ch.16 last goodbye

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Kyla's pov ~

When the war with the Wookies was over I was permitted to go back home. Home, if that's what it's even called anymore. While I was with on kashyyyk I got some time to think to myself about well, alot.

I thought about how basically my whole life was laid out before me and I get no say so in it. I also thought about anakin. My old master. I say old because while I was gone with Yoda he helped me complete my training. But anakin was on my mind almost all the time. He would never look at me the way he looks at padme.

And padme. Ya padme and I were off to a bad start but we are friends now. I see how anakin loves padme and not me, she's beautiful, smart, funny. And I'm just an old rag that gets tosses around. Like no one cares about me or how I feel or what I want for MY life.

You can say I went through a huge depression and stage. And I'm still in this depression stage. I even found myself holding my lightsaber to my throat one time. It would have been so easy just to end it. But something stopped me, and I don't know what.

I was taken out of thought when the ship came to a stop. I looked out a window and saw that we have landed back 'home'.

When I started making my way back to both mine and padmes and anakins apartment (same complex) I saw the mess that was the jedi temple. There was smoke rising from the top. I went to go find padme to see what was going on.

When I got to padmes and anakins apartment c3po let me in. I looked around but couldn't find anyone. I asked c3po where they were.

"I believe miss padme has went to her ship." C3po said before walking away on me. I wanted to know what the hell was going on so I ran as fast as I could to where padmes nubian is. I got there right when she was about to board the ship talking to c3po. I wonder how he got there so much faster than I did than I realized that it would have been easier to take the elevator than the stairs. Yep a Droid is smarter than me.

"Padme!" I screamed trying to catch up with her. She turned around and I could tell something was up.

"Kyla!" She said running to me and crying into my shoulder while hugging me.

"Padme what's wrong what's going on I saw the temple I could see the smoke!" I said wanting to know answers.

"Anakin! He's turn dark! He's went to mustafar! I wouldn't believe, I couldn't not my ani! And I need to see for myself!" She said wiping her tears and running back up the ramp and into the ship. I followed her and I could sense a familiar presence on the ship than just padme.

The trip to mustafar was silent. I was still trying to comprehend everything that happened while I was gone. I can only imagine how stressful this is for padme I mean she's do any day now. And anakin... again. If he really is turning dark, I don't know what I would do with myself. He is the only reason why I was still breathing. Without him there's nothing to live for.

I was shaken out of my thoughts again when we landed. Padme immediately ran out and was talking with anakin by the time I even got out of my seat. I go to the ramp to only see a mad but hot anakin and sad padme and an Obi-Wan standing at the top of the ramp. I knew there was someone else on the ship. I don't think anakin saw me but only obiwan.

"You brought him here to kill me!"Anakin screamed.

"No!" Padme tried reasoning with him. Next thing I know is that anakin is using the force to choke padme. I'm to frozen (let it go) from his sudden movements.

"Let her go!" Obiwan has to demand a few times before he drops her unconscious on the ground.

I run to the bottom of the ramp and check on padme while anakin and obiwan bicker back and forth. They start fighting with there lightsabers and I run up to obiwan and try to help on the fight.

"Kyla what are you doing!" Obiwan yells while blocking anakins hits.

"You get padme and I'll handle anakin!" I yell while blocking anakins hit that was going for obiwan while he ducked and ran to help padme. Then it was just me and anakin.

I was blocking his hits left and right jumping and ducking.

"Anakin why are you doing this!" I yell while I walk onto a metal plank over lava.

"You wouldn't understand your just a padawan!" He screamed back at me while going for a hit but I blocked it.

"That's where your wrong! I'm no longer a padawan! You can tell me! Please!" I scream while my eyes start to water. He doesn't answer me but swings even more.
"Can't you see that you are the only I even live for anymore! I love you!" I scream with tears going down my face. He doesn't swing at me but just looks at me and says,

"You love me! Well news flash I don't love you, you are just another stupid padawan that deserves to die!" He screams at me. And him, the love of my life, saying those words was enough for me. I look down on the metal plank I was standing on over the lava and just thought how it would me so easy. Just one little jump and all this pain will be gone. I look back up at anakin to see him filled furry and darkness. And I say to him softly with tears rolling down my face,

"I'm deeply sorry you feel that way." Then all the pain was gone. I was free. There was nothing to live for anymore. I jumped.

I'm Deeply Sorry (Anakin Skywalker) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now