***in the media header I put pictures of two little kids who we imagine Aiden and Estelle to look like. These are just images I found on google, idk who they are.***
Christmas part 2:
"Wow this is nice to have no screaming kids for once." I sighed happily, sinking into bed next to Austin.
Don't get me wrong, I love Estelle and Aiden to bits but these last two weeks have really warn me out. Angel and Alan agreed to take them for the night and give us a break.
"Yeah I know what you mean." He chuckled. Between the kids and band stuff lately he's been really warn out. He was already dressed for bed and laying down with an arm thrown up over his face. "Sorry about the tree again." He said, softly, turning his head and peering out at me from under his arm.
"It's alright, I'm just still learning not to sweat the little things. During the holidays everything stresses me out." I sighed. "It's our first real tree so we're still learning, it'll be better next year."
"I love you." He smiled, rolling on his side to face me and kissing my cheek.
"I love you too." I smiled and kissed him back. "And I'm glad to finally have some alone time." I smiled again, curling up next to him with my head on his chest.
"You said earlier you needed to talk to me about something, what is it?" He asked softly, petting my hair as we both stared up at the roof.
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that.." I sighed, taking a moment of silence to collect my thoughts. "Well.. Um.. I hope Estelle doesn't tired you out too much.." I said. He instantly jerked up and propped himself up on his elbow so he could look down at me, I think he knew where I was going with this.
"No, why?" He asked quickly. "Are you..?" I bit my lip as a smile started peaking through,
"Yes." I announced grinning. He looked shocked and opened his mouth to say something but then shut it again then opened it, unsure what to say.
"Oh, o-oh my god that's great." He finally got out. "I'm so tired but so excited at the same time!" He said, making me laugh. "Oh my god, we're gonna have another one!" He smiled.
"Maybe you'll finally get your boy." I smiled. He instantly laid his head on my still flat stomach like he could already feel it.
"I can't wait for you." He murmured, turning and kissing my belly.
"You're so corny with the belly thing." I laughed at him.
"I can't help it." He laughed, "I'm happy." He said, whispering the last part with a huge smile on his face.
"How do you think Estelle is gonna take it?" I murmured, petting his hair and he stayed laying around my stomach.
"Oh she's gonna hate this." He laughed, "but she's gotta learn to share at some point."
"It would probably be easier if she heard 'no' every once in a while too." I pointed out.
"Point taken." He chuckled. "She has me wrapped around her finger and she knows it." He sighed.
"Well, with two kids now we can't really afford to let them walk all over us, we gotta be a little more strict and a united front. Meaning we talk before making decisions." I said very firmly, clearing up my point. He nodded,
"I know. I promise I'll try and be better. The Christmas tree will be my last soft spot."
"Well don't go making any promises you can't keep." I giggled, "I bet you'll have at least a few more." He propped himself up on his arms again and grinned down at me, softly lowering himself against me so our lips could meet and he hovered there for a few seconds before pulling back up.
"You know me so well." He chuckled. This time he rested next to me and laid his head on my shoulder so I could continue to play with his hair and we laid like this in silence for a few peaceful minutes before a thought crossed my mind.
"If Angel gets pregnant again at the same time as me I swear to god.." I muttered, making him laugh the hardest he had all night long.
"Mommy, Daddy, time to get up!!" A little voice woke us up by screaming the next morning. "GET UP." Now she was jumping on the end of the bed. Austin groaned almost as if in pain, rolled over and looked at the clock.
"Estelle no, it's only 6am." He muttered.
"But we have more decorations to put up before tomorrow." She pouted.
"Well, you're gonna have to wait." He said, pinching the bridge of his nose with his eyes squeezed shut. I acted like I was still asleep and let him deal with her.
"Estelle come here." An grumpy, tired Angel huffed as she came drudging into our room and lifted her into her arms.
"But no." Angel said, putting her foot down instantly. "Estelle don't you ever run out of our apartment like that without an adult's permission, you could get hurt, do you hear me?" Her voice showed she had zero shits to give for a whiny three year old anytime before 8 am. "Sorry guys, I'll take her back over to our place." She sighed.
"It's okay, let her stay. I don't want her to run out again." I sighed, sitting up and taking her out of Angel's arms.
"You sure?" Angel asked skeptically. I nodded. "Alright, I'm gonna go back to bed. See you all in a couple hours." She said, turning and walking out.
