Chapter 34

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Bella P.O.V

With a pounding head, I slowly opened my eyes. The comfort of the cushions all around me sink me in the bed I almost find it hard to get up from such comfort. I have no idea where I am or how I got here, the only thing I remember was my home burnt to ashes and the bones of those who died there.

I carefully try my best to sit up on the bed and look at my surroundings. The room is large, larger than my own room back in Forks. The luxury was incredible, very expensive furniture. The walls itself had very beautiful art and with a tone of gold that made it too incredible to be seen.

My admiration around the room is interrupted by the slight pain on my abdomen that makes me groan. Suddenly, one of the doors in the room open and Edward bursts out and looks at me with fright.

"You're awake, are you okay?" He asked as he paced toward me. He kneeled down next to me and gently pushed me down on the cushions. "You can't be up."

"What happened?" I asked as I laid down.

"You fainted. We carried you back here and had you checked immediately."

"Here where?" I asked. "Where am I?"

"We're in Portland," he answered.

"You mean, we're where you grew up?" He nodded in response. "So it wasn't a dream. Forks is really gone, isn't it?"

He took my hand and gently stroked it between his. "I'm afraid it's true, Bella, but you cannot worry about it now, okay? You're in no condition to do so."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

He sighed. "Bella, those pains you've been feeling on your abdomen are dangerous. We were so near losing our child."

I frown. "What do you mean? You mean that our baby almost died inside me?"

To my great disappointment, he nodded in response. His response caused me to laid back down and look up at the ceiling. I cannot believe I've risked the life of my child. He almost died and I only just ignored the pain and chose to risk his life without any consideration whatsoever.

Edward told me about what happened during the time I was unconscious. Martin stayed here in Portland while Oscar and his sons went back home to check on his wife and Gus' daughter. After it was clear I almost miscarried, Edward ordered me to be taken here so I could rest. He was given strict instructions that I have to remain in bed no matter what until the pain ceases. I have to eat light foods and rest as much as I can, if possible, I cannot get out of the bed.

I wasn't very much happy with the instructions but Edward expressed how angry he's with me for once again putting myself in unnecessary danger but also our child. He even told me it's not about me anymore but that I also have to think about our child and him. Whatever happens to me could affect both of them at a great extent.

Soon after I was fed a very delicious chicken soup - my first real meal in weeks - Edward left without telling me where he was going. He only said that he was going to be back soon.

I wasn't alone in the gigantic room for very long. Not twenty minutes later the door burst open and Emily ran inside followed by the rest of my family. I cannot express how relieved and happy I was when I saw them. They were all healthy and well, they got out just in time.

Emmett sat right beside me on the bed with Emily on his lap, Rosalie stood beside him and my father stood beside me and held my hand gently.

"We're so happy you are safe and recovering," Rosalie said. "You have no idea what these past weeks have been for the family."

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