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Sadie dident take summer off this year she said that if she did she could graduate in the winter. Which means starting her career sooner which means babies sooner. Its just frustrating because i look foreward to summers its the one time we can spend every day together. We did get another dog his name is baxter hes a beagle and is as cute as can be. Everymorning i walk both dogs i watch tv til sadie has her lunch break then after lunch i go to the beach or hang with one of the guys.

When sadie gets home she does her homework and makes dinner then i finally get my cuddles an we go to bed. I hardly ever see her it makes me sad and angry but id do anything for her. Currently its 11am sadies lunch is at noon i tidy up our place a bit then i lie down and contemplate life. Honey comes and lays with me"youll never leave right of course not cause you love me" i cuddle her. "Cal pal im sorry i meant to call you i cant do lunch today i have a meeting with my counseler about interships for next year. Ill see you later" sadie kisses me quick.

"Its fine have fun at your meeting" i smile but inside i was dying of loneliness. I found myself at cates and lukes park i cant believe it theyre finally pregnant. Im so excited and happy for them lukes so lucky cates goes on tour with him they spend all summer together. Im so jealous i look at my ring i let out a heavy sigh. I watch mad max when i get back sadie comes home halfway through. "Hey babygirl how was school come cuddle" i say."school was fine have loads of work ugh maybe later tonight"she kisses my cheek.

"Sure no problem" i smile up at her yet again i was dying of sadness. Im gonna go see cates shell know what to do"hey sades sorry to bother you. Im headed over to the hemmings came to get a goodbye kiss" i pucker my lips she kisses them a couple times. "Bye have fun love you" "love you more " i say then i go. "Awww calum awww im so sorry you feel so alone" cates hugs me.

"Its just so frustrating cates i love the fact shes so passionate and determained. Its why i fell for her but damnit i just need to be cuddled for a few minutes when she gets home. this is the only time of the year im actually at home every day. Its tough mrs hemmings" i tell her i was also crying" calum sweetie you need to tell sadie how you feel. Marriage is all about being aware of whats going on with the other person. You appear so happy on the outside but inside your a sad puppy" cates vents to me.

"I am and i dont wanna be a sad puppy anymore i wanna be a happy puppy" i pout. "Awww calum your so cute lets watch a movie and cuddle" " thanks cates i really need this " i smile. She put on paranormal activity"you get so jumpy in this movie" i laugh"i know but i love it". Cates sits on my lap i put my arms around her stomach and rest my head on her shoulder. I felt so much better luke came in to drop off dinner"thanks lukeyboo youre the bestest" cates said he pecks her lips.

After the movie i head back to mine sadies still working on HW"need a study break" i ask chipper."no i need to finish this paper about how the u.s constition inspired other governments including our own." sadie replies"did you eat" i ask"yes i had some pasta now cal i really need to get this done" she told me. I go downstaires and grab my song journal i read through all of them. "You youre a catch 22 win or loose im screwed" i sung. Idk why but that song made me cry"cal pal i finished my paper whered you go" sadie calls."im downstaires" i call back wiping my tears.

"Calum you doing okay" she asks"yes im fine" i smile"thats not your real smile. Youre eyes are red calum have you been cryin" she questions."yeah I have" i reply"calum whats wrong" she asks"its nothing im fine i promise" "calum no youre not whatd you do. I swear whatever it is you can tell me" sadie says softly"i cant tell you this babygirl" " why not " "because itll hurt you or make you feel terrible" i say.

"Calum look at me just tell me ok " sadie pushes so i do i let out all my pent up sadness. Sadie has tears coming down her cheeks"i told you it would hurt you" i joke. "Calum im i just calum im so sorry i wish you would have told me sooner. I would have not gone" sadie said" i will never stop you from doing something you want to do. I could never get in the way of your dreams" "calum thats so sweet of you but if youre unhappy you need to tell me you are so good during tour".

"I know how hard it is for you not having me around and youre so good at it all. Youre too humble to tell me when ive been a bitch" sadie vents. "No babygirl dont call yourself that youre never a bitch you never could be i just wish you werent so busy all the time. When you get home i just want to be cuddled and i like to know what you do each day" i look at her. "Calum ill tell you what next quarter ill take it off and spend time with you" sadie offers.

"No i wont let you okay you have worked so hard okay graduate a quarter early. I mean youll have 2 weeks off for christmas and im okay with that look forget about me let me be sad if it means youre happy" i say. "I love you so fucking much you are so amazing i dont know how to ever thank you enough" sadie cries i hug her. "Shh babygirl its okay i love you so much more just dont leave as long as i have you i will be happy even if i never see you" she hugs me tighter.

"Youre so cute and humble and squishy" she chuckles"damnit not you too why does everyone always say im so squishy" i joke. "Cause you are but its why i love you" sadie pulls back i kiss her for a long time."okay i promise everyday 5 minutes of cuddles 5 minutes of conversations" sadie told me"10 minutes of cuddles 5 of talkin" i say"fine" she laughs i kiss her cheeks. "Its late we should go to bed mrs hood" "but im not tired" sadie says"who said we were sleeping. I pull a bunch of silly faces"carry me" she pouts" carry me" i mimic she gives me a sassy look before laughing.

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