Chapter 18

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Bella P.O.V

I walk down the stairs to Emmett is waiting for me. He's been trying to talk to me since last night, but I was too busy acting mad to even answer the door. He stands at the last step of the stairs, leaning against the wall, looking down at his hands. When he hears me coming down, he looks up at me and smiles, but the smile doesn't reach his eyes.

"Morning, Sister."

"Emmett," I greet him. "I'm very sorry I shut you out last night, brother, I was just too mad to even talk to anyone," I lie.

Breakfast was only me and Emmett. Emmett had asked Father to leave me alone for a while, only until I was ready to talk about the situation. Every time he tried to talk about it, I'll make a joke about it. It bothers him sometimes when I do not take things seriously, but what can I do? I don't want to he upset all day. I wonder where Edward is, he hasn't come here for breakfast and Emmett hasn't mentioned him at all.

I know my brother is understand but I've seen that him and Edward had become friends and when it has to deal with friends, I know Emmett's last choice for a partner would be one of his friends. Knowing how protective he is over me, I know he would probably shoot Edward on sight. I do love my big brother.

After breakfast, we head down to the backyard for a small walk. It doesn't last long until he stops and looks at me.

He gives me a weak smile and pulls my hair behind my ear. "Do you know that I love you, Sister?" He asks. I nod, of course I know. "Do you know I'll do anything for you?" Again, yes. "Do you seriously think I'll let that man force you to marry him?" I shake my head. "Good." He let's go of my hair and takes my hands in his. "I know you're angry, but do not let it consume you."

I start to let the actual situation sink in, taking out all the foolishness and Edward from the equation, I'm left with the reality. A horrible reality that makes my skin crawl.

I sigh. "I am trying, Emmett. It angers me that Father did this without any consideration of what I really want in life." Now, I'm no longer lying. Now, I'm feeling the real anger. Now, I'm letting the feelings about this situation sink in.

"Bella?" Emmett asks looking concerned. He knows I have something to say, he knows I'm holding something back. "Say it, sweetheart. You know I'm here to listen to you."

I feel how my chest and throat are starting to hurt. My eyes behind to water. I take a deep breath, trying to control my shaking body.

"Momma wanted me to have a choice," I say, my voice breaking in mind sentence. "Her and Father always wanted us to have a choice and you got it, look at how happy you are with your family. You chose your wife, a woman you loved. You were blessed with a beautiful daughter. You chose your life and you're happy. I was suppose to have a choice, Emmett. I was suppose to grow, I was suppose to learn from my own mistakes. I was suppose to chose who I wanted to marry, when I wanted that to happen. Have a family. I was suppose to chose whether or not have children. Watch them grow. Grow old with someone that I loved. I was suppose to have a lifetime of choices and now... It's all being taken away." I wipe my tears away, beginning to sob almost uncontrollably. "I never wanted this, Emmett. I never wanted my life to be planned for me."

He takes a step closer to me and wraps his arms around me. He sob against his chest and hug him tightly. He let's me cry on his, rubbing my back. After a while, he pulls away and cleans the tears from my cheeks.

"Do you know what's a great way to let out all the anger?" He asks. I shake my head. He smiles and pulls my chin up so I can look at him. "Fencing."

I chuckle. "Emmett, I got things to do today."

"So, what? A day lasts 24 hours, but time with your family last a lifetime." He takes my hand and wraps it around his arm. "Now, I still want my rematch from our last fight."

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