Ch.20. He Fell For Me, The One Who Will Break His Heart.

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Okay So I wrote this chapter cause I didn't even tell Kaelon I was writing. 0_0 (Sorry buddy). And sorry that it flips from Layla's to Axel's P.O.V so much.

Chapter 20

Axels P.O.V.

My heart thundered in my chest as I watched Layla fall onto the table. Her head bounced off of it and she rolled onto a guys lap. The guy looked suprised as he stood up with Layla in his arms and I couldn't ignore the jelousy I felt when I saw him holding onto her gently. I ran up to him and said "Give her to me."

I didn't think it was anything serious, she probably just fainted, but something deep in my gut told me otherwise. Benji didn't look as suprised as he probably should have, why did I get the feeling he knew something I didn't?

I carried Layla outside and toward the directions that distant sirens were singing. Someone inside must have called. Benji, Josh and unknown guy that caught Layla caught up with me. Benji tried taking Layla for me but I half growled at him, I didn't trust anyone else not to drop her. The ambulence sped towards us and parked next to the sidewalk they brought out a stretcher and took her from my arms. I followed them into the ambulence and it looked like the old woman was about to refuse but she must have seen the my stricken expresssion because she didn't say a word.

We drove to the hospital and they rushed her into the ICU. The receptionist stopped me and told me I needed to go to fill out some papers. I didn't go with Layla because I didn't want to see her in pain.

Laylas P.O.V.

Fear breeds in absolute darkness. That much I have figured out. I wish this was the type of darkness that you are not able to think in, but unfortunatetly my thoughts were as clear to me as if I was awake. I hope I don't die, otherwise I'm going to haunt those doctors that told me I was going to die on my seventeenth birthday rather than right now. If when you die you don't become a ghost then I'm going to flip a bitch up all up in gods grill (I hope I don't offend anyone). I don't have any real beliefs on that subject I just hope whatever it is that I will be able to watch over my darling Axel. I hope this darkness will be over soon.

I can't even see my hand in front of my face. I think I've watched to many scary movies, I keep expecting jason or freddy to come walking up to me. Or maybe jeepers creepers, then I can sing his catchy yet frightening song. I let my thoughts trail as I walked around in wherever the heck I was.

Axel's P.O.V.

I sat in torture watching the doctors operate on Layla's heart. They said she had some kind of condition. I wonder if she knew about it?

My thoughts were cut off by a man's voice yell "We're losing her!" My heart skipped a beat and the tears continued to flow down my cheeks. They mumbled something about finding a heart for her when a loud "BEEEEEP" noise went off on her heart moniter. We had lost her.


I was singing what do you want from me by Adam Lambert when I finally spotted something other than darkness. A bright light. I closed my eyes thinking I was seeing things but when I opened them it was still there. A big light that was so bright it should probably hurt my eyes but instead it filled me with joy and comfort.

Suddenly I nothing was dark anymore. Instead I was in a brick tunnel like something a train would go through. The light was still there and I had the sudden urge to laugh. Light at the end of the tunnel, cliche. I guess I'm dead. That's a depressing thought. I shrugged and reason that the light made me feel good so it's probably the right way to go. And it's better than the darkness I was in a few seconds ago. I was feeling awfully optomistic so I figure if I'm gonna die I might as well go out happy, I skipped towards the light and right when I reach it I do a cartwheel into it.

Axels P.O.V.

I sat there helpless as they tried to revive Layla. I felt as though someone ripped out my chest and took half of me with them and were burning it with matches. I could feel every single pin they stabbed into my heart. My body felt as though the pain echoed through the emptiness.

As much effort as it took to get my brain to cooperate I prayed and prayed that somehow she would come back to me.

Layla's P.O.V.

I was in a beautiful field with tree's surrounding it. There was a river a little ways from where I was standing and it was clear blue and shimmering from the reflecting sunlight. I looked down at what I was wearing and gasped. This is so not what I was wearing before.

I giggled a bell like laugh and strolled towards the glimmering river. I took off my shoes and rolled up my leggings, I braced myself expecting freezing cold water but instead coming in contact with gentle warm water. My leggings were up to my thighs so I walked in the water up to my knee's and trailed my fingers along the surface.

I was watching the little school of fish swimming around my ankles when I heard footsteps approaching me from behind. I turned around and I squealed in joy as I see my gramma Margaret standing with her usual wise smile.

She died one year ago from cancer and it took a great toll on me because we were always very close. Whenever me and Benji would wanna escape our parents fights we would run to our grandmas house which was down the road. She would always comfort us with hot chocolate and snicker doodles and we would all play scrabble for hours. She would always have an answer for everything and I have never heard an a wrong one.

I ran up to her and hugged her so tight I was worried I might break her in half. She hugged me back and stroked my hair as these oh so familiar tears rolled down my face. "There's no reason to cry love. We should be happy. We get a reunion, even if this one won't last you still get to see me before your time comes to be with me." She has the magic to make anyone feel better.

"Thanks Gramma. I missed you so much. I have so much to tell you!"

After I caught gramma up on everything she missed she had a knowing smile on her face and not quite enough suprise. So clearly she knew all of this she just liked hearing it come from me. "Well dear it seem's you've had it bittersweet. But I really do like this Axel. He sounds like he really loves you and you love him."

"Oh I do. I have never felt like this about anyone."It was nice to finally talk like this to someone seeing as my mother hasn't been being much of a mother and I hardly talk to my only female friend (Carson). I lightly touched the curves of the stones on the bench that we were sitting on. Every little detail here is beautiful. I guess heaven isn't nearly as bad as I expected.

"Gramma I'm so happy I get to stay here with you now. Mom has gotten to be so nasty."I shook my head sadly.

Gramma nodded understandingly. "I know hun. She has lost her way, lets just hope she can find it again. But I'm troubled to say that you won't be staying much longer."

"What!? I'm dead. Dead.Dead.Dead."I said morbidly.

"Yes but you have people doing their best to save you right at this very moment. Also a young man broken hearted waiting for his true love to return to him." She saw the tears in my eyes at the thought of leaving her. "Oh don't cry darling. One day when you return we will be together again." She said as she kissed my wrist leaving a heart shaped mark.

And then everything dissapeared and I was submerged back into darkness.

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