Chapter 17

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Trevor's POV

   "Knock Knock!!!" Gavin shouted as he walked into Elliott's hospital room. He was carrying two full trays of food, drinks and a blanket around his neck. His lipstick was glittery and his face had a lot of makeup on.

    "You know I can't let you starve yourself sugar. Your mom, our wonderful Luna, asked me to come bring you food and things." He said setting the trays down besides me. Seeing him always brought a smile onto my face, mainly because his larger than life personality.

     "So how's he holding up?" He asked me as he covered me in a blanket.

     "He's doing better, he healed his body I'm just waiting for him to wake up." I told him as he nodded.

    "Well once he wakes up ask him what he wants his favorite cook to whip him up to eat." Gavin said before crushing me in a hug. He smelled really fruity and he was warm.

   "Thank you Gavin." I told him before he left humming some tune.

   I looked over at the trays of food and sighed. He went over board and there was no way I'd eat this much alone.  There was foods ranging from sandwiches to an entire turkey stacked up on trays.

    I looked over at Elliott before shaking my head. He wouldn't want to wake up to me looking bad.

    "Eat at least a little bit...for him." I told myself as I began to eat some sandwiches.

      I wouldn't want to disappoint him...

Elliott's POV

      "Elliott wake up." I heard someone say faintly as I groaned. My head was killing me and I felt like I was just shot in my heart.

      "What's happening to me?" I asked anyone that could hear me. My heart was aching and I could tell it had something to do with my mating bond.

     "Trevor's sad, he misses you." The voice said again as I opened my eyes. I was in a field filled with flowers and it seemed to go on for miles. No trees, no buildings, just a large amount of wild flowers. They were all beautiful and full of vibrant colors.

     "Where are you? Where's Trevor?!" I shouted as I looked around. The sky was clear and a beautiful blue and the sun was shining right above me.

    "Trevor is besides you, you're not awake. You've been unconscious for a while." The feminine voice spoke again but clearer this time. Her voice alone held both power and authority, as if she was royal.

    "Why can I hear but not see you?" I asked as a wolf appeared out of the flowers. It tackled me to the ground and I laughed as it began to lick me.

     It was Leutan...but for him to be in front of me is strange. No werewolf should ever be able to their wolf, it's like being able to see your own body from someone else's perspective or something.

"Why is he?" I asked the voice before a woman appeared in front of me. She was tall and curvy. Her hair was blonde and went all the way down to her ankles in a braid. Her eyes were a stunning mixture of yellow and blue, and her skin was almost tan.

"I am the sun goddess, my sister the moon goddess is the one who made your kind." She said as I gasped. I didn't know if this was real or not but if it was, it would be an honor to even be in this woman's presence.

     She could kill off our kind in a single heart beat if she wanted to. But what did she want with me? Was I that much of a screw up I've even angered the gods and goddesses?

"What do you want with me?" I asked her curiously as she began to rub Leutans fur.

"You've been through a lot, I've been watching you along with my sister." She said as the sky started to turn gray.

"You're an amazing boy, one of the most sincere I've seen in a while, but that sincerity got both you and your mate hurt." Another feminine voice said before a woman jumped down from a gray cloud.

"I'm her sister, the moon goddess. You might be confused as to why we've come to you in a dream, but to answer your questions we have a gift for you." The woman said standing besides her sister. They're faces were the same but they were different in appearance. While the sun goddess was blonde, this woman had black hair. Her eyes were black and blue and her skin was a lot brighter than her sisters.

"I'm sorry but I don't think I deserve a gift from such great power." I told them as they began to laugh.

"You are one of my many children, all different and unique. There are a lot of people who didn't think they were worthy to receive a gift from us but they were, you too." The moon goddess said as she and her sister walked over to me, causing Leutan to whimper.

They both placed their hands on my stomach and in a few seconds their hands began to glow.

"I knew it sister, he was rare." The sun goddess said smiling to her sister as I blushed slightly.

"Rare indeed. You have more than one mate." The moon goddess told me as I shook my head.

"I only have one, Trevor. He's already marked me I'm sure there must be a mistake." I told them confused as they both shook their heads no.

"There's no doubt about it. Your heart aches as your other mate searches, two mates are just two halves of one whole. You won't feel complete until you have both, Leutan here will even start to get restless and go search for the other." The sun goddess said as her sister and her started to walk away.

I was going to call out to them and ask them more questions, but then I saw nothing but black. I tried to open my eyes but nothing happened. My body laid still somewhere and i couldn't move it.

"-ome...come back to me baby." I heard Trevor's voice say as my heart began to flutter. They were right...he was with me, so that means it wasn't a dream.

"T-Trevor." I called out to him as my eyes began to open. It was like a curse was lifted off of my body. I felt fine but my heart still ached, if there was another mate out there for me, I had to find them quickly.

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