I put Estelle between us and she laid down quietly after her scolding from Angel. The three of us laid there for a while before Austin's curiosity got the best of him.
"How..how did you get out of their apartment? You can't reach the dead bolt." He asked.
"Aiden helped me." She said simply, as if talking about the weather.
"What did Aiden do?" I asked, my curiosity suddenly peaked too.
"I can't reveal his ways. I took and oath." She said very simply again, adding a little shoulder shrug. Austin and I looked across at each other with confused expressions.
"Oh. Okay..." He said, turning back over and staring at the roof. I did that same but after a moment I looked at her again.
"What does this oath cover exactly?" I asked.
"I cover his back, he covers mine. A complete confidentiy agreement." She said naturally.
"You mean confidentiality?" Austin asked.
"yeah, that thing. That's a long word." She sighed in depression. "I don't like long words."
"You're gonna hate school then." I chuckled.
"No. School is a pretty short word." She said, making us both crack up. After our laughing fix Austin cleared his throat and spoke again.
"But you do know that if it's a matter of safety you should tell us about what's going on right?" He asked.
"Yeah but I'm not dumb." She snorted. "I came right next door to here. I didn't try to run in the road or anything."
"yeah but what if someone tried to kidnap you while you were trying to get in our door?" He asked.
"Bite him and scream like hell." She said like she was repeating it from somewhere.
"Who told you that?"
"Aiden and I were watching TV and we saw a girl on the news say that." She said.
"One: I never wanna catch you saying 'hell' again. That word shouldn't be in your vocabulary yet." Austin said.
"And two: you should fight in that scenario yes, but the point here is to not put yourself in those kinds of situations when you don't have too." I finished.
"Okay." She sighed. We fell silent again. "I'm gonna go to my room now." She said. Then pushed herself up and clambered over me and out the door. As soon as she was gone I looked over at Austin.
"I think our kids are either super geniuses or watch too much TV." I stated.
"I'm gonna go with the latter option." He chuckled. "And also, I'm gonna get up and make sure she actually went to her room." He said, throwing the blanket off of him, standing up and going out.
I had expected him to come back quickly but then 15 minutes past and I started to get worried about them. At this point I threw the blankets off myself too and padded down the hall to Estelle's room. A crack of light spilled across the floor from her room and as I got to the doorway I looked in to see her laying in her big pink princess bed with Austin sitting in a chair next to her. The blankets were neatly tucked in around her and her eyes were beginning to look droopy as she curled up with her pillow and Tinker Bell plushy and started to fall asleep. Next to her, Austin turned the page in Cinderella, the book in which he was reading to her from. I smiled looking in on the adorable scene and couldn't help snapping a picture on my phone. A few minutes later the story came to an end and she was fast asleep. He turned to get up and finally noticed me in the doorway, jumping with surprise.
"Oh, I didn't see you there." He whispered.
"You've been gone 20 minutes, was I suppose to not worry and come looking?" I chuckled. He walked to the doorway and I threw my arms around him and kissed his cheek. "That was really sweet. I'm glad I did come look for you." I smiled.
"I can't wait until tonight. It's Christmas Eve and I get to read her The Night Before Christmas." He said, smiling with excitement. He always tried so hard to make the holidays perfect for her and always wanted her to feel the magic of Christmas.
"I'm sure she'll love it." I chuckled, taking his hand and leading him back to our room. It was about 6:30am now and most people would just stay up but Austin and I weren't morning people at all. Unless we had to wake up early for work, we generally wouldn't be up and moving around until 9 or 10 at least. Estelle on the other hand, reminded me of my mother and was up and at it bright and early every morning, her energy was ever lasting.
"You're really bad at that." Estelle said, scrunching up her nose at Aiden who was sitting by the tree tapping on the floor with a pair of drum sticks Tino had left behind here.
Alan and Austin had left to go do an in store signing for a couple hours with the other guys so Estelle and I were chilling out at Angel's. The kids were laying lazily around the Christmas tree in the living room playing with the ornaments and their toys and bickering as always while Angel and I were in the kitchen making dinner.
"I'm not a profession drummer." He huffed,
"Professional." She corrected.
"Whatever. You try it then." He grumbled, rolling the sticks to her across the floor. She picked them up and did a couple odd taps but then fell into a nice, neat rhythm to Aiden's dismay.
