Chapter 2

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Elliott's POV

I trembled even more as the door to the Alphas office opened. The door slammed open against the wall and he pulled me inside before slamming it shut.

"Do you not remember me saying to never fuckin come here?!" His voice boomed as I began to tear up.

"I d-don't know what to prepare for tonight Alpha." I cried as he glared at me. He stood quietly for a moment then he sighed.

"Look brat, we're going to have other packs over to celebrate my boys birthday. His mate might be here and there's no way I'm going to let something as worthless as you mess this night up for him. Make all kinds of foods!" He shouted as he glared at me.

     I nodded quickly then limped towards the door.

"Oh and brat, try not to piss any of the other alphas off tonight." He said smirking as I nodded. I left his office and limped back to the kitchen to begin cooking. It was going to take hours to make everything especially the way I am right now.

Since everyone was mostly gone, I didnt have any distractions. I began cooking all kinds of meats in the ovens and making appetizers and Various other foods. Luckily I went grocery shopping a few days ago.

It only took 5 hours to get the food done and then I began cleaning up even more. Since other packs were coming over I had to make the pack house spotless. I'm pretty sure I have to set up his party in the back yard all by myself as well. I sighed as I began to mop the house.

It was around 7 pm when I finished everything. I set up everything in the event room and I had all the food and drinks out. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and smelled people starting to come towards the house.

"Oh wow, you outdid yourself this time brat." The Alpha's wife said as her and the other girls walked into the house. She was our Luna but surely not by heart. She wasn't anything like what a Luna was supposed to be and ive smelled her scent in some of the pack warriors rooms. She cheats on the alpha and she dares me to say anything about it.

"Thank you Luna." I told her as she smiled. She really was evil. She lead the girls to her make up room as I let out a breath. I'm sure the alpha didn't want me to stink or wear rags in front of anyone. Not that they'd see me, I'm not allowed to go to any party, especially not ones that other packs are invited to.

I made sure everything was set up and done one more time before I limped away from the pack house. Since it was snowing lightly I began to head back to the waterfall. I bathed quickly then headed back to my hut. Soon the sun went down and I started hearing loud music from here. I heard people arriving into our territory from different sides of my hut and I shrugged. Hopefully the Alphas son finds his mate tonight...

I fell asleep curled into a ball after that thought.

Trevor's POV

   I sighed as I stared out my car window. I was invited to one of my dad's friends sons party. My dad was the alpha of our pack a few states over from here.

   They left before me and now I'm showing up late. I was driving into the wooded territory when I caught the scent of something amazing. It was fruity and lovely. My wolf howled in pleasure and I knew for sure it was my mate. I got out of my car and went towards the scent.

At first I was confused. The scent wasn't coming from the area that everyone seemed to be at, instead it seemed further out towards the end of their territory. I continued to walk through the snow and towards the scent.

I stumbled upon a small shabby hut and the scent was stronger here. But why would it be by this abandoned looking hut? I moved towards it and looked around before opening the door to it. My breath was instantly taken away.

My mate was a small male and he looked abused. He was cute but I could clearly see scars and wounds all over him. His snoring was small and I couldn't bare looking at him this way. It was extremely cold in here and he barely had anything warm on. I shook him lightly and he tensed up.

He opened his eyes before backing away. It hurt me and my Wolf's feelings to think that he would be afraid of us.

"Come here mate." I told him as his eyes teared up. He made a look on his face that told me he's been waiting to here those words. He seemed afraid that this was a dream, he limped towards me and crashed into my chest crying. I rubbed his back before giving him my jacket. It was huge on him and he didn't seem to mind that. I carried him with me but he didn't seem to want to go.

"No one's going to hurt you anymore. I'm here and I'm going to protect you, you're so beautiful. Im Sorry I didn't get to you soon enough." I told him as he snuggled into my chest still crying.

     I'm going to make this entire pack regret what they did to my mate. I don't care whose birthday it is, no one should have had to go through this. I don't care if they are an Omega, my packs omega is treated nothing like this. They're supposed to be loved and protected not abused and forced to do hardships.

I growled at the thought of anyone putting their hands on him. Hell I didn't even know his name yet but he had such a great affect on me already.
I'm so going to make them pay.

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