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Kylas pov~

After I was done with my shower and crying, I put on Anakin clothes that he gave me. Then we headed to senator amidalas apartment.

"Why are we going to senator amidalas?" I asked Anakin walking to the yellow speeder.

"Because master obi wan and I are assigned to protect." He stated.

"But protection from what" I asked getting into the speeder.

"From the assassin your friend was working for." He said looking at me before getting into the speeder. I didn't reply after that. After we took off anakin broke the silence between us.

"Do you know who she was talking about." Anakin said after a while.

"Who? Zam? Oh, I don't know who she was working for or what map she was talking about." I said not looking at him.

"O well we are here." Anakin said pulling up to a nice apartment complex.

"Come on we have to go to senator amidala." Anakin said trying to get me out of the speeder.

"I don't wanna!" I whined.

"Well we are going come on." He said pulling me put of the speeder while I just fell on the ground. "How come every time you get out of a speeder you end up on the ground." Anakin said laughing. I just shrugged my shoulders and stayed on the ground. Anakin picked me up off the ground to where I was on my feet.

"Come on we are going to be late." He said getting serious.

I just nodded and followed him into the elevator. It was awkward silence all the way up. When the elevator opened into a spacious apartment. When we walked in we were greeted by obi won.

"Finally you guys got here i was beginning to think you left me to the politician." Obi-Wan said.

"Sorry master there was a situation we had to take care of." Anakin said looking at me. I just looked the other way and at the ground while my face turned red.

"Oh its quite all right." Obi-Wan said while senator amidala walked into the room.

"Another jedi I think two is enough or one." She said looking at anakin.

"Oh she's not a jedi but do you think she can some of your clothes?" Anakin said coming up behind me and putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Oh sure ani," She said looking at anakin. I tried to hold in my laugh but failed, while anakins face turned red. "Follow me." She said waving for me to follow. I followed her into a nice sized room. She went into her closet and pulled out a white crop top and white leggings along with white boots.

"Uh sorry but do you have something that's not white?" I asked shyly.

"Why what's wrong with it do you not like white?" She asked confused.

"No I do but white is not the best thing for me right now." I said embarrassed.

"Oh I see um what about this one." She said pulling out the same thing but black.

"Thankyou so much." I said taking the clothes.

"No problem. You can change in the bathroom that's over there." She said pointing to a bathroom.

"Thankyou" I said walking to the bathroom. I walked out into the living room with anakins robes in my hands to where everybody was.

"You can put those on the bed I can give it to anakin another time." Senator amidala said pointing at the robes in my hand. I just nodded and went to set them on the bed. When I came out they were all standing up.

"Kyla will you come with me." Obi-Wan said walking into the elevator. I followed.

"Where are we going?" I asked once the elevator shut.

"To the council so we know what to do with you." He said with no emotion. I just stayed silent till we got to the council.

After the council~

After a while of Obi-Wan arguing with the council they allowed me to be trained by someone named victoria malabue, but after she gets back from her mission. In the mean time I'm going to naboo with anakin and the senator.

I'm Deeply Sorry (Anakin Skywalker) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now