Chapter 27

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Elliott's POV

We were driving back to Trevor's pack with everyone from Skylars pack. King and Kyle were happy that we didn't have to go back on foot but Kyle seemed to be happy due to other reasons. I think it's amazing that he had triplets for mates, it was shocking at first but to see how well they got along was cute.

   Kyle and his mates took a separate car while King sat in the front passenger seat of ours with Wayne driving. I sat in the back seat between Skylar and Trevor, which made me very nervous for some reason. They seemed to be planning something earlier today but I couldn't figure out what it was.

   "I'm turning on the radio guys, this silence will kill me." Wayne said as he turned on the radio to some random station. He began singing along to the loud music while King drifted off and began sleeping.

    "How could he sleep with all this noise?" Leutan asked me as I mentally shrugged. I had no idea how someone could sleep without covering their ears to block out Wayne's singing.

    "Now?" Skylar asked looking over to Trevor as Trevor nodded smirking. So they were up to something...

    Skylar put his hand on my thigh as Trevor leaned over and began biting down on my neck.

    I blushed instantly and tried to move both of them. Were they crazy?! Wayne was still in the car and King could wake up any moment!

   "S-stop.." I whimpered as Trevor bite down on my ear. Skylar then slipped his hands down my shorts and began to tease my cock. I bite my bottom lip as I began to moan.

I then covered my mouth so that Wayne couldn't find out what was going on, not that he could over the loud music anyway.

"Don't cover your mouth, were close enough to hear that sexy voice over the music." Skylar said as he continued to tease me.

He teased my tip roughly causing me to moan loudly and throw my head back against the seat.

"So fucking hot." Skylar groaned as he blushed. I've never seen him blush this closely and his face looked so cute flustered.

"I'm still here." Trevor said laughing as he turned my chin to face him and kissed me deeply.

The intensity of his kisses and Skylar jerking me off was enough to drive me crazy.

I felt my organism begin to build up quickly and the sparks they sent through out my body was heavenly.

"I can't hold it anymore.." I moaned out as Trevor reached across my lap and unbuttoned my shorts. Then he slipped my hard cock out as he and Skylar both leaned over me.

"Mnnn!" I covered my mouth as I moaned when both of them began giving me a bj.

"I'd rather be the one giving them a bj but this works too." Leutan commented as I trembled in my seat.

They both were licking up and down my cock for a few minutes until Skylar decided to take me all the way into his throat.

"You can cum for me whenever you want." Skylar said mind linking me as he looked up at me with my cock buried deep in his warm wet mouth.

My eyes started to tear up as he started moving his tongue around and as I hit the back of his throat.

Trevor came back up besides me and started playing with my hard nipples through my shirt as I thrusted my hips up.

"Go ahead and cum for me baby." He told me in a lust filled voice as I came. It felt like all the energy was drained from my body and I'm so tired now.

Skylar took me out of his mouth slowly before he buttoned my shorts back up. I was looking for any signs of mess and I was confused until he whispered that he drank it all in my ear.

I blushed even more now as I thought about how badly they both wanted to mate with me to get me pregnant.

"Oh, baby, baby!!!How was I supposed to know?!!That something wasn't right here?Oh, baby, baby!!!I shouldn't have let you go!!!And now you're out of sight, yeah!!!" Wayne sang loudly as Trevor and Skylar attacked my cheeks with kisses.

"Show me how you want it to be!!!Tell me, baby, Cause I need to know now, oh, because...My loneliness is killing me! I must confess, I still believe!!When I'm not with you I lose my mind
Give me a sign!!!Hit me, baby, one more time!!" Wayne continued to sing as King groaned and turned the radio down. I guess even he couldn't stand Wayne's singing for so long.

"Fine I'll change the station buzz kill." Wayne said as he changed the station. Both Trevor and Skylar leaned their heads on my shoulders as they began to nod off too. I guess doing all that got them tired.

"I'm about to take you back to church!!!!
Well tell me your confessions baby what's the worst, yeah!!!Baptise in your thighs til' it hurts!!!Cause I'm about to take you back to church!!!" Wayne sang the different song loudly and I actually liked the song. It was definitely different than the song from earlier and the guys voice was really nice to listen to.

"Fuck Wayne do you know every song on the fucking radio?!" King asked annoyed as Wayne nodded.

The entire car ride back to Trevor's pack was filled with Wayne's singing which surprisingly never gave me a headache or annoyed me.

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