Chapter 12

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A/N: Warning: Slight rape trigger ahead, you can skip this chapter if it triggers you. I don't think you'll miss a lot if you skip it?

Elliott's POV

"I'm going to go train the boys again, the alpha is in his office doing paperwork. We'll be back as soon as we finish." Trevor said as he hugged me from behind. He was warm despite how cold it is inside the house. He was shirtless and only wearing shorts, with his hair slicked back.

"Hurry back." I said smiling as he kissed the back of my neck. I shivered slightly then he released me.

"Tell me if something happens and I'll be here in a heart beat." He told me with a serious expression on his face as I nodded.

When he left I slumped down onto the floor. I never got to tell him about what happened with the Alpha but luckily he'll be in his office all day...

"I don't like that asshole." Leutan said in my head as I frowned. I thought I was ready to face him but I'm not...

        "It's not your fault that sick bastard abused you for that long. If it was up to me, we would've never came back to this hell hole." Leutan said as I sat back down on the bed Trevor and I were given.

          "I know but I feel sad...the children don't deserve to suffer because the Others." I said as he hummed.

          I got off the bed then headed to the bathroom contracted to the room. I was going to take a quick shower then teach the girls how to tidy up the house and even cook different meals than last time.

          "You're too nice, I'm going to rest. If something happens call out to me." Leutan mumbled before I felt his presence fade. I think unlike the other wolves, omega wolfs have to rest more because it takes a lot of energy for Leutan to shift with me...especially since we don't shift regularly.

            I started the shower water and waited for it to warm up. I sighed as I remembered how I used to wash up.

            "I should visit my old home one more time before I leave..." I told myself as I undressed.

              I looked at my body in the mirror and touched my stomach.

               My old scars were fading away slowly and I looked healthier than I used to be, but I still had a long scar on my stomach. The alpha gave it to me when he was drunk one night and he loved to stare at it when he'd hurt me.

               "No, no...he can't hurt you anymore Elliott." I said to myself as I got into the shower. Trevor and Skylar would probably not let me get hurt- wait, why'd I think of Skylar to protect me? Trevor is my mate and I guess Skylar is kind of my friend? I'm just stressed maybe.

      "Elliott hurry up, you have to help us!" I heard a female yell as I jumped.

       "I'm coming!!" I yelled back and I quickly began to wash myself. I washed my body with the cherry blossom scented body wash, and I washed my hair with the vanilla scented shampoo and condition.

        When I was done I got dressed in a white long sleeve with black strips and some black jeans, before I headed down stairs and into the living room.

        "We already ate breakfast, there's some for you on the table and can you take the other plate to the alpha?" The Luna asked as she sat on the couch drinking some coffee.

          "Y-you don't want to bring it to him?" I asked her as she looked over at me.

           "If I wanted to i would've." Was all she said as I nodded and left the living room.

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