Chapter 23

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Kyle's POV

   I ran after Trevor quickly so I didn't lose him in the forest. I've never seen him this angry before. It wasn't like him and he'd never snap at Elliott like that. Something was definitely wrong but before I try to figure it out I need to help him calm down. We couldn't afford for him to get injured this far away from home, it would just make our journey back even longer and affect us all as a pack.

   "GO AWAY KYLE!" His alpha voice boomed in my head through our mind link as he ran further into the forest. He was running way faster than I've ever seen him run. I ran after him the best I could even though he told me to leave.

    He may be the future alpha of my pack, but the current alpha told me to never let anything happen to him on this trip.

     "I can't do that! Please slow down Trevor!" I shouted after him in our mind link as he ran further and further. The gap between us grew within seconds. I didn't have him in my sight anymore and I couldn't hear him running either.

    "Fuck..." I thought as I looked around me for any signs of him. I can understand why he was this mad but recklessly running into unfamiliar territory?! Come on Trevor, I mean really who does that?!

    I shifted out of my wolf form and sighed. I lost Trevor, I'm lost myself, and I have no idea how far we're away from their pack house.

    So I did what anyone else would do in my situation.

    I started screaming as loud as I could before I cried.

     "WAAAHHH!!!! IM GOING TO DIE OUT HERE!!!! IM WAY TOO HOT TO DIE ALONE!!!" I screamed as I sobbed on the forest floor. I was going to starve and die out here.

       I continued to cry loudly as I began to write my will down with a stick in the mud. I left all my clothes to King since he clearly needed fashion help and I left all my other stuff to go to who ever needed it. But I wanted to get buried with my phone that I left at home.

"So this is how it ends!!! Alone in the forest without a soul to witness my last moments!!! Ahh the world is so cruel!!!" I shouted at the blue cloudless sky as I laid on my back. The world was too cruel to leave me to die this way!

"I don't want to ruin your dramatic scene, but you could've just climbed up a tree to see where you were dude." A guy said as I sat up.

      His voice was smooth and my face heated up as he jumped down from the tree he was in. He only had shorts on and he looked to be around my age. He had short dirty blonde hair and he was a little bit more muscular than Trevor. He was way taller than me which was shocking considering I was 5'11.

"And before you ask, yes I saw everything but you were on a role so I didn't want to stop you." He said walking up to me as I blushed. How dare he witness my dying moments and do nothing to save me.
"W-Well who are you anyways? I don't think I trust someone who just watches someone die." I asked him as he began to laugh. I glared at him as he continued to laugh so hard he fell over.

"S-Seth!!!! Seth come here this guys so funny!!!" He said loudly in between laughs. I heard rustling seconds later, then another guy appeared. I gasped as he came out of some nearby bushes.

        Twins!!! They were fucking identical twins!!!!

"Stop slacking on the job Liam." Seth said as he pulled his brother up off of the floor, who I might add was STILL laughing at me.

"Wait! I don't have time to wait here and get laughed at! I need to go find Trevor!" I shouted in realization as another boy came into my view.

"If you mean this guy, I had to knock him out. He was punching a tree really hard, caused his hand to get bloody." The boy said as he carried Trevor over his shoulder. This boy looked just like them but not identically, he must be their older brother.

"Thank you for finding him." I said as I sighed with relief. If anything were to happen to Trevor I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Not only would I have to tell his parents and the pack that their next leader and son was hurt because of me, I'd have to break the news to Elliott. He was too hurt as it is, I couldn't let someone so precious get hurt because I slipped up.

"No problem. I'm James, I'm sure you met my younger idiot brothers already judging by how Seth is laughing so hard." James said as he walked up to me.

"I'm Kyle..." I said with my face still beat red. I don't know why but I felt a connection to all three of these boys and not just one...

"They're obviously our mates!!!" My inner wolf screamed as I shook my head. I wouldn't know for sure unless I touched them anyways. I mean yes I can tell these amazing scents are coming from them but m-maybe they used a really good body wash?!

"I don't know if you're slow to notice but you are our mate little one. Now might not be the time to mention it given the stuff going on with this Alpha I'm carrying going crazy, but we will be discussing it. You're mated to triplets after all." James said as Seth and Liam followed behind us.

So Trevor is going crazy about Elliott having two mates, and now I have to tell him "Future Alpha I'm sorry you're mad about Eli having two mates but surprise I have three!"

"It's about a 2 hour walk back to the pack from here." Seth said as James handed him Trevor. James looked at me smirking as he slowly took his shorts off. I looked away blushing of course before he shifted.

Yup, his wolf was totally bigger than mine. His wolf was huge and tan with yellow eyes. Just absolutely stunning. We didn't have that much diversity in wolf colors in our pack, I mean hell, Elliott was the only white wolf in our state. So I was really stunned by how beautiful his fur looked.

Seth then put Trevor on James so James could carry Trevor back to their pack in his wolf form. Then that's when the Twins and I shifted. The twins looked just like their brothers wolf just a little bit smaller. They were smaller than James but way bigger than me which pissed me off.

"Your wolf is beautiful." They all said in unison through mind linking me as we all began to walk back to the pack house. It was already dark at this point and it was going to be a long walk, especially with them checking me out as I walked.

But over all I was still worried about Trevor and Elliott. Were they going to be ok? And how was this entire situation going to play out? I mean you can't just take an alpha away from his pack like this. So were we going to combine our packs or just reject him? So many questions!!! And I'm still hungry!!!

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