Chapter 3: Black Eye

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Chapter 3:

"So what do you have planned for this girl?" I asked Avery as we slid into a booth at the back of the bar.

"Patience grasshopper." She replied with a grin. "You just gotta sit here and look pretty and be ready to run like hell if I tell you."

"Seems to me like I'm a useless piece in your plan." I pointed out.

"True, you're one more thing I have to worry about but that's okay 'cause I needed a friend." She said, suddenly turning as something caught her eye. "I'll be right back!" She said before jumping up and running off.

I sighed, leaning my elbows on the table and waited. 'Great.. Why am I here?'

"Can I get you anything to drink?" A polite male voice asked. I looked up from my lap vaguely finding the voice familiar and found Sam, my ex, staring back at me wearing one of the bar's shirts.

"You're a waiter?" I asked in surprise.

"Uhh yeah.." He answered, nervously shifting his weight.

"I thought recovering alcoholics shouldn't be around booze." I pointed out.

"I'm not an alcoholic, I just enjoyed a few to many drinks every now and then." He said defensively, this made me laugh, I couldn't believe this.

"If I do recall correctly you're only like 19, you shouldn't even be in a bar." He pointed out back.

"I'll be 20 in like a month." I said.

"Still too young." He said smirking.

"Whatever, what do you want?" I snapped.

"No, the question is what do YOU want." He said.

"Oh yeah, you're a waiter... Coke please." I said as he flipped his little book open. "Seriously? You need to write down a coke for one?" I teased.

"Shut up, it's part of your check." He said rolling his eyes and walking off.

Great, my friend just left me to go exact some terrible revenge that I don't even know what's gonna happen and my ex is my waiter, can this get any better?

I watched the crowd rock out to some small band from the area and tapped my foot up and down nervously awaiting Avery to return so we could leave.

"Where are you? You said you'd be home in a couple hours!" An angry text from Angel buzzed my phone.

"it's been 30 minutes..." I replied.

"I need you home for something!" She replied instantly.

"Sorry, helping Avery with something right now, be home later." I replied then shut off my phone.

"Coke for one." Sam announced as he set my drink down.

"Thanks." I replied with a sigh. "Wanna sit?" I asked. He may be my ex but we could still have a few good conversations every now and then.

"Sure, I'll take an early break." He said and slid in across from me. "Why are you here alone?"

"I'm with my friend but she ran off for some revenge mission, I'm just waiting for her now so we can leave." He nodded and thought for a second.

"Revenge mission?" He finally asked.

"I don't even know.." I sighed. "How have you been?"

"Busy." He sighed in return. "Haley is still Haley."

"Are you guys together now?" I asked curiously. "She can't keep friends for as long as you've been worrying about her."

"Yes and no." He said looking at his hands, "when I fulfill her needs yes, but as soon as she gets bored I find her making out with someone else."

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