Chapter 1

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Elliott's POV

I braced myself for the hit but it never came. I looked up confused wondering what suddenly stopped him from punching me and instantly regretted my choice. Blow after blow crashed down on my ribs, which probably caused some of them to be broken.

My beating went on like this for hours and then he left, not before he cursed at me and insulted me of course.

I was now alone in my cold hut which was the size of a small cell. It was the middle of winter and since the others didn't want me under the same roof as them in the pack house, I was forced to live out on the edge of the pack's territory.

I sighed and looked in the broken mirror across from me. The cracked mirror couldn't have made me any uglier, I had a busted lip, dark bruises all over my small body and I had a black eye. This was nothing compared to what he has done before...the alpha was the one who always came all the way out here just to beat me and remind me of how I shouldn't be alive.

Even I knew I shouldn't be alive being the worthless Omega that I was, the only thing I was still living for was the little chance of having a mate that accepted me.

Just the thought of having a mate that cared for me made me think of trying my best everyday. Everyone in the pack reminds me that if I had a mate, they'd just leave me but I still hope they wouldn't. I don't care about gender or race or anything so I pray to the moon goddess that she blessed me with someone...

Sadly I never had many friends to be there for me or just someone to talk to. The only friend I ever had was Juliana, that was before everyone found out I was Omega though.

I remember how we used to play together in the forest and once she even caught me a butterfly! It was so pretty but then my dad came over and crushed it... I remember I cried about how he killed it but all he did was drag me back home. That was the last time I saw Juliana...

"Julie..." I said the nickname of my only friend as it echoed in my hut as it started to get dark.

I had to wake up early to make the whole pack breakfast and clean all their rooms. I also had to cook dinner and make sure everything was tidy in case we had guests from neighboring packs come over, which was pretty often considering the packs location and power.

Even if I was beaten to the point where I couldn't walk, I still had to have all my duties done in time. If I didn't i'd get a punishment again... It wasn't like I had to go to school anyway. All I had to do was clean and make sure that no one needed me to do anything.

I limped over to the crappy dresser that I found in the trash and groaned. I kept it for myself because the pack wouldn't let me have a new one. To them I wasn't worth wasting even a little money on. My wounds are going to take longer to heal in this form but it can't be helped since the pack won't let me shift.

I gave myself medical treatment from my dresser and sighed....tonight's going to be a long night.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing. I sat up slowly because my wounds aren't healed yet. It's 4:30 am right now and I only got a couple hours to sleep. I grabbed a shirt and a pair of shorts slowly and headed to the waterfall near my cabin.

I also wasn't allowed to shower in the pack house so I needed to wash myself in the waterfall quickly then head over to the pack house and start cooking and cleaning before everyone woke up. There are only around 150 members including the young pups and elders. We were a pretty normal size pack but since we were strong they needed to eat a lot and train daily.

I heard the sound of the water and I walked quicker towards it. Even if my injuries would sting I needed to wash myself because they'd mess with me if I stunk. They'd normally just tease me and call me names because they didn't want to stink too.

I reached the waterfall and quickly undressed and got in. My body hurt so much I started to cry but I had to hurry or i'd be late. I washed myself in a hurry then got out and put on my clothes.

I carried the other clothes back to my cabin before I walked over to the pack house.

When I reached the pack house, I hurried into the kitchen and began to cook breakfast. Just a simple breakfast of pancakes, fruit bowls, eggs and bacon. I cooked quickly and burned myself in the process.

When I finished cooking, I put the food on the main tables and started cleaning up. I started to smell people coming towards this way so I cleaned the remaining mess and headed towards some rooms to clean.

It's 7:00 now and everyone was eating while I made up beds and fixed up rooms, most rooms smelt of sweat and sex. I groaned at the stench of the disgusting smell in most of the pack's warriors rooms but I had to clean up after them regardless.

I was exhausted by the time I finished but luckily I finished everything as soon as they finished eating. The warriors and some of the other wolves went to start their training and the female wolves went to go shop for the alpha's son's party...HIS PARTY! I completely forgot about that! I had to cook a feast for his party!

I limped quickly to the Alpha's office to ask him what to prepare for tonight but froze when I reached his office door. He's told me never to come here but I needed to know what to prepare...I took the risk and knocked on his door and I heard something crash. I instantly started to tremble.

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