Chapter 19 - Letting Go

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A few days had passed and he's own his was home from school , after saying no to a invitation he had from a classmate to hang out..


"Oh' Kasumi..."

He unexpectedly , run into Kasumi..

(....when i see her face , it reminds me of that night , does she remember that night as well..)

It looks like she might be thinking the same thing..

"Hey...mind if i walk home with you ? " she asked..

Despite her blushing, she reaches out and grabs his hands..

"Yes of course.."

And so it has been that way , despite of their mutual awkwardness , they've been spending a lot of time together..

(though i hope i get a chance to find more about her...)

Unbeknownst to him that opportunity would come sooner than expected..

After walking for a while , Kasumi stops in front of the bookstore..

"Today's the day they stock their new comic books.." she said

"Want to go and check it out..?" 


As soon as they enter the shop , she goes straight to the young girls manga..

"It's out ! the lattest one.." while she excitedly shows him the manga she's holding

"The animations gonna be out soon , isn't it ?"

"Yeah..." she smiles


"Hey Mina ?"

"Hmn ?"

Her face turns red as she looks to her side..

"'s nothing..."

"Huh , are you sure ?"

"Y-yeah , forget it .." as she smiles awkwardly..

(what was that all about ?)

We wander around the book store for a while..then she suddenly stops dead in her tracks..

"Hmn ?" ( i wonder what caught her eye ?) 

He look in the direction her eyes are pointing at..

(Oh! , is that a medical book ?) 

"Do you wan't to buy that book ?"

"Huh ?!" surprised she looks towards him

"Nah..i'm good.." she shrugs

She has a faint smile on her face as we leave the books store..she looked like that piqued her curiosity.

(I wonder if she's really okay just leaving it..)

"Say, that last book in the series is really sad.."

"Yeah , when i read that , it made me cry a bit.." he said 

she giggles " Sissy.."

"Hey..." he smiles

After they left the store they continued to chat about comics like normal , but..

( i just can't get my head of it..) he decide to bravely ask her..

"Kass ?"

"Yes ?"

"Are you sure , you really don't want that book ? You said you used to want to be a doctor, right ?"

Her expression stiffens up all of a sudden.. but she dips her head for a moment, she starts to chuckle..

"Yeah.. a long time ago...."

"A long time ago ? (how old is she again ?) 

"Yeah , i don't have the smarts for it.."

(What ? she doesn't have the smarts ?)

"I don't think that's right..." without even thinking it , he refuted her

"Huh ?"

"Look at how you'd help that girl in the park , the way you help Yomiko when she had her accident on stage.."

"Oh...i guess you've heard of that..."

"You're passion alone , would make you a great doctor..."

His flustered word of encouragement surprised her..but she just smiles faintly and muttered..

" I can't even save you back then..."

"What was that ? " he asked

As she's about to answer they noticed a black Mercedes park in front of the Famille' , Kasumi eyes widen as she looks straight at the man who , get off the car , then she suddenly run towards him..

"Kass , wait.." ( who could that be ?)

He walks towards them when he noticed , Kasumi's brow narrowed ..

"What are you doing here , Pa' ?"

(Pa ? her dad ?)


Her dad sharp looks give him a respective vibe  except for the winter white hair , a few wrinkles underneath his galaxy blue eyes he fairs to be middle aged and rather looking young , wearing a well tailored black business suit , shiny black shoes, he speak to  Kasumi with his low raspy voice..

"I'm not going to marry him Pa' !"

(marriage ?  an arrange marriage ?)

"That's not the reason , why i came here daughter.." 

She stood there in shock while her head dugged in the ground..

"It's too late for that Pa !!" she shouted , brow narrowed and tears falling in her eyes..

"What happened , was not you're fault Kasumi..."


".......i was wrong , at that time i was just angry , if someone is to blame , i should be blame for it.."

"To late Pa' , too damn late..."

without even thinking , and hearing half of the story minamino blurted..

"I think you should , listen to your Father , