Chapter 28

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Elliott's POV

After a long couple of hours driving we finally returned back to Trevor's Pack. His dad and warriors waited outside the pack house along with the rest of the pack to welcome Skylars pack.

"It's glad to have you back after the year you've been gone son." Trevor's dad said as he hugged him.

"I've been thinking about you ever since you left." His mom said as she joined the hug, while Skylar just stood uncomfortably next to me.

"He must miss the connection he had with his psycho parents." Leutan said as I nodded. It made since. Especially since my parents were never that close to me I kind of envy Trevor, but I don't really mind it.

"So we got here first right?" Trevor asked his dad and mother worriedly as I tilted my head. Who was he talking about?

        "Uh...well you see...when you ask a bunch of hormonal young boys to come home after being away for so long, they kind of rush." His father said as his mom rolled her eyes.

         "What he means is after being away for so long they kind of hurried to get they're here." His mom said as Trevor sighed.

          "Isn't that great news son? Your brothers are home!" His dad said as three boys ran out of the pack house.

         Trevor didn't look happy at all as the boys tackled him to the floor.

"See told you he'd be a dick." One of the boys said as he ruffled Trevor's hair. He looked like a mini Trevor...well they all did.

"You're never happy to see us bro, I'm hurt." One of the Other boys said as he held his heart making a sad face.

"Bullshit, he misses us." The last one said as they all stood up.

"It's not that I don't miss you little demons I just wanted to get home first." Trevor said as Skylar chuckled and held me close to him by my waist. I smiled as he rested his chin on my head just as Trevor looked back at me and motioned for us to come by him.

"Look idiots, this is my mate and his other mate. Of course I'm better looking than Skylar is though." Trevor said as his younger brothers looked at me. Their eyes were the exact same color as Trevor's and it was really cool to see how similar his brothers were in appearance to him.

"I'm Tracy." The youngest looking boy said as he shook my hand. He was all smiles and always seemed to look happy. His hair was brown and short like his dads and his brothers, but he seemed to keep the soft face his mom held. He came off as the nicer one of them all.

               "I'm Wylin if you ever get tired of my brother let me know." Wylin jokingly yet seductively as he shook my hand next. Like his brothers, he wore his brown hair styled but carried some slight curls that his mom had. So far he seemed to be the jokester of them all and trouble maker.

              "Last but not least I'm the Strong amazing Xander. If this dude or Trevor give ya any problems just call for me, I'll take em all on." Xander said proudly as he began to flex. Trevor then punched him in his stomach causing him to wheeze slightly before shaking my hand.

               "You're such a dick Trevor ugh you cunt." Xander began to whine as Trevor rolled his eyes. Having siblings seemed to be nice, they seem to love each other a lot.

               "Ok boys, go rest. You had a long trip back from camp. Go get your rooms settled in." Their mom said as they all nodded before leaving.

                "Now, everyone from Skylars pack, we already have your houses starting to get built a little bit north from here. It's not that long of a walk either so if anything happens just come by this way after informing us." Trevor's dad said as Skylars pack listened. Wayne seemed to be too occupied with seeing his siblings after all this time so I'll tell him everything that Trevor's dad said later. I'd hate to pull him away from them.

                 "You may all rest in our guest rooms, Trevor and Skylar I'd like to talk to you in my office." Trevor's dad said as he walked inside the house with his wife on his side. He seemed to have a really serious face on so I didn't want to bother their business.

                 "I knew you were gonna come look for me, so to save you the trouble here I am!" Becky said as she jumped off of the roof to the pack house. I smiled as I saw she didn't change. She landed her jump perfectly only to trip on her way to come hug me.

                  "Yeah this is why I don't leave the inside of the house." Becky said as I ran over and helped her up. She then embraced me in a long warm hug.

                  "Ooh baby I wanna join the hug too." I heard Gavin say as he sped walked over to where we were in heels. He then joined our hug and I was smiling even bigger than before. I missed both of them so much and to have my friends back right next to me was amazing.

                   "I missed you guys." I told them as I teared up before we all went into the kitchen.

                     Gavin started cooking meals for the hungry people that just got here and Becky started eating her bag of Doritos as she sat on the counter.

                "So you know how the prophesy says you'll give birth to one male child that belongs to Trevor and one male that belongs to Skylar at once, what names did you pick out?" Gavin asked as Becky nodded.

                "I don't know, I haven't really discussed it with them yet. Plus that's just my first borns, with how handsy they've been, I know I'll have more than two babies in our litter." I said as I sat down at the table with high stools.

               "I remember when I was your age, all the men wanted me and I wanted them just as bad. Oh those were the days." Gavin said as he cut up some vegetables.

              "You're crazy Gavin, but I still love you." Becky said as I laughed. 

              "That reminds me! We should throw you a baby shower when you get pregnant!" Gavin said as he continued to cook.

              "Yeah Eli, that would be so cute." Becky said as she hopped off of the counter. She opened he fridge and grabbed her and myself a bottle of Mountain Dew before grabbing a bottle of vitamin water for Gavin. She handed me my drink before putting Gavin's drink next to him.

            "I'd like that actually." I said smiling as Trevor's mom came in.

             "I don't mean to be nosy but can I join you all?" She asked as she sat next to me.

             "Sure Luna, we were just talking about holding Eli a baby shower whenever he starts expecting." Becky said as she opened her Mountain Dew and began to drink it quickly. I didn't know how that never hurt her throat.

             "Ahh but the wedding is coming up isn't it? We should plan that first." Trevor's mom said as Gavin and Becky screamed.

              "I totally forgot Trevor told us all that he wanted to have it when they returned!" Becky shouted as Gavin laughed.

             "But when will he actually pull out the ring to officially propose?! Will it be a double wedding since Skylar might propose too?!" Gavin said as I opened my drink and began to drink it. They were all going crazy about the wedding or weddings but I didn't really get into those, I've never been to one so it's just putting a dress or suit on and slipping rings on each other's fingers right?

              "Elliott you're adorable, you probably didn't know it but we were all listening to your open mind link. You can shut it off honey but you didn't. You don't know the importance of a wedding so we're going to kidnap you to my room and watch some weddings." Becky said as she got off the counter again.

               "I'm going to go get my wedding tapes!" Trevor's mom said as she rushed out of the kitchen.

               "I'll bring my sets of Say Yes to The Dress to you guys after I finish up here!" Gavin said as Becky dragged me to her room. Was having a wedding ceremony this important?

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