"I think you might have a drummer in the family." Angel chuckled as we both peered around the corner at them.
"She's doing the beat of I'll make a man out of you from Mulan, of course she knows that by heart." I chuckled.
"Oh my gosh, I hear it now!" Angel chuckled too. "She's good." She remarked, turning back to the pasta on the stove. Her house specialty seemed to be baked or fried chicken with a side of pasta so that's what we were having of course. As far as Christmas dinner, we just ordered pre-made stuff you just put in the oven from a restaurant. We're okay at cooking but not 'amazing Christmas dinner' good yet and Alan's parents were coming in from out of town tomorrow so Angel wanted to do something nicer than chicken with pasta.
"I hope the boys will be home soon, dinner is almost ready." Angel sighed.
"I'm sure they will be. You okay?" I asked, worried by how much sighing everyone has been doing lately.
"Yeah, I'm just tired and stressed. There's really nothing I should be stressed about, everything for tomorrow is done and ready but I still am."
"I get that. Austin seems to be the same way. It hasn't really hit me yet that tomorrow is Christmas. It just feels like any other day to me so I guess that's why I'm not worrying about it all yet." I said.
"I wish I could say the same." She chuckled.
Estelle's POV:
"teach me how to do that?" Aiden asked and nodded to the drummy sticks.
"I can't teach you how to feel rhythm." I chuckled, throwing my brown curls backwards. "You should think of a song and just try to tap the beat of that." I said, handing him back one of the sticks.
"I don't know what song to do." He sighed. I thought for a second, trying to come up with something simple that he would know to. Then I got it!
'Tap, tap, bang. Tap, tap, bang. Tap, tap, bang.'
"Oh I see, you're doing We Will Rock you." He said and jumped in and doing it to. He was slow and still bad at it but getting a little better. "So, what do you think Santa is gonna bring you?" He asked. I laughed and rolled my eyes.
"You know that's not real right?" I asked.
"How would you know?" He asked in a pouty voice.
"Because I just do. The idea is unlikely." I say. He looked at me with conflicted eyes, trying to figure out what to say.
Just then the front door squeaked open and Dad and Uncle Ally walked in. A huge smile stretched over my face seeing that he was finally home.
"Daddy!" I screamed running to him and hugging his legs.
"Hey Estelle-Bell, how's my little princess doing?" He asked, smiling down on me one of my favorite smiles, then he reached down and scooped me into his arms. It made me happy that he liked picking me up so much because he was to tall for me.
"I'm good, I missed you." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and snuggling up to him.
"Sup dad?" Aiden asked, standing up and folding his arms together and nodding to him.
"Sup son?" He asked in reply, smiling at the goof-ball.
"Not much yo. Rock on." He said, nodding again then sticking his fingers up in the rock and roll devil horns and sticking his tongue out. I rolled my eyes, he's so dumb sometimes. Then Uncle Ally crouched down and did the horns back and stuck out his tongue to before chuckling and pulling Aiden into his arms and ruffling his hair. I rolled my eyes again, that's where he gets it from.
"Ugh Aiden you're so weird." I said, looking down at them.
"And you're so stuck up!" He shot back as his dad picked him up. "One day I'm gonna get paid to do that." He said so surely.
"Not with your sense of rhythm." I snorted.
"Okay you two, be nice now." Daddy warned as we walked into the kitchen. He started talking to mom but I got distracted by the pictures on his neck. They were my favorites of all, maybe because I spent so much time next to them, but I always like looking at them and tracing them with my finger. He was ticklish to and it always made me laugh when he flinched.
"Okay dinner is ready everyone, let's eat." Auntie Ang said.
"But I wanna look at the tree more and play." I said, I wasn't really hungry.
"You can do that after you eat." She giggled, coming up to me and bopping me on the nose. At least she didn't pinch my cheek like most adults.
I didn't have much patience for dinner so I just shoveled it all down and rushed back off to play again but instead of playing I decided to just lay under the tree and stare up at the glittering ornaments and lights. Soon I heard the thump of a body laying down next to me and I knew Aiden had finally joined in.
"It's sooo pretty." I sighed happily.
"Umh." He muttered. We were quiet for a few minutes before I heard him suck in breath to talk. "I don't care what you think. Santa is real." He said softly. I was about to open my mouth and protest or laugh but then I realized why? If he wanted to believe why should I say otherwise? We don't always have to agree I guess.
