Chapter 10

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Elliott's POV

Since I fell asleep with Trevor after we fully mated, i didnt get to make Skylar and the others dinner. Everyone understood and didnt get mad at me though.

I woke up with Trevor not beside me. I was freaking out a little but my nerves calmed when he mind linked me.

"your body might be hurting so I'll bring you breakfast so you can eat in bed. After you eat, ill help you wash up then we will head to Skylars pack." Trevor said as I smiled. He was so kind to me. Now that we've both marked each other, the entire house will see us as engaged until we marry. Gender doesn't matter since there are pups that have lost their parents in the pack wars that are always ready for adoption, or pups that rogue parents leave in territories so they'll have a better life.

"Good morning." I said smiling as I saw Trevor walk into the room with plates of food.

He smiled showing me just how bright and perfect his white teeth really are.

He was shirtless and the Mark i gave him was breathtaking.

It looked like a crescent moon but it had tribal like lines within it.

"Your Mark looks good too." He told me as I grinned.

We ate together peacefully and we could finally feel what each other felt. It was like we were one.

     Our wolves were happy too.

"Cant we just send them back?" Trevor asked me after we showered together.

"They need me Trevor." I said smiling sadly, I can't let their pups and elders starve.

"They didnt need you when they did all those cruel things to you. Look at how long its taken me to even get you to smile or even start gaining your health back. You still shake whenever you look at them!" He said as he looked at me. I couldn't read the emotions on his face but thanks to us mating i know what he's feeling. Anger, sadness and love...

"it'll just be for a like bit, plus you'll be there to protect me..." I said as we heard a knock on the door.

"We'll be down in a second, gather everyone and get the cars ready." He ordered as i heard foot steps leave down the hallway.

"Fine. I already packed our stuff, They'll be riding with us so we know nothing will happen on the way there." He said as he placed his hand on my waist and lead me outside.

"Well look who's finally mated." Becky said as she leaned against one of the SUV's.

"Becky i told you only me, Elliott, and some warriors are going. Why are you here?" Trevor sighed as Skylar looked over at me. I looked away from him and looked up at Becky.

"Well to be honest with you, I wanted to go see how shitty their pack house was." She said as Wayne laughed.

"Go inside." Trevor growled at her as she rolled her eyes and left.

"Nice mate mark btw, makes your eyes pop." she whispered to me causing me to blush as everyone loaded up the vehicle's.

We all got in then started heading towards my old pack. part of me is scared but the other part feels that its necessary to completely move on. Plus I trust that Trevor and everyone will protect me if something happens.

I leaned my head against Trevors shoulder and slept while we drove.

*Time Skip*

Sandra's POV

I heard car doors slam shut and a smile made its way on my face. Even from here i could smell that they brought Elliott with them and my son is back!

I stood up and began to walk downstairs. They sure took a long time getting here my guests will be here in a few days, and when they come a marvelous day that day will be! Elliott will have no choice but to stay and slave away to my every need.

"Luna, they've returned...but they brought company..." One of the pack girls said as I smacked her out of my way. She looked disgusting like everyone else here and what company?! i didn't ask to bring others!

I stormed down the rest of the stairs and walked into the living room, well that's what it used to be before all the trash and clothes started piling up.

"Skylar!" I shouted using my luna tone. Everyone in the house grew silent and gathered into the living room, including my husband.

"I asked you to bring Elliott back not their entire fucking pack. Have you no shame in going against your mothers orders?!" I shouted as Elliott hid behind some boy, if he thinks i didn't see that mark on him hes mistaken. That slut was never good at hiding things to begin with.

"Mother, this was the only condition. If you wanted Elliott here, his mate and their warriors were going to come. We're in no shape to be fighting against another pack." He said as I glared at him.

"Fine. Elliott get to work." I ordered as The boy in front of him laughed. If im not mistaken he was the reason Elliott left in the first place.

"You're in no position to bark orders at my mate Luna." He said as I glared at him. Who does he think he is talking to me this way in front of MY entire pack?!

"Look Boy you and your mate are on my pack territory." I said as My husband stood next to me.

"Fine. We're done here." He said grabbing Elliott and leaving out the front door with his warriors.

"Wait, what my wife here means to say is that we will be happy to learn anything Elliott teaches us." My husband said causing them to walk back in.

"Thank you Alpha." The boy said as they were lead to spare rooms. I will not let them treat me this way.

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