Chapter 1 - The Unobtainable Rose..

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Birds Chirping from outside my room window , the cicada's sang a distant , the sun is high in this summer afternoon

(Holy crap balls !! , is freaking afternoon already ?!) he was on the rush to stand up and get ready for school he didn't notice his feet was in entwined with his bed-sheets and..


He fell flat face on the floor ..then he remembers

"oh right's Sunday...." (and i'm not in the old noisy...big family house with running screaming  kids , today i'm going to start my new life living with theses girls..)(On top of that Kasumi is one of them..)(and...i kinda seen her naked , darn this would be fine in normal circumstances but .. i better apologize to her..) 

A quick change of clothes , slow descent down the stairs a cautious trip to the washroom a quick splash and gurgle and he head to the living room..

(She's really ticked off , but i didn't mean it , ..)



Kasumi is in the living room sipping her earl gray tea alone , and seems to be studying..

(How crazy , i was just thinking about her , and poof there she is...!)(Pull yourself together , and say something to her..)

"K-Kasumi , Good Morning !"


(Hmn , Maybe she didn't hear me...ones more..)

"Good Morning !" 

" quiet." she said with a soul piercing gaze.

"H-hi ?"


Her hands cut though the air like a whip..



".....i said be quite.."

Expressionless she gets up and left the living room...


She turns towards him one last time , then..

"Just , stay away from me.."

(That confirms it , she hates me..) he slump on the sofa and rub his red cheeks..

Then without just like that she leaves the living room...

(They didn't call her the  Unobtainable Rose for nothing..Or at least the guys who try to win her heart and was completely shot down ..Well , as my great , great grandfather ones told me , "Use the force Young Jedi , oh wait wrong grandpa ' what he said was "Impossible is a word for the people who's not even trying.." don't know what it means or how relevant that quote is but , who am i kidding i grew up in the Orphanage i never met my parent let alone my grandpa..)

The Unobtainable Rose who bloom from the highest peak higher than any mountain , even higher than Mount Everest..

He lie down the sofa and contemplates..

(Well , for what is worth i still have to apologize to her , even if she smite me with her lightning fast slaps ,...which really hurt though...)

A bit later..

I was planning to keep quite about the event that happen earlier but , my swollen reddish cheeks get's Miyoko's attention...

"So...what did you did you do , this time.." smirking while poking his cheeks..

"Nothing .., stop poking it.."

But she keeps on repeating it..

"What did you do , come on what did you do...?" while keeps poking his swollen cheeks

My Sweet Roomies Re-Written(Kasumi Miyoka Route)Where stories live. Discover now