Ch.19. He Fell For Me, The One Who Will Break His Heart.

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I gasped and leaped on him I was practically on top of him smothering him with kisses.

Oh thank. Fucking. God.

Axel tried to sit up and gasped in pain.

I got off him "Don't try to move, you have broken ribs"

Axel looked at me puzzled and I saw the memory's flood back into his mind, his normal cheery lost eyes turned cloudy and angry.

"Do you remember anything?"

Axel nodded, looking ready to kill at any moment.

Oh thank you god.

I walked closer to the bed I was about to kiss him, when Josh came running in.

"OH EM GEEE!!" He carried a black leather purse over his one shoulder "Benny-Boo! I found them, it's true!!"

On queue Benji came running in with Carson by his side "Oh dear lord, at least he's awake now" Benji exclaimed.

"What do you mean awake now?" Axel asked utterly confused.

Ha ha ha I love his voice, damn I missed his voice.

"You were in a coma" Dr.Nolan said entering the room with a clipboard in his hands "And I believe you're over the visitor limit Mrs. and Mr.Morington"

Axel looked at me and smiled but then he groaned "If I murder that psycho bitch and midget boyfriend, would you all help me hide their bodies?"

I laughed typical Axel, almost dies and he makes a joke about it.

"Axel, your lovely wife has not left in the past three day's you've been here" Dr.Nolan said approvingly.

I was getting blank stares from Benji, Josh and Carson.

Axel looked at me and smiled "Well of course," He motioned for Dr.Nolan to come closer to him; Dr.Nolan obeyed "She's kinda obsessed with me"

I held in my laughter and so did everyone else in the room.

"Well Axel since your feeling good, I suppose we could release you later this afternoon, as long as you promise to take it easy, with your ribs especially, and go easy on the running just in case at least for a week or so" Dr. Nolan said leaving "I'll have you out of here in about an hour"

Carson dropped the suitcase she was carrying "I just lugged that here and listened to these bimbos," She pointed to Josh and Benji "Bicker about what you wear to see someone in a coma, they decided on outfits Josh saw on a soap opera once"

I couldn't help myself but laugh, Axel did too.

"Babe get your ass over her and kiss me damnit!" Axel yelled pointing to the spot beside the bed.

God I love him.

"And you say I'm the one obsessed with you, I think it's the other way around, bud" about time, I wanted to kiss you for so long.

I walked to Axel and leaned down.

"So when did you two get married?" Benji asked crossing his arms.

I stopped, sighed Axel did too and faced them "We didn't I had to say that cause they wouldn't let him go into surgery"

Benji and Josh nodded.

He Fell For Me, The One Who Will Break His HeartWhere stories live. Discover now