Ch.17. He Fell For Me, The One Who Will Break His Heart

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I was barely breathing I felt like I was getting compressed between two walls, and there was no way to escape. After telling Axel I loved him repeatedly I started to break down. I kneeled down on the floor of my room as vicious sobs racked my body; he's hurt I can feel it. Something must be wrong; he wouldn't blow me off unless he had a good reason.

After a few minutes of painful sobs and salty tears running down my face I thought to myself, what good is it to sit here crying when I could take some action. Yes, that's what I'll do; I'm going to save him.

I ran to my closet to change out of my PJ's and into my mission mode outfit.

I ran a hand through my long wavy locks and something in my head just clicked.

HIS BIRTH MOTHER KIDNAPPED HIM!!! My epiphany hit my like a ton of bricks. How could I have been so blind? I quickly ran downstairs and grabbed Benji's keys without even a single look in his direction. He can live without them, but I'm not so sure Axel can.

I hopped in his car and quickly thought of places he might be. Well there is only one hotel in this town so I think that's my best bet.

I quickly drove there without any concern about the law or pedestrians, the only thing on my mind is getting to my love.

I skidded to a stop in the hotel parking lot and shot out of the car, leaving the car door wide open. I stormed past the front desk and took out my cell phone, completely ignoring the manager's loud protests.

I dialed Axels number and listened carefully, there was only two floors of this place so I am bound to hear it at this dead time of night. I held the phone to my ear as I stalked down the hallway.

I heard no sound on this floor that sounded the least bit like a cell phone so I quickly booted it up the stairs and onto the second floor.

I listened and finally heard the distinct sound of a phone beeping so I ran down the hallway and started banging on the door that was beeping.

I didn't hear any voices so I got angry and pulled out my credit card and shoved it in and easily opened the door. A little skill I learned from Benji.

I looked around the room and started getting panicky when I saw blood drops on the carpet. I followed them to a very dead looking Axel.

I quickly ran and kneeled down beside him and started feeling for a pulse. I felt a faint beating and thanked god outloud before carefully lifting his body up to take off his shirt and ripped it in half. I pressed the ruined shirt against the bullet wound to hopefully slow down the bleeding. I started yelling for the manager while pressing the wound and putting light kisses all over Axel's face.

The manager came in and took one look at the scene before ripping out his cell phone and dialing, what I hoped to be, 911.

He hung up the phone and shuffled over to me. "An ambulence and cops are gonna be hear soon, don't you worry." He spoke softly and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. I just nodded my head half believing.

After what seemed like an eternity we heard a distant siren. The manager jumped up from his spot by the wall and headed towards the door.

I just kept the cloth on his chest while praying he would be alright.

* * *

They room was cold and smelt like death, the hospital only could place him in one room, it was white, metal, and mostly depressing.

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