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Kyla's pov~

Anakin, senator amidala and I were arriving on naboo. The senator was talking to her hand maiden and anakin was talking to obi wan. I wasn't taking or listening to anyone. I was just thinking about how close anakin and the senator are. It's like I'm jealous of her but I know I am not.

"It's time to go." Anakin says breaking my thoughts.

"I know." Senator amidala says in return.

"And anakin, may the force be with you." Obi-Wan says before we step off the transport.

"And may the force be with you master." Anakin replies to him.

When we were off the transport I walked behind anakin and the senator and along with artoo.

"Suddenly I'm afraid." Senator amidala says breaking the silence.

"It's my first mission alone. I'm afraid to." Anakin replies.

"Not to worry we have artoo with us." Senator amidala says ignoring me.

"And we also have kyla of course." Anakin says not leaving me out.

"Ya, kyla's here too." She mumbles.i just stayed silent. I didn't want to be any more near to the senator then I have to so I started to walk more and more behind them. I started off thinking about what zam said again.

"Kyla why are you walking so far behind?" Anakin started to say trying to not make me feel left out.

"Just let her be anakin, if she wants to be by herself let her be by herself." Senator amidala said to anakin. It's like she has a spell on him whatever she says he does. He just looked at her then looked back at me.

"I'm fine." I said quietly bug loud enough to where he could hear me. He just slowed down so I wouldn't feel left out. He was about to say something but was cut off.

"We are ganna make a stop here so I can inform the queen of my arrival. Kyla would you stay out here and anakin follow me." She said walking towards the door leaving me out again.

"Why does kyla have to stay out here?" Anakin says.

"Because one person following me around is enough. Now follow me." She says like she's casting a spell again. I really really really do not like her. He just looks at me and smiles and I smiled back and took a seat on a bench near by.

After what felt like hours they come back.

"Get up lazy bones we are going to a lake house." Anakin comes up to me with his gorgeous smile, wait what, stop thinking like that kyla if he likes any one it's the senator.

"More like bored bones than lazy bones if you ask me." I said getting up.

"Well I didn't ask you and I say lazy bones." He said making me laugh.

At the lake house

When we got to the lake house anakin and the senator went one way and I was yet again left out. Well this is going to be an excellent stay here. I got bored and started to walk around. I was walking around for a while and when I turned the corner I saw something I did not want to see, I saw them kissing. I didn't stay long enough to look long because I took off running the opposite way.

I ran and ran until I came to a meadow. I sat down on the soft grass and picked at the grass while tears flowed down my cheeks. I didn't realize how long I have been there crying with tears flowing down my cheeks. I heard my name being called but didn't bother to look up.

"Kyla there you are I have been looking everywhere for you! I was getting really worried. Why are you out here so late it's dark out?" He said running up to me and going in front of me. When he saw my tear stained cheeks he then kneeled down beside me.

I'm Deeply Sorry (Anakin Skywalker) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now