Ch.15. He Fell For Me, The One Who Will Break His Heart

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Okey dokey. I wrote the whole thing since Kaelon wrote the last one and it was fun. Okay well Kaelon's mad at me cause I forgot to wake up this morning so I'm going to make a public apology.


Ps. This Chapter is dedicated to Zara. Just cause I love her.

Chapter 15

After my epiphany with the milk carton I ran to my room to pack my bags and get dressed. I was going to wait for Axel for that but theres to many things to talk about, I just want to get going.

I quickly pulled on my rose outfit.

I quickly put on some light makeup and started packing my bags. When I was done with that I ran and put them in the living room and started my annoying pacing.

After I told Benji earlier, Josh called and occupied all of his attention. Stupid gay couple not caring bout my problems.

I didn't really care that he lived with a family that kidnapped him, but I did care that he didn't tell me. Well now we both have things we haven't told eachother. The only difference is that I didn't plan on him finding out.

I grabbed a book from my room and went over to the porch and began reading prepared to wait it out. After about an hour I got impatient and texted Axel.

Where da fuck R U?

Grrrrr. It's been an hour and a half and still no reply. Josh made me and Benji dinner so I went inside. I can't believer he blew me off. He better have a wonderfuckingful excuse for blowing me off.

"Still a no show?"Benji asked me and I nodded my head with a sad look.

"Now don't go all sad on us dahling. If he can't see what a wonderful girl you are then it's his loss."

I rolled my eyes at him. " I'm not going to break up with him, I'm just gonna be super pissed until he gives me a good reason to forget about me."

Ahh the rest of dinner was interesting. Benji and Axel acted like a typical gay couple and made me laugh a couple of times with there sex jokes. I was half expecting Axel to burst through the door with apologies and a good excuse, much to my dissapointment he didn't show.

I fell asleep that night with a throbbing in my chest and questions filling my head. One was asked repeatedly. Where was Axel?

Axel's P.O.V. (The morning of the trip)

I got up early in the morning, excited to spend the day with Layla. I love her so much she makes me forget about my problems. Nobody has ever been able to do that, even Alexis could only do it during sex. I did love her but that was a completely different love than what I feel with Layla.

I got in the shower and jumped out ten minutes later fresh and ready to go. I walked out of the bathroom and skipped my way to my closet. What to wear what to wear?This'll do.

I got dressed, did a little happy dance, grabbed my already packed bags and headed for the door.

I walked up the stairs from my basement bedroom and started looking for my foster parents. Ah così mi hanno lasciata sola(Ah so they left me alone.) I am originally from Italy so it was my first language and my thoughts were often in Italian.

I thought I heard a car in the driveway but I shrugged it off. Probably a cat or something.

I sighed and patted my pregnant dog, Lola on the head(my dogs name is acually Lola.) and instead of using the front door went throught the garage. I ran my finger tips across the top of my sleek car. Oh come amo la mia auto(oh how I love my car).

I was about about to unlock it but I felt a smashing weight on the back of my head. I started seeing black dots as I fell to the garage floor. I felt blood dripping down my neck. Oh shit not a good sign. Layla's gonna think I blew her off. I was trying to fight off the darkness that was pulling me under but it was not going well.

The last thing I saw was before I gave into the darkness was my birth mothers face smirking down at me.

* * *

Still Axel's P.O.V.

I woke up with the sun glaring in my face and climbed out of my matrress on the ground. I walked down the messy hallway of our two bedroom house and went into the kitchen. It was a mighty tiny kitchen but it still held the seldom food items. My luck was with me because the sushi I got last night was still in the fridge. Mom must be passed out.

After I finished my sushi breakfast I walked into the living room hoping that my mom only passed out from drinking. Not drugs or her boyfriend beating her. I sound like a horrible person letting my mom be like this but trust me I've tried to fix her before. I'm only twelve years old and since I was three and my father left us and she got into these bad habits. She just screams at me and she once hit me and I couldn't hit her back because she's my own flesh and blood.

Her boyfriend is a different story. I have threatened him but he just laughed and shoved my head into the wall. Besides, he's the head of the most powerful Italian mafia and I didn't wanna get mixed up in that.

I looked around the living room for my mom and was shocked to see my mom awake. Her and Shawn, I mentally shuddered, were bent over some blue prints. Oh great, a major robbery again. They always take weeks to plan these.

"By mom." Was all I said and headed for the door not being able to handle this enviroment.

I unfortunatly had to stop when I heard shawns scratchy voice call me out, "Axel. Your joining my gang." That was quite the invitation.

"Uh thanks ,but no thanks. I'm not the right guy."I tried leaving again.

Ugh. Stupid Shawn. "It wasn't a suggestion dickhead." Ah so he gave up his nice attitude.

"Well I'm not gang material."I said stubbornly.

"AXEL YOU WILL LISTEN TO YOUR FATHER!" My mothers once beautiful voice screeched at me. I started shaking my head again when Shawn stood up and pulled out his pocket knife.

"If your not going to listen then we'll have to slice you up until you do."

As soon as an understanding came to me I booked it to my room knowing that that was the only place with a lock. I locked it behind me and started stuffing random clothes and hygiene items into a duffel bag.

Shawn and my mom were still trying to break down the door so I climbed out my window and headed to the nearest social service building.

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