Chapter 14

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A/N: wow look who's updating! Yeah I'm trying to finish up my stories during my winter break, so I can post some completed ones I've worked on in my draft!!!! I hope you guys like this story and check out my other ones and some new ones coming soon!!!

Trevor's POV

    Even after I killed the man that hurt my mate so much I was still angry. Angry that he touched him and angry at myself. Yes, I admit I knew we shouldn't have come here and maybe I was to careless with trusting them. But that doesn't mean he had the right to do what he did to my mate.

   Who knows what else he would've done if Elliott didn't leave like he did. That sick fuck deserves to be dead and to ever be called an alpha was disgraceful. He was a terrible Alpha who abused his power and his wife was no better.

    "T-Trevor." I heard Elliott's weakened voice call out to me. I turned around and the scent of blood hit me as he collapsed. He was bleeding from his side and he looked terrible.

    I picked him up quickly and headed back to their pack house, with both my men and their men following behind me.

    I won't have time to treat him if we just drive back to my pack so I'll treat him here.

     "We're still burning the place down right? Or was that just rage talk?" Tinus asked me as I smiled  slightly.

       "Oh yeah we're totally burning the place down." I told him as I ran the rest of the way to the house.

          Once we reached the house, the girls were getting out of cars in the front. They had bags of supplies but they aren't going to be needing it. My mate isn't helping anyone here anymore. They could all go to hell for what they did.

        "Oh my that's a good look on him." Their Luna said as she pointed to Elliott and laughed.

         "That's exactly what I thought when I killed your husband." I told her as I walked passed her bumping her out of my way. She was just as bad as he was. I don't have time to bicker with her right now, Elliott is my priority and will always be.

          "What the hell, what kind of joke is that?! Are you stupid?!" She yelled at me as I walked inside the house. Everyone was still following me like i was some kind of king and it was starting to annoy me.

          "He's dead mom."  Skylar said causing her to smack him.

          "STOP JOKING WITH ME!" She screamed as I headed towards the medical room.

          Once inside I laid him on a bed. There was a few doctors already in here so I told them to patch him up. I didn't want him to stay here over night but he might have to sadly.


           "Shut up!" I told her as I grabbed her and dragged her outside, after leaving some of my men to watch over Elliott .

             She was loud and annoying and her screaming would just distract the doctors from helping Elliott.

            "My guess is that you were too busy being a whore that you didn't even feel your mate bond break!" I shouted at her as she gasped. When I was training the guys here I saw the scratch marks on their backs and her scent was strongly attached to most of them. Once you cheat on your mate your bond weakens and she cheated a lot.

             "You watch your mouth!" She yelled as she shifted into her wolf form.

              I didn't see the point of fighting her but if She was going to get in the way of Elliott's health she had to go too.

              "I'll kill her..." Skylar said shifting besides me as my eyes widened. First he hurt his dad after I beat him up and now he's going to kill his own mother. I don't know what has gotten into him but if he was going to deal with her then that's easier on me.

Either way I was still going to ruin this pathetic excuse of a pack.

             "Trevor!" One of my pack warriors said running towards me. His name was King and he was only a year younger than me, but since his dad got sick he had to become a warrior to fill his shoes.

           "There's some people in the room with Elliott and we tried to get them to leave but they won't." He explained to me as I looked back at Skylar. He seemed like he could handle his mom off himself but I wasn't sure if he was tricking me or not.

           "Okay, if he doesn't kill that Ex Luna, kill her." I told King as he nodded to me before shifting. I could rely on all my men plus I trusted him, I knew he wouldn't let me down no matter what.

             I ran back into the house as Tinus began to growl in my head. Why were there people in the medical room? If they even think about hurting my mate I'd kill them instantly.

           "What's going on?!" I asked running into the medical room. King was right, there was a man that looked about the age of my dad and a woman who looked to be in her late 30s.

           "Is it so wrong for a father to see his son?" The man said as he moved some hair away from Elliott's face.

          From what I've heard, Elliott's parents were the ones who treated him differently first when they found out he was an omega. They don't deserve to be here and it wasn't fair to Elliott to have to deal with even more pain.

           "You're calling yourself his father now?!" I asked loudly pulling him away from Elliott. The doctors already seemed to stabilize him, he was already bandaged up and looking better.

           "So you're his mate huh? An young alpha! I just wanted to make sure he was taken care of." Said who I assume is his mother. What kind of parents let their child get abused by so many people for being a little different and special? She says that now yet she didn't seem to care that he was being treated bad in the past by all these sick bastards.

          "It's too late for you to rejoin his life." I told them before forcefully dragging them out of the room.

          I won't let Elliott ever think of the past bad memories he has. No more thinking about the people who's hurt or wronged him and no more thinking of this place.

        I'll just replace all the bad memories with good ones.

          "Load up the vehicles and let's get out of here." I mind linked my pack members here as they all said yes in unison.

          I picked Elliott up before walking him to my car outside. He was still a little weak so I wanted him to rest as long as possible.

          "You're seriously not going to let us see our own flesh and blood?" The man from earlier asked as I buckled Elliott into the passenger side.

         "yes, no way in hell will, you're a coward and not his father. You gave up that right." I said as I walked around the car and threw my lit lighter at their old pack house. It sparked a small fire then it grew into a huge one.

            "Sir, we loaded the children up. Is that ok?" King asked me as I smiled and buckled in.

              "Yes thanks." I told him as we all drove away. Maybe me and Elliott can adopt one of them when he feels better.

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