Chapter 16 - Welcomed Invitation

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(Dammit that woman , playing with me like that..)

"Alright we have everyone here then !" Miyoko cheered

(not everyone..)he sulked

"Mina ! what are you doing there  do you need a invitation ? , come on join us !!" Raika called out to him

"Y-you're sure ?!" (oh Raika my sweet angel Raika.) 

"You don't want ? stay in there then.." Yomiko teased.

(This woman...) I'm coming !" he jumped in the pool with them..

"Let's have some fun !" 

"Here we go !!" Raika throws the beach ball in the air..then

"Attack !!" Miyoko made a hard spike

"Attack ? Umff!!" he was hit straight in the face , and bounce back right  at Yomiko..

"Pervert , Catch !!" another hard spike from Yomiko..

"W-wai - umff!!" ( so this is the plan all along , ..)

"Rei , it's coming your way !" said Tegemi..

"Ah-wah-wah-wah-..take this !!"

*Zooom !!* the ball skids to the water and into*Boof*

"Umff !!" (not you too , Rei..)


"No mercy , hahaha !!"  by the help of Miyoko , Raika , jump and spiked the ball in mid air..and.

"Not' this time.." he hastly deflect Raika's hit.. and the ball just flows lightly in the air..

"Wow...just wow , i don't even have a word to describe how sissy that was...." said Yomiko with a blank stare in her face..and caught the ball ..

"Well ..i'm sorry..." a critical hit on his manly ego...

"Ahahaha , not so rough Ms. French girl you'd hurt his ego.." giggled Raika..

"I think it's a bit too late for that..." added Tegemi..

"Y-yeah stop picking on him , hey think fast.." while Miyoko spiked a sucker one at him..

But due to a rouge wind , the ball changes it's trajectory and headed straight to Kasumi..

"Kasumi ! Ball !!" Miyoko shouted..

Minamino dashes toward it to try and spiked the ball away from Kasumi , but he missed the ball completely and the ball hit his head , due to the impact and he's running position he slightly went off balanced and..




He's faced was embedded against something soft and pillowy..

" Ah!!"

(she smells good , oh crap wait!) 

"Whoa !!" he frantically back away from Kasumi..


(this is not good , well that was awesome though , but this is not good..)

"Trying to use the confusion of the game to cop a feel !"

(i'm i doing that ?) "No..i uh , it was an acc-"

*SLAP!!* the sound of her palm hitting mina's face rings throughout the pool..


"Now you've done it Mina..." teased Miyoko

"You deserve it !" added Yomiko.

My Sweet Roomies Re-Written(Kasumi Miyoka Route)Where stories live. Discover now