Ch.11 He Fell For Me, The One Who Will Break His Heart

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Chapter 11

I held on to Axel tighter letting these last few moments I had of peace with him. Then finally I pushed him off me, "Take me home. Now."

Axel sat up straight "Why, aren't we going to finish the movie?" he asked puzzled.

"No, I wanna to go home" I said crossing my arms.

"La la, what did I do?" He said standing up.

I stood up too and crossed my arms "Take me fucking home" I said sternly.

Axel swallowed and after a few minutes he nodded and grabbed his keys from the table.

We drove in silence, I felt guilty and that he didn't deserve this but I knew in the end it would be all for the best.

Once we pulled up to my house he tried to lean over and kiss me on the cheek but I pulled away and opened the door.

He called after me but I slammed the door on his cries and pleas.

I flung open the door to my house; Benji was attempting to play rock band in the living room. I slammed the door and let out a high pitch scream.

"WHOA, I could so use your pipes right now, I don't know how in the hell this bitch can sing so high! Oh and Layla can you go check on my fish, I think you might of shattered his bowl" Benji said turning to me with the guitar in his hands.

I gave him the evil eye, "I'm not in the mood, Benji."

He put his hands up in surrender, "Chill, oh mail for you on the table, Come on Steph, let's sing,"

A short chesty blond came running out of our front hall closet. "Okay Benny Bear, but I can't sing you'll have to teach me!" She shrieked.

Benji just gave one of his famous smiles "Anything for you, Stacy"

She kept smiling but blinked over and over again "My name's Courtney" She said still blinking appalled.

"Sorry" He flashed another smile.

That was all it took Courtney was jumping up and down again like nothing happened, "Okay Benny let's play!"

I shook my head and went into the kitchen, on the table was an envelope, it was from the art school I applied to, they wanted me in, I had two months to accept, I sighed and ripped the letter, I grabbed a metal bowl and put the ripped letter in the bowl. I snatched a lighter from the drawer and lit the letter on fire.

No one ever needs to find out about it.

After cleaning up the ashes I went upstairs and threw myself on my bed, it was 11 and I have school tomorrow.

Eventually sleep overcame me taking away all my problems, for now.

* * *

I was sitting in the hospital watching myself die.

Axel was kneeling on the bedside, stoking my pale, cold hand. I watched my light fade away slowly, it was like watching the sunset, after all the light is gone it just leaves darkness.

That's what I now looked like. A pale corpse with a dark auora. My long black eyelashes lay drearily against my lifeless cheek, my long pretty brown hair tumbled down the white pillow.

I made the right choice not making Axel suffer this way.

* * *

Woke up with a start. I tried falling back asleep to no avail so I climbed out of my bed and straightened my hair and pinned it up my bangs and got dressed.

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