Ch.2 He Fell For Me, The One Who Will Break His Heart

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Ok just so you know I write half these chapters and my friend FrostBittenAshes or Kaelon writes the other half. Hehe I was so excited <3Ash


We ate in silence, well at least till Skyla started making faces as me, which made me smile uncontrollably.

"So, Skyla how is your new apartment?" My mom questioned oblivious to our faces and scooping herself and I an extra large helping of squash.

Sick, I wonder where Persephone was; a vivid memory came flooding back of when Sky and I fed her squash a couple months ago. I shuddered at the memory.

"It's nice," She took Eric's hand, "We wanted to tell you that we are renting a house closer to here so we don't have to drive 40 mins every time Eric wants to see his lil sis" Skyla said grinning which instantly spread around the table.

I was holding the bottom of my chair to keep me from dancing around the room. I love Skyla like my own sister, maybe even just a tad bit more then Eric, Just a tad.

Every one else relapsed in silence, I was bobbing my head singing to myself picking at my squash, Skyla and I are definitely going on a Timmy's run tonight.

"Skyla, don't bob your head, you only have so many smart brain cells left" Benji said making Eric laugh and almost choke on his squash. Benji patted him on the back laughing.

"Benji, don't be a douche" I said glaring at both my brothers.

"Enough, all of you" My mom said scooping me more squash.

"Mom!" I said grabbing her hands and putting them off the pot, "I hate squash, always have, and always will. So stop forcing it down my throat! I'm going to die and no healthy ass food will change it!" I said standing up with my plate.

"Layla, come on let's just have a nice dinner!" Benji called after me.

Pffft, that's not possible in this house hold.

This yellow crap is angering me, and with that I dumped my dinner in the trash, and then chucked my plate in the sink. "I'm going in my room! I just want to be alone!"

"Love? Come on! Scrabble?" Skyla called trying to reason with me.

I ignored all of them, I knew they would respect my wishes and let me be for a while, so I turned on my iPod to DJ Tiesto and started unpacking my books.

Part of me wanted to keep everything I boxes so it would be easier for my mom when I., uh, you know, pass. But having my books not in order I dunno just didn't feel right.

I started dancing soon enough; I felt someone's presence behind me moving her body to the beat. I turned and smiled, Skyla was there dancing to what she called option 2's music. She loved DJ Tiesto; she was the one who sneaked me in to see him live for the first time when I was 13. Since then we've seen him more times then we can remember, she said if Eric doesn't hurry up and ask him then she's becoming a stalker fan and asking DJ Tiesto for his hand in marriage.

"Dahhhling?" Skyla spoke in her British accent.

"Yes, Sky?" I said turning down the music a bit.

"Real food?" She asked dangling her car keys.

"Thought you'd never ask" I said grabbing my jacket.

Skyla chuckled, "See you on the outside world"

We smiled at each other a wicked smile, as Skyla went out my door I put on my ball cap. I went in my bathroom and applied some eyeliner and mascara. I changed out of my sweat pants and in to my ripped blue jeans. I threw my red leather jacket over it all at walked over to my window. I slid it open and looked down. I've never done this from the fourth floor, I was happy I had my converse on. I took a breath and climbed up on the roof.

Okay Layla, we're not that far up, right?

I smiled to myself and stood up on the roof, I walked across to the opposite side where a tall oak tree was; I channeled my inner third grader and climbed down the tree.

Once I reached the bottom I smiled widely. I started dashing down the street.

I plugged in my iPod to make the walk go faster. People were staring so I kept my base ball cap low covering my eyes. Then I hit something.

"Why in the world was there a brick wall in the middle of the street?" was the first thought I had as I laid flat on my back staring up at the sky. I shook that nonsense out of my head maybe it was just like a van or something, as I went over the possibilities in my head I heard a movement from beside me and I turned to see...Omigosh its sexy window guy!!

"You know it's probally not the smartest idea to just keep laying in the middle of the road like that." He said unkindly. What a jerk. I stood up akwardly and frowned at him. "It's not nice to stare you know.I know it's hard with me being...well me but i'm sure you stared enough through your window" he smirked at me. I blushed, stupid egotistical jerk.

"Well sorry to burst your bubble but it's not a compliment if I do it in hate." I fixed my shirt and started walking again.

"Don't worry, babe, you'll give in every single girl has." Ahh so he's a player. I probally shouldn't be suprised I thought as I almost reached Skyla's car, with his looks he could get lots of girls. Good thing I'm not one of them.

I got in Sky's car and she started driving while I turned up some random Taylor Swift song on the radio. Not soon after she turned it back down "look I think this'll be the last tim hortons until the end of the week just so you can get used to school. Tommorow's your first day right?"

"Yep"I muttered. The first day of hell. Thank god I'm as bad as the devil himself or I wouldn't last two seconds. The hardest part is trying to stay a loner, I mean I know that sounds totally bigheaded but whenever people try and be my friend I give them the bitch act. I totally wouldn't mind having friends but I don't want to hurt them when I die.

So I gave myself a peptalk and mentally prepared myself for school. All on the way to tim hortons.

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