"That's okay." I said softly. "Go ahead, I'm not gonna stop you." He looked over at me in surprised, his eye brows posed up like he didn't believe me.
"You aren't gonna tell me I'm stupid and list all the reasons why?" He asked.
"No. It's Christmas." I smiled, "let's just enjoy it."
"You guys wanna hear a Christmas bedtime story?" Dad asked coming and sitting next to us.
"Yeah!" Aiden said with excitement. I didn't really but I nodded and sat up for Aiden's sake.
"After this it's time for bed okay?" Dad said. Aiden nodded, I sighed, it was the same old story. "'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter." It was cute how into the holiday spirit dad got. He even did crazy voices as he read.
I don't know what it is about his voice when he reads stories but no matter what, I always go from hyper to super tired when I listen to him reading me bedtime stories. As the story started to come to an end my eyes were drooped and I was staring to lean forward as I fell asleep.
"And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team and gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night.""
From next to me I saw Aiden get lifted away and I finally gave into the tiredness and laid down, curling up in dad's lap.
"Good night sweet heart." He murmured, kissing my forehead.
Evan's POV:
Austin finally got to read the kids the Christmas story and both he and Aiden looked happy about it at least. Estelle looked like she was sitting through it for him but by the end of it she had curled up in his lap and fell asleep. It was moments like this that I lived for and loved to see. He way he looked down at her in wonder with so much love in his eyes was quite moving. He whispered something then lifted her up in his arms and kissed her forehead before standing up.
"I'm gonna take her to her bed." He whispered. I nodded and smiled as I watched them walk out. Alan had also gone after picking up Aiden before he fell asleep on his face and was now carrying him back to his room.
"It's so cute how much these kids have changed our tough rock stars." I chuckled, looking over at Angel as we sat down she nodded.
"Yeah, Alan is so changed now. He's a lot more responsible, doesn't stay out much anymore, and his whole live seems to revolved around Aiden." She said, smiling at the thought.
"Are you all thinking of having anymore?" I asked.
"We're not sure yet. I mean we never even planned the first one." She chuckled. "why?"
"Just wondering." I smiled a sly, knowing smile.
"Evan. Is there something you need to tell me?" She asked very seriously.
"Well I really shouldn't until after the first trimester 'cause you know how that goes but I couldn't help it." I said, biting my lip to try and hold in my smile.
"Does Austin know?" She asked in shock, like it had just finally hit her.
"Yes, of course." I chuckled, "he's excited."
"That's good, I'm happy for you all." She smiled. "I would be more excited but I literally don't have the energy to anymore."
"Yeah I understand." I chuckled.
"And soon you'll understand by double." She reminded me laughing.
"Yeah but let's not forget the first trimester thing. Anything could still happen." I said.
"It'll go fine just like Estelle, I'm sure of it." She reassured me.
"Okay, little Aiden is off in sleepy land." Alan announced happily, flopping down on the couch.
"Thanks for tucking him in babe." Angel said, leaning over and kissing him. "Ev was just asking if we had plans for anymore kids." He was silent and thought for a moment.
"I don't know. With Aiden we already have our hands full and I'd hate to have to divide our attention between more. I like being able to just focus on him." He said. As he talked Austin walked in, gently shutting the door and coming to sit next to me.
"Me too, but I'm still open to it." Angel said.
"What are you all talking about?" Austin asked curiously.
"More kids." Angel answered, smiling at me.
"Oh did you tell them?" He asked in excitement.
"Tell us what?" Alan asked.
"Angel knows, Alan just joined us." I replied.
"What did I miss!?" Alan yelled now.
"I'm kinda tired now, wanna go to bed?" I turned and asked Austin, smiling evilly.
"I don't wanna be left out!" He whined.
"Oh Evan is pregnant again okay?" Angel laughed.
"Why do you say it like that?" I asked, acting worried.
"I don't know, I feel like going to bed now." He said smirking.
"Whatever, good night you guys." I said, jumping up like I was angry.
"Oh Evan, you know I didn't mean it in a bad way." He said, afraid I was offended.
"I know." I said, letting my set, angry expression soften into a smirk and I laughed. "But seriously, I'm headed back to our place, I hate leaving Estelle alone in there."
