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Sander POV.

Ive been so exhausted the whole day, imagine from us being kidnapped by my dad's goons? And for pushing is too sign that marriage certificate? And now were married? Cant imagine how those two old man minds are. That was so brilliant for them to send us in this situation right now. I lay down on the bed and scan my ring finger. Yeah theres my wedding ring on it. I shook my head. I cant believe i would be married this fast. Knowing i havent known my wife this much. Aside from she is so brat and stubborn. I took a tsk.. knowing her attitude well i should garner all my patience for that girl. being with her would be my everyday stress. Gonna be a tiring stressfuk days nevermind my dad who has been the mastermind of all these. I look into the bathroom door when my "wife" just done taking a bath. Well i admit she has the looks. Just nevermind of her being so stubborn. She is wearing a pink cotton shorts and spaghetti strap white cotton blouse. I shook my head. Hindi ako dapat nagiisip ng ganito.
"What are you looking at?!" she asked me when she caught me staring at her. How can i? Mula pa kanina paglabas niya ng bathroom nandun na siya sa salamin nakaharap aside from putting something white on her face that starting to mold. Well it looks like facemask dont sure tho. Dont know those girls stuffs actually.
"How can i not even stare? When youre almost been there infront of the mirror for an hour now? What are you doing?praying for a miracle that you will get a pointed nose or a fair skin?" I chuckled. Well its not that i want to degrade or judge her more on i just want to pissed her off. She is so cute when shes pissed off tho.haha. she just rolled my eyes.
"Excuse me! Im just doing my night routine Mr. OHHH SO PERFECT! " she said unto me and tumayo na. Lumapit na siya sa kama. Well when i was about to give her space.
"Alis dyan!" My eyes grew wide.
"What?! What did you say?!" I asked her.
"Ang sabi ko alis na dyan. Im tired, i want to sleep already." She said and started to position herself all over the bed.
"Hey hey hey! And where do you think ill sleep??" She pointed the carpeted floor.
"Wth!??you gotta be kidding me brat! Me on the floor?! No way! I stay here!"  Sabi ko and siniksik din ang sarili ko sa kama. We..arms to arms.
"Hey! Ano ba ang sikip kaya! Sun kna lang kasi sa floor! Use the comforter tho!" She told me and push herself on me so could fall on the floor. Well i used all my force to stop her so when she is about to push herself more i pull her under me. So nakaibabaw ako saknya. Her eyes widened.
"Keep on pushing me away on this bed or youll regret it sweetie---*winks" i seductively said and pretend that i was going to kiss her. Then i lay down on the bed. I put three pillows on the middle para wala ng problema. Been so tired exhausted so i dont have more energy to do a debate with this brat. Hindi na din naman siya nakapagcomplain when i stop her. Hahaha ganun lang pala makakapagtahimik sakanya. I turned my back on her and positioned myself to sleep.

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