Ch.3 He Fell For Me, The One Who Will Break His Heart

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Benji's car smelt funky, Skyla offered to drive me but I kindly refused, she would just draw attention.

Benji was listening to some hard core rap, which you couldn't make out the words. He just moved his mouth along with the words pretending to know them. I shook my head at him with a smile building at the corner of my mouth.

We pulled up to a stone grey building, it looked like it could collapse any minute but it was also kinda elegant.

Benji turned his keys and put them in his back pocket with his DC key chain hanging out "Are you ready?"

I nodded too nervous to speak.

"Remember need anything or just want to go home text me" Benji said stepping out of the car, he was instantly over whelmed with guys, asking him what type of car that is and what mileage does it have and all that junk.

I sighed and got out I mean all it is, is a 2009 Cadillac something. But once I stepped out everyone's attention switched to me, all there mouths dropped even some of the girls.

I started walking towards the office, not bothering to take my sunglasses off. I'm just going to ignore them and put on my badass facade. Especially the boys. I opened the door to the office to see a cute boy with blonde hair and green eyes standing talking to front office chick and all I could get from was the conversation was that he got the wrong schedual. ( he heard me come up behind him he turned and his eyes widened slightly before he smiled, he turned back to the chick and thanked her. She looked back up and raised her black eyebrows silently asking "you need something?"

"I'm new. I need my schedual and stuff." I said...not so nicely. She sneered at me and handed me a folder full of papers.

"Have a nice day Miss Smith"I just gave her a fake smile and sauntered out like I owned the place. I looked down at the papers and went to find my locker. I dumped my junk in it and grabbed my schedual and looked up to see all the people in the hallway staring at me.

"What the fuck are you all staring at?" More silence. I just rolled my eyes and walked to the bathroom. I walking in and dropped onto my knees to check and see if there was anyone else in here. All clear. I got up and reached into the secret compartment inside my bag and pulled out my pills that I have to take like six times a day. I pulled them out and swallowed them dry. I looked at my cell phone. Already ten minutes late for class on my very first day. Greeeaat (note sarcasm) I was fast walking to class when I ran into another person. Seriously I better not be making a habit of this I thought as I got up.

"Hey if this is how your gonna greet me everytime I see you then I better invest in a helmet." He laughs. Stupid jerk. Now that I got a close look at him I could see his gray eyes and messy black hair. ( ) .Why did this town only have one high school? Now I must face him everyday just making this hellhole a whole lot worse. "By the way whats your name?"

"Layla. Whats yours?" I said bitchily.

"Woah woah woah. Attitude. I can't believe you've never heard of me. I'm Axel Morginton."I glared and walked away. I so don't have time for this. Thankfully he didn't follow. I heard a man talking but he didn't sound very old. I shrugged took a deep breath and knocked.

"Enter." Weird way to invite someone in I thought as I pushed open the door. All eyes on me. Yet again.

"I'm Layla Smith." I didn't go further.

"Ohh right the new student." Said a very very young looking teacher. ( ). OMFG he was hot. I totally kept my perfect poker face on while he pointed to a seat in the back beside a blonde bimbo. The teacher introduced himself as Mr. Parker and continued on with his lesson.

Okay have you ever tried sitting through a lesson with a supermodel for a teacher without staring, well let me tell you, it isn't the easiest thing I've ever done. I caught myself staring at him far to many times before I just stopped listening to him, looked down and started doodling. By the end of class my hand was so cramped I thought it was gonna break off, I stood up and felt rather than heard someone really close behind me. I whipped around wondering what stupid idiot would do that, and just as I was about to tell this guy off I reconized his face.

"Hey your the dude from the office." I said like the fool I am. Oops gotta keep up the bitch act I thought as I glared at him.

"Yeah I'm Travis Williams. Do you need me to show you to your next class." Either he's blind or stupid cause I'm sitting here glaring at him and he offers anyway. Maybe I shouldn't be so quick to judge for all I know he could be trying to be nice. But none of that matters cause I can't get close to anyone.

"No. I can find the gym myself. I have to go before the bell rings." I say and walk away without saying goodbye.

But unfortunatly he wants me to be more uncivil towards him because I heard footsteps behind me. "I have gym too." He said not trying to make conversation anymore, maybe he did get the message. Still he was to close for me so I took a to the side every step I took as we were walking. But apparently he notice because as soon as we got to the gym he said "Don't worry I won't bother you anymore." It was harsh but it was the only way to stay a loner, hopefully he would pass around that I was a raging bitch and then I wouldn't have to deal with the breathing anymore. They live there lives complaining while my timers ticking away, years to months,months to days, days to hours, and hours to seconds.

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