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My favorite thing about angel is shes a figther she defeats every obstical she faces. Even angel a beautiful model had her dark days she used to self harm a lot due to her dad hate and even over chad. She told me i was the reason she quit she said i put the light back in her life i gave her reason. To me its incredible i have that effect on people but sometimes we get triggered sometimes we fall down again. angel left this morning to spend the day with gigi and kendall next time i had to pee i noticed her razer.

theres blood stains on it so now ive been sitting at the kitchen table for the past hour. Im wondering why she started why she dident tell me how long shes been doing this if its somehow my fault and how or if i should confront her. perhaps i should just wait until she comes to me angels a lot like me so maybe shes just waiting til shes ready to tell me. i understand that and i dont want to push her to tell me things because i hate when people do that.

At the same time though this is worrying me a lot shes my baby my wife the person i love and care for the most. its about 4 pm now she probably wont be back until later I put the razer back and play video games to keep my mind off it. They dont work though its still all im thinking about. Angel comes in the door at 6 please dont be drunk please dont be drunk"hey mikey" she smiles. I watch her walk body language motions everything shes sober thank fucking god"angel" i say.

"yeah" she replies sitting next to me heres my chance i want to so bad but i cant. I cant push her"how was your day" i ask looking at her"it was fun we shopped talked got coffee saw a movie just typical girl stuff" she replies. "im glad you had fun" i tell her angel rests her head on my shoulder"i love you" i sigh"i love you too" she says. "ill be back i gotta pee" angel kisses my cheek i watch her sadly as she walks away.

shes probably going in there right now to cut i can just imagine her sighing and crying a bit as she pierces the blade through her perfect skin. this isent good mikey stop i tell myself but my mind wanders further to me coming home one day or waking up and finding her on the bathroom floor. her having gone too far and i blame myself because i dident talk to her about it my breaths become short and i start crying. I cant loose her"ugh sorry it took me so long was a number 2" she jokes.

"oh my god michael whats wrong" angel asks worried she sits on my lap"i cant loose you id hate myself" was all i could get out. "hey no sh your not going to loose me" she comforts"why angel" the tears fall harder"why what what did i do" she asks. "you left your razer out i saw a blood stain on it. baby its been 3 years what happened" i whisper crying into angel "fuck you think ive relasped havent you" she breaths. "mikey no i havent i accidently cut myself a tiny bit while shaving" angel tells me.

i hold her tighter"michael look at my arms look at me calm down stop crying" angel comforts i lift my head up. her arms were clean she showed me the band aid on her knee angel wipes my tears and presses her lips to mine. I kiss for a few minutes then i pull back she starts chuckling" whats so funny" i ask smiling"just your adorable i love you so much. Honestly you had a breakdown because your brain always thinks of the worst possible thing. It shows how much care" angel tells me"i really do especially about you i cant stand the thought of anyone hurting you" i reply.

"lets go get some pizza alright pizza always works" angel suggests i nod my head."michael" she cuckles" if were going to get pizza you have to let go of me" "no no i dont" i bury my face in her neck. i place small kisses there after a couple minutes i let go of  angel and we leave. I refuse to let go of her hand though"youre so clingly i love it so much" she says. "im sorry i just assumed youd relapsed" i apologize.

"its okay and for the record michael weve built this amazing reletionship i would tell you right away that i was thinking about it. youre the one person in my life i can depend on i know how much you love me with chad i never told him because i knew hes make it worse. You made it better" angel vents"aw thanks i love you so much mrs clIfford" "love you too mikey" she kisses my cheek. " the cliffords nice too see you guys been a while. Must have been on tour" stephanie greets us chipper.

"yeah we have been but were back for a bit nice to see you to stephanie" angel replies. we have a close reletionship with the entire staff"tim will be your waiter tonight ill tell him to come say hi and get your usual going" stephanie smiles. "great thanks steph" i smile back after pizza we go back home"theres got to be a good movie on netflix" angel complains" what about this one called stardust it looks cute" i reply. "i swear you like chick flicks more than me" she teases"that might be but lets not tell the boys" i joke.

angel leaves to get tissues"well both probably need these at some point" we both laugh and i cuddle up to angel. "aw no no how sad she cant go to his world shes gonna die" i state i grab a tissue to wipe my eyes.  the movie was so good it had a happy ending"your mum is calling me" angel says"put it om speaker" i reply. "hey karen whats up" angel asks"are you and michael busy i miss you guys can you come to dinner". "hi mummy its mikey" i greet"how are you sweetie" she asks"great well be there tonight see you then" i tell her.

angel hangs up" ugh im glad it was your mum and not mine" she mumbles angels mum dosent like me or angel. ive only met her twice angel dosent really like her family either i always feel so bad. i hug angel tight"its okay you dont need them ill give you all the love in the world"

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