"Okay, good night." They said, both coming over and hugging us.
"Congratulations." Angel whispered in my ear before pulling away then smiled at me. 'Thanks' I mouthed.
"Good night. Merry Christmas. See you all tomorrow!" I called as we walked out the door.
"IT'S CHRISTMASSSSSS!!!" A shrill voice screamed, cutting through the air and waking us up early the next morning. Just like before, Estelle came rushing into our room and started jumping on the end of our bed. I didn't feel like moving and I looked over and saw Austin acting like he was sleeping. After about a minute she went quiet and started crawling up the bed to see what the matter was and all of a sudden Austin sprung out of his fake sleep and grabbed her making her scream and he tackled her into the bed between us and startled tickling her. If I wasn't awake before I definitely was now because now she was screaming and kicking and giggling practically right on top of me.
"okay guys that's enough." I groaned.
"Sorry." They both said in unison.
"But come on, we've got presents to open!" She screamed, jumping up and bounding out of our room. I just moaned again, I wasn't ready to be awake yet.
"You stay in bed, I'll go make breakfast and hold her off for a little longer." He chuckled and kissed my forehead.
"Thanks babe." I murmured, my eyes still shut from exhaustion. It was only 5:39am and I intended to stay in bed as long as possible. Merry Christmas to me.
"Evan, come on wake up baby." I heard a voice softly say. A pair of lips pressed to my forehead and a thumb gently traced the line of my cheek bone back and forth. I smiled and leaned my cheek further into the hand cupping it and slowly opened my eyes to see Austin smiling down at me. It was now light outside our bedroom windows and the room was lit up in a heavenly glow. "Good morning beautiful." He whispered, lowering his lips to mine. When he pulled away he spoke again, "I held her off for a couple hours but I let her go ahead and open a present to keep her happy. I let her open the doll because I knew it would keep her busy. Also Angel and Alan are up too, they already let Aiden open most of his stuff and they brought the rest open so he could do some with Estelle."
"Okay." I mumbled, still a little sleepy. He took my hand in his and laced our figures together, gently helping me up and out of bed. "Thank you." I smiled when I was on my feet, going up on my tip toes to kiss him. "I love you." I said.
"I love you too." He replied, pecking me one last time before pulling away and leading me out to the living room.
"Good morning." Angel said sweetly but her tone was quiet showing she was tired.
"''Morning." I replied, looking towards the Christmas tree to find Alan and the Kids sitting around it staring longingly at the presents. "Sorry to keep you all waiting, go ahead and start opening." I said with a yawn. It was like letting wolves descend as all three of them instantly leapt for the package they had been eyeing. Angel chuckled at them from the couch as I poured myself coffee and Austin loaded a plate with pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs for me. We both joined Angel on the couch and watched as I munched slowly on my breakfast.
"Hey Estelle, why don't you and Aiden hand out the gifts to everyone?" Austin said. She looked back and forth between him and her half opened box but then decided to do the right thing and look for one's with everyone else's names.
"This ones for you from dad mommy." Estelle said, running over to me and handing me a small box.
"Aww thanks sweetie, that's very nice of you." I said, kissing her on the head and letting her run off back to the tree. She then came back with ones for Austin and Angel and Austin had to take his arm out from behind my shoulder to open it. Meanwhile I had mine open and had a small jewelry box in my hand. I flipped it open and gasped at a beautiful angel wing pendent necklace with diamonds set in along the wing line.
"Oh Austin, it's beautiful." I said
"Glad you like it." He smiled, leaning into my neck and kissing it, making me shiver. "I remember a time a couple years back after we first met when we were walking around downtown shopping you were looking at that through a window. I saw it the other day again and thought it would be a nice blast from the past for you."
"Oh my gosh, I can't believe you remembered that." I said in disbelief. "It's lovely, thank you so much." I smiled, leaning in and kissing him but it wasn't just like a light love peck it was the kind of crazy love kiss that started making Angel, who was still sat right next to us, uncomfortable.
"I swear to god if I see any tongue I'm out." She said making us both laugh and pull away.
