly strong girls do you know?" i asked as i walked to my room "Ginny" they answered at the same time. "Anyways we were wondering" Fred said "if we could get your more experienced opinion on something?" George finished "sure bud" i said "let me change first though" i said and went into my room. I put on an old worn down Red Sweatshirt which happened to have once belonged to James (i owned an old Sweatshirt of James Sirius and Remus') and a pair of worn down jeans and ugh boots and came back out. "Well thats a change" Fred said "what?" i asked "yesterday you were in heels and a dress and now this" George said "you really think a girl who always wears a dress and heels couldve knocked a 6 foot yadda yadda slightly chubby Beater?" i asked "i jsut wanted to make an appearance, Dress scarless chest tight dress my new knockers/ arse heels makes me look taller" i said. "Now what did you two wanna show me?" i asked "oh yeah" they said at the same time and led me to their room "shut the door Mum hates this" Fred said "o kay" i said and shut the door then the twins took out a heavy looking box and then dumped a bunch of wands and sweets onto the bed "and?" i asked. "Theyre for pranks weve been developing them for a few years" George said "alright show me what ya got" i said and flopped onto the bed that wasnt occupied by prank stuff. "Alright" George said and he started to show all the stuff that they had made "nice very nice its much better than what we had to work with when we were your age thats for sure" i smiled "Hey now i know were i recognized you from!" George suddenly said and yanked a magazine out of a drawer and showed it to us it was jsut a Quidditch Magazine few (id posed not so nice pics when i was 23 for a magazine (i was drunk!)). "You were featured in it" he said and showed me the magazine i was on the cover and was all dirty and stuff from just playing a game of Quidditch in one hand i held my bat and the other i had my broom "Oh oh heh heh yeah" i said and smiled nervously and opened the magazine. There was a whole 3 pages on me since i was a pretty awesome Beater "Woah this is awesome" i said as i skimmed the stuff "pretty good info they got on me considering i never spoke to them" i said and smirked. "They have a lot of information about my childhood car accident when i was a kid, Grand dad he was not a crazed artist!, Parents true she was beautiful they got nothin on school though thankfully" i muttered "Trash mags" i growled and threw it across the room and it hit the wall throwing pages everywhere. "Stupid Magazines" i muttered and stormed out of the room immediatly knocking into who should it be but Remus "oh err hey R-remus" i said and blushed madly "hey" he said brightly "i should" i pointed down the hall and walked fastly away from him leaving him looking stunned and surprised. Truth was i felt bad for sleeping with him since he was my best friend and i was pretty sure he saw me as no more than a little sister a little sister who he has now shagged. I sneaked down the back way to the kitchen which was extremely long but easier than facing him on the stairs. As soon as i got to the Kitchen i grabbed the phone that for some reason was there and sneaked into the Closet i buried myself beneath a bunch of coats and dialed my Best Friend Chiara's number. "Hello?" she asked "Chiara dude its Minnie" i said "Finally! Youve been gone for a full 2 days and havent called! You are in trouble missy! Chris and Topher were freaking out that you mightve been abducted or something!" she said "that would be more likely to happen in the United States in L.A were we live! Its London not exactly R^ape central" i laughed. "Anyway though i did something bad something teribbly bad" i said and started to cry as i told her what had hapened.

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