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Your alarm woke you up. Suddenly life hits you then you realize. You have a job! You took a glance at your clock.


Oh bloody-, you got up quick and hurried to the shower. You put on your uniform and ran to the hospital as quick as you can.

You finally got to the hospital. You ran to Thomas' room and he wasn't there. Oh god. Where is he? After a couple of minutes staring at the plain white walls. Thinking of where he might be. An accent you know startled you. "Y/n.." It's Thomas. You rubbed the back of your neck feeling a bit embarrassed. "Oh hey Thomas, I'm sorry. I woke up late and-" he cut you off. "It's fine. I got worried about you though." with a smile on his face.

He cared. He was worried.

"I'm sorry.Uh.. Where have you been?" "My daily stroll around the place. Ya know. I actually forgot to tell you yesterday cause I had so much fun." A grin on his face. "It's nice to see you smile, Thomas." I smiled back. "Oh please call me Tommy." "Okay Thomas.. I mean Tommy"

We both got inside his room. Silence once again filled the room.

"It's so boring here" he spoke. "It's the walls tommy. They're so plain." You realized that awhile ago staring at it. An idea bursts into your head. "Let's paint them!" You said, making Thomas jump cause of you. "Oops. Sorry didn't mean to-" you got cut off again. "Yea great idea! Lets start tomorrow.." "I'll have to ask permission first tommy"

After hours of talking about this and that... Your stomach growled. You forgot to eat breakfast due to your lateness. You heard a chuckle. "You do realize you have to eat, love?"
He called me love. You snapped back to reality. You saw the clock, it read 12:59. "Yeah time for lunch tommy! Lets go to the canteen." "Okay love"

He called me love, again. It feels so heavenly. But you can't. You can't fall in love with someone who's sick. (Not that it's bad) but you know how it feels to lose someone you truly love. But I think it's already too late for that. You've known him and it melts your heart knowing his tragic past. He needs someone to love him. But afterall does he know how to love? Have he felt it? All you know now is that you fell, you fell in love with him.

Lunch is done so you head back to his room. You got back to having fun and started playing board games. You started telling jokes around to make him laugh. To make him forget his past just for awhile. And it does he seems to have so much fun.

* After dinner. *
It was another day of fun for both of you. You got closer this time. You found yourself a bestfriend. But a little bit of you hurts to know that it might just be that way. You didn't realize it was getting late. You saw the clock and it read 10:55pm. You have to go. You felt sad doing this. Leaving him. It felt horibble.

"Bye tommy" I said frowning.
"Hey don't be sad love. I'll see you again tomorrow." He said with a smile. His smile reassures me everything was okay. "I have a name you know." You replied giggling you felt your cheeks blush. "Yeah. I know. You also have my heart." He mumbled. I acted like I didn't hear but I did. "What?" "Nothing y/n, go home already its late." It felt good hearing him say my name. It felt like an angel just called me."Bye tommy I'll miss you." I mumble and turn around quickly to hide my beet red cheeks. Then I shut the door. This is the worst part of the day for you.

Thomas' pov

I'm so stupid. Did I just say she has my heart? Oh god. Good thing she didn't hear. I felt bad about telling her to leave. I didn't want her to. She said she'll miss me. That sent my heart beat so fast. I can't believe it. And one more thing. I called her love and she was fine with it! It's the best day! I found someone to love. After all this years of lonliness and darkness. I found a friend. I found a light that taught me life isn't so bad after all. Im in love with her. Her (h/c) hair. Her beautiful voice. Her (e/c) eyes. Her pretty face. And ofcourse her. Her beautiful personality. She is the only girl who really cared. The only person who was patient with me. The only one who was actually concerned. I love her. I love y/n.

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