Chapter 31: Names

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Chapter 31

Austin's POV

"I gotta go meet Angel again. I love you." Evan said, smiling at me over FaceTime.

"I love you too, be safe, take care of yourself and I'll be home Sunday." I replied, smiling back. She nodded,

"Okay." And we both hit end on the call and I leaned back into the couch, looking up at the ceiling with a permanent smile. I've always pictured being at this point in my life but never thought I'd get here. I had a perfect and beautiful wife and now a daughter on the way and I couldn't be happier about it, this was the most I've smiled in a while. Releasing a long breath of disbelief at where I had ended up, I stood up again and opened the back door of the lounge with a smile still planted on my face.

"We're going to be uncles!" Tino, Phil, and Aaron cheered as they all jumped up from the couch next to Alan and highfived each other.

"You all sound pretty happy." I smiled.

"Angel is having a boy!" Alan yelled as he ended his call too.

"That's awesome buddy!" I yelled. He jumped up from the couch and we pulled each other into an excited hug.

"What's Evan having?" He asked.

"I could tell... Or I could keep it a secret." I said grinning.

"Aww come on dude!" They yelled at me. I chuckled,

"I'll tell you all later, right now we gotta get to sound check."


Evan's POV / two days later

"It felt good to finally sleep." I yawned but smiled, feeling a little rested as I plopped myself into a chair in Angel's kitchen.

"Good, you need it, you've barely slept in months." Angel said, sipping her coffee and reading the magazine in front of her.

"Your place looks great." I commented, taking in all the newly dusted and shined surfaces of her home. "I don't know why you went to so much trouble though, it's only the boys coming home, they don't care."

"I like to try and make my home look a little nice even if the boys are just gonna come home and wreck it." She chuckled, "I can't wait, I've missed them, I hope they get home soon."

"Yeah, me too, but until then, we gotta get our shop on!" I yelled smiling. "We get the joy of buying tons of complicated and hard to build baby stuff then watch them try to build it when they get home." I chuckled.

"That'll be a train wreck, but at least an interesting one." Angel laughed too as she set her coffee cup in the sink.

"If they can figure out how to build drum kits, I'm sure a crib isn't too much harder." I said, fishing my keys out of my purse and walking to the parking lot with her. She slid into the passenger side seat and I into the drivers and we were off to the mall.

"Hey Anna!" I greeted her as we walked through the food court.

"Hey ladies, looking good." She greeted with a chuckle. "Can I get you all anything?"

"Surprise me." I grinned and she nodded, running into the back and bringing me out a mystery bag of something. "You just gave me everything left over from yesterday didn't you?" I joked as she set it down on the counter.

"Would I ever do that you?" She asked looking hurt.

"Of course not, you're amazing." I smiled.

"Anything for you?" She asked Angel. Angel looked conflicted,

"I shouldn't..." She said, but stared longingly at the pastry case and bit her lip.

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