Secret Story 6 : The secret Message

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Kasumi's POV from Chapter  33 - The dream continues.

....The day of the medical school entrance exam.

Everyone wished me luck as i leave the Famille', but..

(I'm so nervous....)

When i arrive at the college i'm really nervous and my arms are shaking...

(I know that i need to calm down , but i just can't...)

......I've failed the mock exam before and this is the real one if i fail this now , i might have to just call it quits and leave this dream into just a dream...

(....A-anyway i shouldn't really think of that thing right now...)

(I haven't forgotten anything have i ...?)

I look in my bag , still feeling slightly nervous 

(..! Huh ?)

There's an unfamiliar envelope inside...

(I wonder what this is ? i don't remember putting it in...)

(There's something inside....)

I take it out , inside is a folded up letter...I wonder what it is and i open it..


(T-This is....)

I recognize all the handwriting..except for one..

Messages from my Famille' housemates are written inside..

"To Kasumi

                 Surprise ! We slip this letter into your bag while your not looking to be frank we use Mina as bait and it works ! haha , anyway i know that you're nervous right now , that's okay i bet you'll find this letter right after you take the exam , that what you don when your nervous about something , prone to check something in your bag it's kinda a bit of unsual habit of yours , anyway goodluck , we know you can do it !!

From Miyoko"

( sly fox...) everyone words of encouragement continue down the page..

"Kasumi Relax !

                 I know you can do it , i know you had it in you !!'

From Yomiko"

"Take a deep breath it will calm you down...

From Tegemi"

(..Those guys...)

"I prepared your favorite dish to boost up more your confidence..

From Reimako"

"Like i always said , Kasumi if you have the will , theres always a way , i know you're probably sick of me pushing you down that path , but it's a good thing a guy whom; i won't name supported you with all his heart..

From Raika.."

"Oh' Raika...." it gives me a warm feeling and a smile on my face reading their messages and then....the unfamiliar handwriting at the end of the letter is probably from no other than Mina..


                          i know this might probably sound corny or i'm getting ahead of myself when i say to you this , but i will always be supporting you , no matter what...."


"Good luck and i love you , Kasumi.."

"?! Huh ?!"

....I'm so surprised by Mina's last remarks that it made me cry..

As i try to hold the tear in , a look at the letter again..

(W-What ?! L-Love ...?!!)

....I think about Mina's personality and i don't think he had it in him to be so ...expressive..

Everyone probably made him write it..


(A-At the time like this , he's saying that he love me ?!)

It's quite embarrassing but it made me happy...

Thanks to everyone's kindness i don't feel so nervous anymore..

I breath out a sigh of relief..(Thank you , everyone!)

(And...Mina , ...i love you too...)

(The exam ....i'll do my best so cheer for me !)

My Sweet Roomies Re-Written(Kasumi Miyoka Route)Where stories live. Discover now