Chapter 12 - Mutterings..

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And that's how it happen...

(We almost fell victim from a notorious gang who's using young children , but thanks to Kasumi they're caught now  , still i didn't really expect Kasumi the silent , type would actually have a kick ass side , she beat them all up without even breaking a sweat' , if that last guy didn't pull out a gun in a fist fight she could easily kick his ass , but good thing i was there , and got a chance to show my cool side as well , the bullet only gazed me , it still ruin a perfectly good jacket..)

But thanks to that , i set foot on Kasumi's room for the first time..

(Her room is just i imagined , it's completely organized and well kept..her walls are lined with bookshelf stacked with books.)

"Please sit wherever..i'll have this done soon.."

"uh' okay.." i hand her my jacket , she volunteered to fix the small rip for me..

(She may have sit wherever , but...i'm so nervous all i just sit in the floor..)

(It's just her and me alone in her room...)


"Huh , what was that ?"

It was just the wind hitting the window..

Her face blushes when she looks over at the window

"T-thanks for fixing that for me..."

"Huh ? , oh' that , don't worry about it , it's my responsibility as the only guy in the Famille'"

But , still thanks to you the rain , is not getting inside , you did a sturdy job after all..."

A few minutes later..

"All done.." she handed the jacket to me..

(wow , it's like there's nothing there , she's really good) "Thanks , i'll be going now , thank you again.."

"Mina.." as i was about to go to the door she called out to me..

"Yes ?"

"I'm really happy you fix that window for me but..." at first she was muttering timidly but then her expression turned stiff..

" i don't want you to do anything that dangerous again !!" she scolded


"And i'm sorry about the trouble i've caused you recently..and this incident , you almost got shot.." 

"N-no , that's totally my fault , i was the one who approach that's my fault,.."

"Haah..." she sighed , with that she seems to relax a bit.

"You can't help it right ?, helping people in need .."

"H-hey i'm a man you know.."

As i start feeling downtrodden she lefts out a small laugh , Fallowing her lead i started to laugh as well , surprised she smiles brightly .

(wow so much has happened today..)

Even if it just a little bit , i feel like we've become closer than ever..)

One day...

It's been a few days since the typhoon , since we're still in the rainy season , it's been dreary everyday , i'm walking home in the gentle day..

(hey who's that over there ?)

"Kasumi ?"

"Oh! Mina ?"

My Sweet Roomies Re-Written(Kasumi Miyoka Route)Where stories live. Discover now