Chapter 13

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Elliott's POV

   I cried as he began to thrust his erection between my thighs. Thankfully he never put it inside of me yet. I was still trying to contact Trevor while the Alpha continued to sexually abuse me. I felt disgusting but this was my own fault.
    I decided i wanted to come help while my mate and his pack told me not to. I didn't listen. I should've listened. I should've never came back here but letting everyone die just didn't seem right. But me being nice to everyone who hates me got me in this situation...I deserve this don't I? It's my fault all this happened.

   I stopped crying as he picked me up and slammed me down onto his desk, probably adding another bruise to my hideous body.

    "You've stopped crying, that means you've finally accepted your fate right?" He asked smirking as I felt one last tear slide down my cheek. I can't believe I was this stupid.

       "The kids here will probably just grow up to be just like their parents, even though some of the people here are good the majority are twisted and evil." I thought to myself.

   "Why are you doing this?" I asked him with a straight face as I stared at the ceiling, and as he kissed my inner thigh.

      I felt him traced his fingers over my scars as I felt the need to puke. He was sick. How could someone be so evil and twisted?

    "Because you're mine. These scars prove it." He said before I kicked him away from me. I ran away half naked down the hall way as soon as I got the door to his office open.

     I heard his growling and some crashes behind me which made me run even faster. He was chasing me quickly and I was scared but I needed to find Trevor and get out of here.

    "YOU PIECE OF SHIT ILL KILL YOU!" I heard him scream at me as I ran out of the house. They were probably training in the woods but if I could get within range to mind link Trevor, I would have a chance.

     I shifted as Leutan woke up. He was angry but instead of fighting, I asked him to just run. Alphas are naturally bigger and faster than omegas so he'd have to focus on getting us near Trevor for now.

    "Trevor! Help me!" I tried mind linking him as Leutan ran into the woods following Trevor's scent, with his paws hitting the dirt loudly.

      We were still out of range but we were getting closer despite the Alpha shifting and charging after us angrily.

       He was catching up fast and I could tell Leutan was getting tired. I need to start training and running more so I could get at least a little stronger. If I was as fast as Trevor or Skylar I could probably out run the Alpha...

       "Trevor can you hear me?" I asked as Leutan ran across a river and down a hill. We were getting closer to a clearing I'm sure he was at. His scent here is even stronger than before.

        "Yes whats wrong? I can smell your scent from where I'm at, why did you leave the house?" He asked me through mind link as I began to tear up again. I was a terrible mate for having to involve him with this pack and my problems. He saved me once already and now he might have to again...

        "It's the alpha he's chasing me right now in the woods, he tried to rape me! You were right we should've never came. If he kills me I'm sorry I told you we should come here, I should've told you last night when he winked at me I didn't feel safe around him and he even made sure we were home alone today." I told him as the alpha jumped on me. He had a lot of saliva coming out of his mouth and he was beyond angry. His wolf must've taken over because the crazy look in his eye was horrifying.

            He was angry enough to kill me and I was sure he knew that.

            He bite my hind leg causing Leutan to wail and screech in pain. He kept attacking the same leg no matter how many times I tried to fight him off.

            I kicked his snout and he bite my leg even harder than before, so not only is my hand messed up from earlier but now my leg might be broken.

            "This isn't your fault Elliott. You thought you were doing the right thing. I should've woken up but I couldn't..." Leutan told me as Trevor's wolf Tinus tackled the alpha off of me. They were fighting and really trying to kill each other. I whimpered as I laid hopelessly onto the ground. If anything happened to Trevor because of me I wouldn't be able to live with myself. He shouldn't get hurt because of me but right now I couldn't do anything.

"Once I kill this guy we're burning that place down and getting out of here!" Trevor mind linked me as I began to cry again. I was crying a lot but it seemed like the only thing I could do right now. I felt useless and stupid and I didn't need anyone to tell me what I already knew. This entire thing was my fault only.

"I'm sorry this is my fault I'm a terrible mate." I mind linked him as he bite into the alphas neck. Everyone else arrived and Trevor's men attacked the alphas men. Trevor's men obviously winning in the end and the Alpha was a bloody mess when Trevor was done with him.

"DONT YOU EVER TOUCH HIM AGAIN DO YOU HEAR ME?! HES AN ANGEL I DONT WANT YOU TO EVEN LOOK AT HIM!" Trevor screamed after shifting back along with the alpha who laid bloody and bruised.

"Wipe That smirk off your face." Skylar told his father as his dad glared at him. Then Skylar did something I thought he'd never do. He hit his dad by punching him hard in his face. Clearly over powering his weakened father.

After he hit his dad, Trevor shifted into Tinus again and killed the alpha. I didn't think he'd kill him but I wouldn't have been able to stop them in the state I was in either way.

I looked down and my side began to bleed quickly. I held my hand against my side but it didn't stop me from bleeding.

"T-Trevor." I called out the name of my mate that was too good for me before I passed out from the loss of blood.

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