chapter 8

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Elliott's POV

   I could tell Trevor was still angry by the grip he had on me. We were all in the living room, me on Trevor's lap, Trevor's mom resting her hands on Trevor's dad's shoulders, and Skylar and his pack warriors next to him and Wayne. Becky left to go get groceries and the other pack members were told not to bother us.

   "Look, I feel bad for you guys but what you did to sweet little Eli was not forgivable. If it were up to me I'd let your pack go through the hell it is going through for ever. But my wife here says otherwise, she believes in forgiving anyone and everyone. So we're going to let Elliott come buy but only for a week, 7 days is all your getting.
    Trevor's coming along and so is some of our warriors. One mind link to me saying something bad and we're coming over and bringing a war do you understand me boy?" Trevor's dad said in his alpha tone causing my to tremble a little. Skylar agreed but the tenseness in the air didn't go away.
   "What kind of pathetic alpha can't even run a pack right." Trevor's dad spat talking about Skylar's dad.

   "We've been busy trying to figure out how to keep the house in one piece sir." Wayne said as Skylar glared at him.

   "Well what are the other omegas doing?" Trevors mom asked as she sat in a chair next to her mate.

    "We only had Elliott..." Skylar said as he looked at me. My cheeks lit up as soon as everyone looked at me.

   "Pfft, only one omega for a pack that size. You should be ashamed making him do all of that work." Trevor said glaring at Skylar who glared back at him.

   "Now now Trevor, they're still guests here." Trevor's mom said as I looked at him and places my hand on his cheek. He seemed to calm down at that so I stopped and hugged him.

   "You are welcome to our guest house since there are 8 of you here, tomorrow after breakfast you can take off back to your home. You can join us for dinner too, I'm sure you all missed Elliott's cooking." Trevor's mom said as they smiled at her.

    She was really kind but mean if she had to be, but it was out of love. Unlike Skylar's mom...ugh I really don't want to see that evil lady ever again.

    They wanted me to come teach the girls how to cook and clean instead of putting on make up but Skylar's mom would rather spend money than help around the house! Trevor's mom helps the omegas here cook and clean and she still has time to do her Luna duties...

    I frowned then gasped as I was being lifted up into the air and carried over Trevor's shoulders.

    "I'm going with my mate for a run." Trevor said as he carried me off. The last thing I saw was Skylar frowning before we were both outside.

    "I don't like the way he looks at you." Trevor told me as he began to strip. I blushed and turned away from him as I began to strip too.

     "They need help Trevor." I said as he walked up behind me and hugged me. I was blushing and he turned me around and cupped my face with his hands.

     "I don't like anyone who harmed my baby." He said as he began kissing my cheeks and my face all over. I giggled as he attacked me with kisses.

     After he was done he shifted into his wolf Tinus. Tinus sat happily waiting for me to shift into my wolf. His tail was wagging fast and he was huge. This was my first time actually seeing his wolf form. I walked over to him and ran my hand through his beautiful brown fur.

    "I have never shifted... It might take me a while but I'll try." I told Tinus as he nodded. He was only slightly different from Trevor, Tinus was more childish compared to Trevor.

    I focused on shifting and becoming one with my wolf but nothing happened. I frowned and Tinus walked over and licked my cheek.

    "Think about running in the field with your paws under the dirt and grass." Tinus mind linked me as I nodded to him. I still haven't talked to my wolf yet so I have no idea how hed react. The pack never wanted me shifting even to heal myself anyway.

     I took a deep breath and pictured myself running into the fields with Tinus besides me. The wolf I pictured was white and silver like my hair and he had my blue eyes but his looked more vibrant.

    "It's okay Elliott. Let me take over." I heard a voice say as I kept picturing running. It must be my wolf, after all this time he's finally spoken to me!

"Okay um..." I said as he laughed.

" Leutan. My name's Leutan, I'm sorry I wasn't around for so long." He said as I let him take over me. Soon I was seeing what he was seeing. He had control of my body and all I could do was watch and comment on things.

He walked around Tinus before nuzzling him, showing him affection.

I smiled to myself at how cute they were being. Soon they started running towards the fields and racing each other.

I was shocked to see that Leutan was faster than Tinus.

"Oh we're not faster, those perverts are just looking at our ass." Leutan said causing me to blush and mentally scold them.

They ran and rolled around with each other until it became dark.

They ran back to the house and we both shifted as Skylar came out.

Since we were both naked I hid behind Trevor's huge form to cover myself.

"I didn't know your wolf was so beautiful." Skylar said looking at me as I nodded. I didn't either and never shifting wouldn't have helped.

Trevor didn't give me time to reply before he carried me off to our room.

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