Ch.4 He Fell For me, The One Who Will Break His Heart

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a/n k so Ash is gone for a couple days so it's only me Kaelon [FrostBittenAshes] and usually ash writes the second half of the chapter but shes not coming back till christmas eve. so i wrote this whole thing so if it sucks or anything my apologies. Axels last name might change or maybe some things might change once Ash gets back cause shes stuck in the bush and has no phone or internet so i cant ask her these things. well im gunna shut up now i might post chapter 5 tonight not sure. k being silent now.


I chickened out and stayed in the library for lunch, I must of fell asleep on the floor in the back corner I was hiding in because the next thing you know someone's cold breath was tickling my neck.

I couldn't help but giggle. I sat up and looked at my cell phone it was the last period of the day and I had study hall.

The person laughed behind me, it belonged to a man.

I looked up. A very handsome man, named Travis who I was a bitch to. Remembering this I sighed, stretching. "Hey,"

"Layla, if I tell you something, will you promise not to get mad? I realize I said I wouldn't bother you but I have to know if it's true." Travis said sitting beside me on the floor.

I had to give this boy props he just wouldn't give up and he looked pretty upset, so I nodded.

He buried his head in his hands, "Ilookedinyourfileandiknowijustmetyoubutidon'twantyoutodie" He whispered in one breath.

I gave him a puzzled look, "Travis sit up I can't understand you"

He did as I said and took a ragged breath "I work in the office during lunch cause I vandalized the school and I couldn't help but peek in your file, and it said you had a heart condition, I didn't won't to read the rest Layla," he met my gaze, "My aunt had a heart condition and she died two months after she found out."

I sighed, how could I be mad at him for this, his eyes looked so warm and comforting I said the first thing that came to my mind "Was her death painful?" I questioned I didn't want to say I'm sorry or sorry for your loss, cause I knew how it feels for someone to say there sorry when really there not, and when they say your loss it makes you feel like you only lost a game of rock, paper, scissors nothing more.

He gave me a small hopeful smile "She went with a wide ass grin on her face"

I smiled, "I'm sorry about being a bitch, I just thought it would be easier for when I," I swallowed and he gave me an encouraging smile "pass"

"Layla, I realize we just met, but I feel really close to you," He looked at the ground, "Stalkerish I know, but that's just the way I feel," He looked back up at me "And I swear I wont tell anyone"

"No one at all?" I asked raising my one eyebrow.

He nodded eagerly "No one at all," He took my hand which sent tingles all up and down my arm. "My aunt wanted to isolate herself like you, but that day when my mom told me she was in the hospital after having a heart attack we all rushed to see her," He took a breath "She said she wanted to spend every last minute with everyone, so she did," He squeezed my hand, "So I'm going to make this the time of your life"

I looked down at are hands and smiled.

He tilted my head up.

Oh my manga, this boy was so adorable. I smiled even wider at his greenish grey eyes.

The space between us was becoming smaller and smaller when an encyclopedia fell on Travis's head. He grabbed the top of his head.

My hands flew to my mouth.

A snicker came from the other side of the bookshelf, "Oh, snap, Travis my dear friend, didn't mean to hit you there" Axel said coming around to the other side.

Travis snarled and stood up "What the fuck do you want?" He questioned.

Axel looked at me and winked "Oh my bad, did I interrupt something, and I mean by something by the first girl acknowledging you since your mom stopped kissing you goodnight, Oh wait she probably still does" Axel said laughing.

Travis clenched his fists "Axel fuck off"

Guilt tugged at my heart but I did not want to get involved, I'm so selfish.

"Touchy, touchy is someone a little angry that they didn't make captain, for the fourth year in a row now?" Axel asked putting is hands in his front pockets.

"Hey, I still made the team" Travis argued.

"Yeah, by the skin of your balls" Axel said with a chuckle.

The librarian overheard "Axel Moringon!" She screeched.

Axel turned to look at her.

She was an elderly lady her hearing was going she pointed at the door, "Language. Out!"

Axel chuckled and screamed "ANYTHING YOU SAY!" and turned to leave he gave me one last glance and winked.

I felt a blush creeping up my neck.

Once the librarian was gone Travis punched the wall leaving his fist imprint on the wall.

I gasped part of me told me to run, what if he did that to me? The other half was screaming at me to comfort him. I sighed and walked over to where Travis was sitting. I lifted his head up to face me his eyes were looking like the ocean the way they were filling up.

His Adams apple was bobbing "You know how I said it was my aunt who died?"

I nodded. Oh god here it comes more strings becoming attached.

"It wasn't my aunt who died, it was my sister," He kicked a chair.

My hands left his face and I ran to grab my stuff, this dude had anger issues.

Travis grabbed me from behind, and hugged me close to him, "And Axel was dating her before she passed, no he actually dumped her once she found out."

My heart crumbled at that what a jerk. I dropped my stuff and turned to face Travis, I gave him a hug, which he returned.


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