Chapter 29

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Elliott's POV

    After a long night of studying up weddings, I've decided I actually do want to have one. I think it's cute how pretty everything looks and all the smiling faces of family and friends made me feel warm.

I wanted to talk to both Trevor and Skylar about it though, I feel a double wedding is the best thing to do. Or marry both in one big wedding so we don't have to do one at a time. They can both bring their families and packs, and I can bring Becky and Gavin.

Trevor told me about his run in with my parents a while ago and I don't really want them coming, that is if they're still alive. They don't deserve to be apart of something this big in my life anyways, they were never there for me.

     "Elliott..." Skylar called out to me from in the doorway of the room we all shared.

     "I...haven't really marked you yet...and I was uh wondering if Now was a good time?" He asked me blushing nervously. He looked seriously shy and it was really cute.

      "Sure, I don't see why not." I said blushing as he walked over to me. I was fresh out of the shower so all I had on was a robe that he took no time stripping me of.

     "I've waited so long to have my mate under me." He said as he scanned over my body. I was thankful that my scars were now fully healed and I was way healthier than before.

       He began to kiss me passionately after he pinned my arms down above my head, giving him full control of my body.

       His kisses were so addicting and amazing. He'd bite my lip then suck on it so erotically, causing me to get hard just from his kiss.

       My body began to tremble and shiver under him as he stopped kissing me and stripped his clothes off. Now getting a good look of his body, I can see why the girls used to have crushes on him.

      I traced his 8-pac with my fingers as he shuttered and grinned at me. He was proudly showing off his body and the shocks of electricity we both felt were driving me crazy.

      After he was fully naked, he pinned me back down on the bed and began to kiss down my body. I wasn't a virgin anymore, but he still cared about me. He was being really gentle with how he touched me even though he held a look on his face showing he wanted more.

     "You can be more rough if you want." I told him as I moaned.

        He didn't need me to tell him twice because he quickly started to attack my neck. He was leaving hickeys all over my neck and even bit down on my ear.

     "Fuck, are you a masochist? You're so hard!" Leutan said in my ear after whistling in my head.

     "I-I'm not a masochist!" I whined back through our mind link as Skylar began to slip his lubricant coated finger into my butt.

      I squeaked loudly and he licked his lips as he instantly started to attack my prostate.

      "Nnngh..." I moaned out as I held onto him.

"If it hurts tell me ok?" He asked me a few minutes later with his face red and his eyes filled with lust.

All I did was nod in response as he thrusted his entire length into me. He had to be at least 9 or 10 inches so if it was going to go in quickly it had to all be in one thrust.

I groaned and threw my head back as my eyes started to tear up. His cock was longer than Trevor's but Trevor's was thicker.

I then shuttered as he groaned from on top of me. He laid on me between my legs as I laid on my back, with him still inside of me.

He waited for me to adjust to him before he began pulling out of me.

I whimpered at the emptiness I felt as he pulled out then arched my back in pleasure as he thrusted back in.

"Fuck it feels so warm and tight inside of you." He groaned as he held onto my hips and thrusted himself deeper inside of me.

"You keep clamping down on me every time I hit your prostrate." He said smirking as he purposely hit my prostate over and over.

I couldn't hold it back anymore and I came as soon as he began to lick at the other bare part of my neck. Trevor's mark was on one side, and Skylar wanted to mark the other.

He thrusted harder and harder into me before he flipped me over.

We were now in a doggy style position and I was screaming and moaning as loud as I could. He was holding back for a long time and he was clearly excited and enjoying himself.

"Shit...I think I'm going cum...." he told me as I felt his hot big cock twitch inside of me. I bite the bottom of my lip as he began to thrust faster as he held my hips in place.

His groans were so hot to hear that my body reacted to them quickly.

I was stroking myself and moaning as he grunted and thrusted. I then felt him buck his hips one more time before we came at the same time, and he bite down hard onto my neck.

His canes were extended and it hurt so much I began to cry uncontrollably. His marking hurt way more than Trevor's but I felt so happy that we bonded this far. We were now all connected to each other and that meant that any day now, they'd fully mate me to the point where I'll have both their pups.

"Thank you for not giving up on me." Skylar said as he pulled out from inside of me and collapsed next to me. He brung me close to him by my waist and just held onto me.

"You're welcome..." I told him sincerely as he kissed my forehead.

We laid their cuddling together for a while until he fell asleep. I laid there awake as I rubbed his head and kissed his nose.

"You know the entire house could hear you guys going at it." Trevor said as he walked into the room shirtless. My face instantly got red as he began laughing.

"I'm kidding you know, it was only me. Our minds are connect now you know. And as much as I loved hearing your moaning, his groans were totally a turn off." He said as he climbed on the bed to the other side of me.

"But your moans did turn me on." Trevor said as he picked me up from off the bed and carried me to the bathroom that was connected to the room. He was clearly turned on and I didn't mind going one more round for today...of course I was going to be really sore and my stomach is going to hurt because Skylar came inside, but it'll be worth it.

As soon as Trevor locked the bathroom door he dragged me into the bathtub and started the shower. He took off his bottoms and hopped in then He began kissing me passionately as the water hit our skin.

Since he was taller than me, as we kissed I felt his hard erection rub against my stomach. It turned me on somehow and before I knew it, my legs were wrapped around his waist and he was burying his cock deep inside of me.

The mark he left on me began to tingle as he pushed me up against the cold bathroom tile wall.

"Shit how are you still so tight?" He asked me as he thrusted hard. It felt so good to have him inside of me and I couldn't wait anymore to have his pups.

"I love you so much." I moaned out as he began to tug my hair back and French kiss me.

His tongue battled mine for dominance and it made my cock even harder than it was. I was already starting to leak Pre-cum and I was sure he was no where near close to being finished.

A few minutes later, he came deep inside of me then helped me clean myself up. After that he carried me back to the bed where all three of us went to sleep in...

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