Chapter 29: Home and Well

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Chapter 29:

"He had some internal bleeding, lacerations and imbedded debris but he's out of surgery now and with a few weeks of rest, he should be just fine." The doctor explained to us. We had all gathered at the hospital after learning that Alan had been in a car accident and had to wait a few anguishing hours to hear any news. Angel held herself up between Austin and I for support and even though the news was good, she was still a wreak, no surprise, and actually had the hospital staff worried about her.

"What about touring? We're in a band and we were set to leave within a couple days, it's kinda our jobs." Phil explained.

"He'll be okay as long as he takes it easy. He should be in a chair or on a stool while on stage and during off days he should stay on the bus. There should also be someone with him to keep an eye on him at all times." Explained the doctor. As he spoke a tired looking nurse made her way over and asked for Angel, apparently Alan had been asking for her and wasn't going to rest quietly until he saw her.

She gave a faint smile, "yep, that sounds like my Ashby Cat." She chuckled quietly and began following the nurse down the hall.

"Can we go see him too?" Austin asked the doctor.

"Yes but only two at a time." He said, we all nodded. "Thank you."

After giving Angel a few minutes to be alone, Austin and I walked down the hall too, retracing the nurse's steps to Alan's room.

"Hey buddy." Austin said as he walked in. I stayed out in the hall and just watched, following the doctor's two only rule.

Angel was sat on the edge of his bed, looking much more relieved now that she could see the state he was in and realized he wasn't too bad.

They all chatted quietly for a few minutes before a nurse came in and started administering medicine that made him begin to drift. Angel smoothed his hair out of his face one final time and leaned over to peck his lips but he grabbed her chin in his hand and kissed her like he'd never see her again. After a few moments she pulled away and looked down into his swollen eyes lovingly, offering him a small smile as she said goodbye.

Austin said goodbye and joined me back outside where we walked back to the waiting room and left them alone for another moment.

Angel soon joined us again but this time with a little more spring in her step. Aaron rushed forward and pulled her into a hug, she smiled and embraced him back, then pulled away and filled in the picture for everyone who hadn't gotten to see him.

"He's speaking, but he goes in and out. There's a lot of morphine in him right now."

"Well at least he's alive." Phil said optimistically with a smile.

"Thank god for that, I'm not ready to bury anyone else anytime soon." Tino said, suddenly taking a guilty glance at me but I wasn't bothered that easily anymore.

"I'm gonna stay with Aaron so I'll be close incase anything does come up." I announced, "are you guys okay with that?" Angel asked, directing the question more to Austin.

"Sure, but if anything comes up, you'll call us right away?" He asked. Angel nodded tiredly and we both got the memo that it was time everyone went home, it had been a long and emotionally exhausting day for all. We gave her a tight hug and I gave a quick group hug to Tino, Aaron, and Phil then Austin and I said our goodbyes and headed back out to his car.

We both slid into our seats and locked that doors but at first didn't go anywhere. Austin gripped the steering wheel tightly and stared straight forward out the windshield as he blew out a long and exhausted breath.

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