Chapter 4

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Bella P.O.V

Days passed, weeks, months and we always met at the same place, same hour, every day. Momma never questioned why did I always disappear with Alice at noon, what we did when we were gone and came back just before sunset. She thought we were just being silly little girls playing around town. Emmett helped me by saying I went to the church. Father Warner agreed to cover me up by saying that we spend the day playing with the orphans. He well knew my love for the forest, but no one other than my best friend Alice - who detested him - knew that the real reason why I spent so much time in the woods was because of Edward.

Edward and Alice never got along, they fought and insulted each other if they see each other. I would be the one who made them stop and apologize to each other. I talked to Alice, I didn't want her to think I chose a new friend over her, but they both turned into my best friends. Alice understood it, and said she liked him but he was really rude. So, every time I would meet up with Edward, she would stay back keeping an eye if someone ever came.

Edward and I grew closer together. He was still that dirt covered boy with the cute green eyes and bronze dirty messy hair that brought me a tulip each time we met. Months and months passed, Edward and I were particularly family. He was like the brother I always wanted - Emmett doesn't count, I never wanted him -. He would play jokes on me, play around, dance with me at the meadow when the only music around us were the birds and the wind. He always liked to chase me.

I remember one day he even taught me how to climb a tree. We found a beautiful apple tree in the woods, close to the meadow. The apples were really red, seemed ready to be eaten. When I tried to climb it the first time, I ended up falling on my back. After a good laugh Edward had, he showed me step by step how to climb a tree. We sat on the thick branches of the tree, trying to catch an apple.

"Got it!" He said and raised his fist in the air, the apple in his hand. He hands it to me.

"Thank you," I said. Just when I was about to take it he takes it away and bites it. "Edward!"

He laughed, jumping off the tree and landing on his feet. "Come on," he said.

"I can't jump," I say, looking down. It's way too high for me to jump, what if I break a leg? Momma won't believe me I got it at church.

"It's not that high."

"Yes, it is."

"Don't think about it," he said, "close your eyes and just jump."

I shake my head.

"I'll catch you," Edward promised. He stepped below where I was sitting at and opened his arms.

"You won't," I whimper.

"Do you trust me?"


"Do you trust me?" Edward asked, again.

I nodded. "Of course I do, what kind of question is that?" I said gripping the tree branch tightly.

"Then jump. One three..."


"Close your eyes. One..."

"I can't."

"Yes, you can. Two..."

I close my eyes, taking deep breaths. My body starts to shake, my fingers dig on the side of the branch where I'm sitting. I take a deep breath and exhale slowly out, just like Momma taught me every time I feel scared.


I stop breathing and throw myself off the tree. I expect a hard impact on the grass, probably some broken bones but when I least expect it, I'm in Edward's arms. I open my eyes and look at him. I landed hugging him by the neck, his arms holding me behind the knees, so I'm taller than him for a moment. I never noticed his sweet smell until he places on my feet.

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