Chapter 20

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*An Entire Year Later*

Trevor's POV

I woke up to Elliott screaming again tonight. He's been doing this for the past few nights now and it's starting to worry me. It's been a year since we left my pack in search of his other mate, and I know a part of him is going crazy. His hearts literally seeking that other half of his, I'm not enough to calm him down anymore.

"Shhh it's ok baby." I told him as I pulled him off of the floor and into my lap. We were all resting in a field of grass right now since it was already night, we were in our wolf forms earlier but shifted back.

I rubbed his back as he cried into my chest. I know it's hard for him, and it's hard for me to see him like this. Hopefully we're getting closer to his mate day by day.

       "Another nightmare?" King asked as he crawled towards us. I brought him and my future Beta Kyle along, just Incase I needed them to help me fight. They both were mateless, so I took this as a chance to help them look for theirs as well.

     "Seems like it." Kyle said as he rolled towards us. They were both tired and I could tell. We've been traveling non-stopped for a long time now. We were far away from home and we came on foot, not in one of the vehicles. So the journey back might be just as long.

      "He'll settle down soon, I feel like we're close." I told them as they both nodded. They fell back asleep and I stayed up, rocking Elliott in my arms.

The next morning, Elliott woke up before Kyle and King.

"I'm sorry..." was all he said as he looked at me. His appearance was starting to change, his eyes held bags under them and he looked exhausted. Over all everything was fine, he just appeared tired.

"Don't be, we're getting closer." I told him as I kissed the back of his neck. He let out a little moan and I smirked.

Even if I have to share him, I'm the one that took his first times.

"You say that everyday." He pouted as I wrapped my arms around his waist. He was sitting between my legs with his back on my chest while we sat in the field.

"I don't want to wake them yet, I don't let them sleep much at night and they need the energy..." Elliott said as I rested my chin on his head. He was so kind and caring towards others, the perfect qualities a Luna should have.

"Elliott, I want our wedding to be the day we get back to my pack." I told him honestly as I felt him tense up. It was selfish of me I know, but I at least want to wed him before the other guy does.

"That wouldn't be fair to him." Elliott said as I looked at the sky. I wanted to argue that I was here first, way before this other guy was, but I didn't. He's going through a lot already. So I chose to keep quiet.

"You're right." I said as he moved from under me and kissed me deeply, it was actually pretty bold of him but I didn't complain. I kissed him back hard and he instantly turned red. I attacked his lips before I started biting his bottom lip, then his neck. I left hickeys all over his neck, and by the time I was done with him the others were already awake and blushing.

Not that I cared, I love marking him. His neck looked so hot covered with hickeys that I made and the way his face gets dark red is just so sexy.

"So uh yeah we should keep going." King said still blushing as I grinned. Yeah the quicker we find his guy, the quicker I can get home and mate with Elliott.

"You're right lets get going." I said before we all shifted. I was pretty proud right now but there was some weird feeling warning me that I wouldn't like him. Not because I didn't want to share, but just because I'd hate him. It was a weird feeling but I chose to just brush it off. How bad could he be?

A/N: thank you all for reading and loving my story! This one will be coming to an end soon and it might have a sequel it might not! Don't forget to comment and vote! Thank you again for loving my story, if you liked this one you should totally check out my others!

P.S- who do you think his mate will be?

P.S.S- Isn't Trevor a good boyfriend?! I don't know about you but I'm a possessive lover lmao I'm not sharing anyone!

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