Chapter 25

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Elliott's POV

   I woke up and stretched in the spare room Skylar let us use. I was alone in the bed and frowned sadly. Did Trevor leave again? Was he still angry with me?

    I was about to get up when both Skylar and Trevor opened the rooms door and came in. Trevor had a smile on his face as he carried a tray of food and Skylar was smirking as he walked towards me.

    "Good Morning beautiful...I know this won't make up for what I did but I wanted to apologize..." Trevor said with a slight blush on his face as he set the tray down on a dresser.

     "It's okay, I should've talked to you more about it first." I told him as he shook his head. They both sat on the bed with me and just stared at me with their beautiful eyes.

     "We've decided to bring our packs together into one big one." Skylar said as he caressed my face. His touch was surprisingly gentle and comforting. They were going to bring both packs together for me?

     "Anything to make you happy." Trevor said as he started trailing kisses along my neck. My face reddened and my body started to heat up with every touch they laid on my body.

     "So this is what having both mates is like..." I thought in my head as Skylar started to kiss the other side of my neck. My breathing quickened and the rooms atmosphere changed quickly.

     "W-Wait I haven't showered..." I said trying to turn them off. It was too quick to do these things and it was still embarrassing.

     "I don't care." Trevor said as he began to bite and my neck. Then I let out a small yelp as Skylar began to pull off my shirt and suck on my collarbone. Trevor then pulled off the boxers I was given.

    "You're so beautiful..." Skylar mumbled as he looked all over my exposed body. His eyes started to change color as he stared at me. There was no way I was getting away from either of them now.

     "So so so beautiful." Trevor said as he started leaving hickeys all over me.

      "You're both beautiful too." I said still blushing as they smiled. I wasn't the best at flirting or trying to voice my emotions in the moment. Times like this my mind tended to go blank and my words just never wanted to come out.

         Skylar then leaned over me and started to lick and suck on my nipples. I moaned slightly and held onto his head as Trevor started to kiss down my thighs.

        I thought they hated each other?! When did they become best friends and start plotting to tease me?!

        "Don't hold back your voice." Trevor commanded as he began to bite my inner thigh. I accidentally moaned loudly as he began to lick at my butt.

       "Fuck you're moans are so hot." Skylar groaned as he began to kiss me. His kisses were different than Trevor's, his were more hungry and deep while Trevor's tended to be lustfully gentle.

       He slid his tongue into my mouth swiftly as Trevor began to loosen me. His fingers were scissoring inside of me and the sensation caused my toes to curl.

      "You're already so wet." Trevor said chuckling as he licked my cock. I tried to close my legs but he swatted my butt with his other hand, causing me to open them.

       "Be a good boy for me Eli." Trevor told me as Skylar continued to attack my mouth. He was sucking my tongue and the sparks I felt were driving me insane.

       They were both so sexy and hot, I felt like I couldn't control myself anymore. It was like Leutan's nature was just begging me to submit fully to these dominant mates of mine.

      I was panting and moaning loudly into our heated kiss until there was a knock at the door.

     "Uh Alpha sorry to ruin your fun time but you have a call back from Trevor's father, Alpha Richard Knightly." Wayne said clearly embarrassed on the other side of the door.

"Way to be a cock block Wayne." Skylar mumbled getting off of the bed along with Trevor.

"Get dressed and eat Eli, I'll be back after I talk to my father. Make sure you shower before finding King and Kyle." Trevor told me as I nodded still embarrassed.

They left and I sighed before burying my face into the pillows.

"That was really hot and steamy, I can't wait until they mate us completely! Then we will have their pups and live out our lives romantically!" Leutan yelled in my brain as I blushed more. They will have to mate with me to the point where I'll get pregnant, my heat shouldn't come anymore since I've already mated with Trevor...which means they could mate me whenever they wanted.

"Mmnghh.." I moaned slightly still not satisfied. They just teased me then left before they took me. Wait I shouldn't be thinking dirty thoughts!

"Don't worry I'll think all the sexy stuff for you, I totally saw how Skylars cock was hard. Trevor's was practically ready to burst when he ate you out." Leutan said as I screamed into the pillow. He was really perverted way too perverted!

"Leutan please stop, if I get turned on it will be trouble for them." I mumbled through our mind link as he laughed.

But part of me couldn't wait until they had their private time with me.

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