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Michael was picking me up at the airport today we were in Dallas he better be here i thought stepping into the humidity. I was so hott already"AAANNNGEEELLLL" a voice yells hurdling into me. Michael scooped my up and spun me a lot"babe i missed you so much" he smiles setting me down"i missed you". Michael was still hugging me"Mikey can you let go" i laugh"no your never leaving my arms" he said playful." I wanna kiss you" i state"turn your head" he instructs i do and im met with his lips on mine.

"Michael why cant you kiss me like a normal fiance" i laugh Mikey finally releases his grasp on me. "Fiance i like that word" he says i bend up to kiss him properly"did that satisfy your needs" he jokes."Yeah it did" i blush Mikey takes my suitcase from my hand and puts his free arm around my waist. We head back to the hotel they got hotel rooms since there playing 2 nights here. "I love you so much angel almost Clifford" Michael kisses my forehead"i love you too mikey cliffy" i smile.

I curl onto Michael's lap "so about this wedding when are we having it" i ask. "Thats for you too decide im handling the cake and the venue" he replies."Okay how about next weekend" i state"sounds perfect" he says grabbing his ds"the x box is in the bus. Too lazy to walk all the way out there" "me too we can play Mario on our ds" i suggest. We play a few rounds of Mario then battle Pokemon now were just being bored."Angel im so happy your back" Michael cuddles me more and kisses me all over.

"Stop being so cute" i roll my eyes"stop being so sassy" Mikey said"im being sassy please" i state. "Oh yeah that did not sound sassy at all" he smirks being sarcastic."I'm just kidding go back to being cute instead of a sarcastic shit" i chuckle" your also a sarcastic shit its why we work so well" Mikey replies. "Oh really i had no idea" i look up we both start to laugh.

Its days like this i miss the most whenever i leave the lazy ones where we just sit and enjoy each other company. "Im gonna go explore the venue" i state getting out of his grasp. "Noo come back" mikey whines"no im leaving" i laugh"fine bring me back some food from the snack table" he calls. "Your unbelievable" i shout leaving i ran into Cates once i got inside she was hiding. "Cates what are you doing" i ask"hush im playing hide and seek with Calum now shoo" Cates replies.  I find Calum in the snack table room with Luke" Angel you seen Cates" Calum asks"nope" i lie. "Im just here to grab Mikey food" i add"you're a good fiance Angel" Luke compliments.

I head to the tour bus to find ash Lucy and Carmen"hi little baby girl" i poke Carmen cheeks. "Shes just woken up" Ash giggles"shes adorable" someday ill have children i smiled at that. I played with Carmen for a little while till she started to cry"luc can you get her ive gotta leave time for sound check" Ash calls leaving. "Of course come here little girl" Lucy picks her up"by luc love you"he kisses her cheek. "You guys back to normal for good" i question"yes and were much happier now Ash and i we can make it through anything" she smiles.

"Im so glad he loves you so much Lucy like ive never seen a boy love a girl as much as he loves you" i confess. "Really that means so much thanks Angel" Lucy told me"wanna crash sound check" i ask."Nah im good you can though"she replies"boo you mummy" i joke leaving the bus. I go to the backstage area they were answering questions i have been carrying around chips for mikey. I walk out"oh my gosh your the literal greatest" Michael exclaims"im so hungry" he complains. "Geez Mikey maybe you should stop sleeping in and missing breakfast" i sass. "Maybe you should stop being a sassy little shit" he sasses back"make me" i challenge.

"Ooo burn" the fans giggle "my girlfriend everyone" Mikey said" IM NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND ANYMORE" i call out."Why not"Mikey panics i stay silent so do the fans"guys whats going on Angel baby i love you" he tells me. Ash finally speaks"mate you proposed shes your fiance" a huge sense of relief washes over him. We all burst out in laughter"greatest sound check ever" a fan cheers"Michael you're such a dork" i roll my eyes. "Im forever your dork" he smirks"now get outta here" he shoves me playfully. "Fine cates and i will go on a roadtrip" i state.

"Have her back by midnight" Luke says stern"who are you her mother" Calum said we all crack up once more. "I dont appreciate being compared to a mum Calum" Luke playfully shouts at him. "Hey you're not the boss of me Lucas Cates says shes good all night" Cates appears sticking her tongue out at Luke. "Fine stay out all night like i care" Luke tries to be mean i lock arms with cates an we leave."We know damn well he cares" i say laughing"yeah seriously "so where we headed" "theres this really cool waterfall like 2 hours away" i respond.

"Sounds fun im in as long as we show up sometime during the night" Cates smiles. "This is why i love you your literally up for anything". "And you Mrs Clifford have the best ideas" she winks i roll my eyes "you can drive there Cates its called palouse falls" i tell her she puts it in her gps. "Thank god for technology" she mutters"you can pick the music" Cates offers i plug in my phone. She likes by forever the sick kids was up first"she likes she likes she likes to fight and make up she likes she likes to be alone she likes she likes she likes the heartache of a break up" we sing along. 

"Sooooo when are you officially going to become Mrs Clifford" she asks" next weekend. Were so excited" i reply"dont elope Angel okay have a big white wedding"she blurts out. I look at her skeptical"babes are you okay" i question"i dont regret marrying Luke at all not one bit but i regret not having a big wedding. We never got a honeymoon we dident have bachelor/bachelorette parties we just got married. I wanted a big wedding but i wanted to be married to Luke more. Look you and Michael have time to actually plan a wedding" Cates told me. 

"Thats just it i dont want a big white wedding besides you guys and the boys families i dont have people to invite that i actually care about. Id rather have it be intimate with just our closest friends and family but not mine. I haven't even told my dad yet but im sure he knows the whole world knows" i mention"im sorry. Angel i know how hard life is on you but cheer up you'll always have us" she reassures."Yeah thanks i love you so much Cates" i smile at her"incoming call from lukeyboo" her Bluetooth rang she pressed talk. 

"Babe did you seriously go on a roadtrip " Luke asks her i laugh" yes i did" she said kinda sassy."Dont get sassy with me" he said annoyed''dont be annoying" she sasses"fine have an attitude are you gonna be back for the show" he inquires."No probably not" Cates replies" alright i can manage without my good luck charm for one night i promise ill get cal to videotape my beside you intro" Luke told her. "Hey guys Michael here Luke's being a little bitch ignore him have fun do crazy shit". He instructs us" i love you Angel " "love you too Mikey" i say laughing. "Okay Luke say goodbye let them have fun" "fine have a good time i love you sexy wife" Luke said quiet. 

Palouse falls was so pretty and quite huge i got a few good shots of it Cates has fallen asleep we got dinner on the way back. We dident leave palouse til like 8 30 then we ran into bad traffic its almost 12 30 i was sleepy myself. I got back to the bus at like 1 30 Michael was awake but luke was asleep" he tried so hard to stay awake" Michael told me" awww yeah so sweet" i coo. "Cates has been asleep in the car for like the whole ride home" i chuckle"ive got her" he smiles"you could have gone to bed Mikey you dident have to stay up" i tell him." I know but i wanted to make sure you both got back i promised Luke i would". 

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