He Fell For Me, The One Who Will Break His Heart (25)

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BAMMMM sorry Ash but you're igcognitto lol imma shut up and continue writing


Did anyone watch the finale of Lost?? sniff sniff OH and who else reads Darknessandlight WHO ELSE IS SO HAPPY ABOUT THAT KISS!?


Is the show Pretty Little Liars based off a book??? cause i think i've read that book but im not sure XD

Well book or not I STILL WANNA WATCH IT!!

Okay i'll let you read now.. ANSWER MY QUESTIONS lol it cool if you don't but if you do I LOVE YOU!

Chapter 25.

I was laying in bed thinking about Christmas, it was in about a month. I started thinking about what I should get Axel. But then my thoughts drifted to August, it would roughly be my last month. I closed my eyes tight until I saw black dots and opened my eyes. I needed to stop thinking about the future and start thinking about now. I heard my front door slam shut, then the door to my mother's room open.

I glanced at the air vent under my night stand, it went straight in to my Mom's room. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the thoughts of what/who was in there and what they are doing.

I heard giggling and my Mom's shhhing someone. I groaned this is going to be a long night.

I felt myself drifting off, but then a "Fuck" woke me back up.

I sat up to Axel lying on the floor cradling his arm.

Axel looked at me a grinned an innocent smile, "Gravity is a bitch"

I chuckled and layed back down, Axel crawled in next to me. I was getting used to this; it didn't feel awkward anymore it felt normal like we were the perfect fit. Cheesy yes I know, but its how I feel.

Axel clapped and instantly all my lights turned off leaving us in darkness.

I snuggled in to side and shut my eyes.

But once again I was woken up by a "Bang" I shot up looking around. It sounded as if it came from right next to me.

Axel clapped on the lights and sat up as well.

The bang came again, this time I realized it was coming from somewhere outside my room.

I looked at Axel he was shirtless and built. He was gaining more muscle with every football practice. I looked like a little girl compared to him.

Axel chuckled, "Are they-" a moan interrupted him.

I laughed and nodded, "Mmhm, it appears so"

He smirked.

I held up my hands before he could speak "No I don't even wanna hear it Axel," He smiled at me and I smiled back, "It'll all be okay, don't worry"

Pain crossed Axel's face, "You know what Layla, I think you need to stop being so positive and maybe be a negative Nancy every once and a while, because you know some things don't turn out okay" he blurted out at me, he looked like he wanted to take the words back but he didn't.

I had to smile at his choice of words "Negative Nancy?"

Axel didn't smile though, he stood up from the bed leaving me cold, "I realize Layla you put on an act and a smile and you tell everyone that you're okay, when you're not!" he was basically yelling now, "You may have everyone fooled, but Layla I see what's happening to you! You're getting smaller and smaller, you sleep so much, you barely see the sun these days, and you're so thin. Heck you can't even yell some days, and you've started to cough blood!' He screeched.

He Fell For Me, The One Who Will Break His HeartWhere stories live. Discover now