chapter 7

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Skylar's POV

  I sighed as I stood outside my packs main house. It was 2 am, I think going to take him is stupid but Mom said to do it now when most people are asleep.

   I was waiting for the pack warriors to show up. They were probably tired from the hard training yesterday but mom made it clear that we needed to bring Elliott back. Dad knows and he's happy again. He's probably just going to hurt Elliott when he gets here anyway.

     "Okay I got everyone." My best friend Wayne said as he jogged up to me. He was going to be my beta once I become alpha. His eyes were Hazel and so was his hair. He was just as well built as me but he was a little shorter. Behind him was only 6 of the pack warriors, I didn't need all of them but even if I did they were all tired and starving so we wouldn't be able to fight their pack anyway.

       "Thanks Wayne, ok since you're all too tired to run there we will take the SUV's, they live a few states over anyway so it'll take us a while. We will get there, ask Elliott to come back and then we will figure it out from there. Getting him back here is the main priority." I explained as they all groaned and rubbed their eyes before muttering a "yes sir" to me.

        We loaded up and began our journey to go to their pack. Hopefully it goes smoothly, I don't want to kidnap him but my parents already made things clear to me...

*A few days later*

Elliott's POV

   I was laying down on the couch in the living room with my new friend Becky. We we're watching TV, which I never got a chance to do before when the bell rang.

   "I'll get it." I said getting up as Becky nodded and continued to watch cupcake wars.

     I walked towards the door and opened it before gasping. What did Skylar and The others want? They didn't come all the way here to beat me up did they? I began to shake as Skylar rubbed the back of his neck.

      "Elliott um can we come in and talk to you?" His voice sounded hoarse and now that I'm getting a good luck at them they don't look so good. I hope this isn't my fault...

      "Um yes... But Trevor isn't in right now.." I said hiding behind the door slightly.

       "Who is it?" Becky asked as she got up and came over.

        "Wow these guys are hot but they look sick or something." Becky said as I nudged her slightly. She was really too honest verbally. "And they stink too, the hell do they want?" She asked as Wayne laughed. Skylar hit him and he stopped.

      "We're from his old pack we just wanted to talk to him." Skylar said as I nodded. Talking won't hurt and by the shape they're in, they wouldn't win in a fight against Trevor alone.

       "Yes, only talking though...come in I'll make you something to eat. We can talk in the kitchen." I said as they all smiled. They haven't been taking care of themselves I know that much.

       They followed me into the kitchen and sat down at the large table as I began cooking.

      "You're really too nice. I wouldn't even look at the people that hurt me like that." Becky told me as she opened a soda and drank it.

       "We're really sorry for doing those things to you." Wayne said as he rested his head onto the table.

        "It's fine I guess I'm here with Trevor now and I'm happy..." I said as I finished up some sandwiches and placed them on the table. They practically swallowed them down without even chewing.

      "Guys have you been eating properly?" I asked lowly as I looked down. It's not my fault no one else knew how to cook but I felt bad...

      "That's what we wanted to talk to you about, can you come back for a week? My mom's having guests over and I think you can teach some of the girls how to cook in that time." Skylar said as he looked at me smiling as I looked up at him frowning.

      "I don't think Trevor would like that... Its true I wanted to come visit and see how you guys were doing but I can't stay for a week I'm busy with him here." I explained as Wayne whined.

     "But they can't even cleeeannn. There's been so many fires and the main house looks like crap, I'm shocked no one's died from starving yet." Wayne said as the packs warriors nodded.

       "What the hell are they doing in here?" Trevor's dad asked as he walked into the kitchen with Trevor and his mom besides him.

      "We wanted to come ask if Elliott could come over for a week to help us." Skylar said standing up from his seat as Trevor growled.

     "After everything you did you think I'd let my mate even come help your pathetic pack house out?!" Trevor screamed as Becky hopped on the counter and began to drink her drink.

       "Aw shut it Trevor can't you see the poor boys look on the verge of death?" Trevor's mom said as she hit his back.

     Trevor was angry and so was his dad...this is going to be hard.

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