Meanwhile Estelle had been given a task and she was determined to fulfill it as quickly as possible and a pile of presents had started growing in both mine and Austin's laps. I hadn't even noticed until I looked down and had a blanket of boxes across me. She ran quickly back in forth from the tree to each person, picking up a few random gifts, reading the tag, and delivering it to the pile she had started next to each person. Aiden was going to help but I think he got the impression that she was on a mission and not to be disturbed so he just watched her run back and forth and said thank you every time she stopped to drop one with him. After a few minutes everything was out and she went back and happily plopped herself in the pile she'd made of gifts with her name.
As the kids opened their stuff you'd occasionally hear a cry of happiness or amazed noise. Once Alan was done he sat in the arm chair and Angel joined him, sitting on his lap and holding his chin up to look at her. They chatted quietly and laughed and kissed and it was a cute sight.
Aiden got a small Lego kit that he had to put the pieces together of and Estelle was just as enamored with it as he was so she sat cross-legged next to him helping assemble it. They worked together really well and it didn't take long before the tower was in place.
Soon Tino, Aaron, and Phil showed up with their girls too and the house was alive with noise and happiness. Aiden got Tino's drum sticks back out and had him helping him learn how to keep a beat on the floor and Estelle was with Aaron playing with his and Amanda's dog Daisy. Phil was also with them because he'd also brought Java along. Java and Daisy were such sweet dogs and Estelle loved them so much.
"I love this." I said softly, looking around at our family.
"Me too." Austin said, smiling ear to ear as he looked around. His hand then slid around to my stomach. "Here's to the family getting a little bigger and better in the new year, and for the health and happiness of our family now."
"I'll toast to that." I chuckled as I grabbed our drinks off the table and we clinked them together and drank. I was silent for a moment before looking back up at him. For a moment he didn't notice but then looked down and smiled at me.
"What?" he asked softly.
"Thank you.. For everything. I look around at what my life was before you and I was a pool of misery. While there were many rough spots along the way, I've never been happier in my life than I've been with you." I said, softly and honestly, looking up into his eyes. Suddenly there was shrill laughter and we looked down to see Java running through the huge pile of wrapping paper and coming out with a bunch of bows stuck to her. "Aww, what a cutie." I chuckled.
"You're welcome." Austin said in reply to before. I looked back up at him and he continued. "But you've changed my life just as much. Before I never thought I'd ever find the one who was meant for me. I was going from bad relationship to bad relationship and it seemed like there was no end in sight to that trail until we got together. Before you I never thought I'd have the things we have now and now I have the best wife imaginable and a beautiful family." He said. "I wouldn't trade this for the world." I could feel myself getting choked up as he talked and as I thought about it I honestly couldn't believe how much our lives had changed in just a few short years. "I love you so much." He whispered, pecking my lips.
"I love you too, and I wouldn't trade this for the world either."Author's note:
Ta-Da! Part two is officially over and I hope you all are having a very merry Christmas and happy holidays. Yes it was mushy, it was gushy, but when it comes to stuff like this you just gotta go for it, don't be ashamed of the love, come out strong and make it good!
In other news, I think Nikki is starting to write more on her Angel/Alan sequel and she's gonna jump ahead soon so hopefully we'll get more of the cutest little kids in the world. I honestly LOVED writing for the kids; they were great. They're these adorable always changing and developing characters that I could literally do anything with and it was great. I really tapped into my inner little kid for this.
I also got to feel what it was like to write on an active story again and the frustration you get when you're driving and suddenly you think of the best dialogue ever and you caN'T WRITE IT DOWN (#HighwayThoughts). But I survived it and now this is goodbye again. It was fun. It was beautiful. It was corny. And I had a great time so thanks everyone for playing along and I hope you liked your little Christmas present from me! :)(P.S. the shopping trip in which they saw the necklace that Austin refers to is in the first story. It was a nod back to 'My Angel Has Tattooed Wings'. Also in Estelle's POV there were grammatical and spelling errors and they're meant to be there. I stuck to the idea of a little kid writing it so my language got a lot more simplistic from when I'm writing for Evan and there are mistakes because she's a little kid and she doesn't know all that stuff yet so any screw ups there were planned, they're all a part of my syntax and frame of mind for writing like a little kid.)
Thanks again, I love you all! :)

Will You Still Love Me? (MAHTW Sequel)
Hayran KurguSequel to my Austin Carlile fanfic 'My Angel Has Tattooed Wings' go read it first or this won't make sense. Evan has stayed strong while her whole life fell apart around her and came out like a champ through everything that has tested her. She now h...