Ch.7 He Fell For Me The One Who Will Break His Heart

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Chapter 7


I woke up with usual sadness I get from that dream, but the sadness was quickly replaced by confusion. Where in the world am I?


I looked around, there was no pictures just band posters, obviously this person didn't want to document their life.

I clenched my stomach I never had that reaction before.

In the corner was a chair facing away from me.

I got off of the king sized bed and slowly crept over to the chair, the closer I got the more I distinguished a faint sound, of someone softly snoring.

I peered around and saw Axel's messy dark brown hair spilling over his closed eyes.


I turned around and saw my messenger bag along with my jacket on the corner of his desk.

I tip toed silently over to his desk and slipped on my jacket; I grabbed my bag and headed for the door.

I was so focused on the door that I never looked where I was going, there was a loud squeak and then my face made contact with the ground.

I groaned, so close.

"And just where do you think you're running off to, Miss Barf on my new shoes?" Axel said standing up and stretching, revealing a very hot six pack.

Bad Layla, bad. You don't like him.

"Kay, that wasn't my fault. Where am I anyways?" I asked standing up, not facing him.

"My room, smart one" Axel said, I could hear the roll of his eyes from here.

I started to continue towards the door but a he grabbed my hand.

"Layla, look I'm sorry, I don't mean to be a dick I'm just used to that" He said soundly actually sincere.

I pulled even harder, but he had me in a death grip.

Why didn't I sign up for that self defense class like my mom wanted me to?

"Layla, look at me" Axel begged.

I didn't answer.

Maybe if I make sounds like I know what I'm doing he'll let go.

Ready to let out my best Jackie Chan warrior scream, Axel physically turned me to face him.

"I said I was sorry" Axel said looking deep into my eyes.

I shook my head trying to loose the picture of his eyes from my head. Finally it was gone, but then I had to look up at him again, I wish I could swim in those beautiful blue eyes.

"Sorry, doesn't work for me Axel" I said swimming in his lost eyes, he looked wounded and sad.

"Why not it works for others girls" Axel said with a smile playing at the corner of his eyes.

"Well if you haven't noticed I'm not like other girls" I said loosing my patience.

"Fine then go" Axel said harshly, the anger was trying to cover the sadness in his eyes.

"You're not letting me go" I said never loosing eye contact.

He was still looking in my eyes, when his hand let go of mine.

I was still standing there, I didn't know why.

"Why aren't you going?" Axel asked.

At this moment I realized how close we were standing.

He Fell For Me, The One Who Will Break His HeartWhere stories live. Discover now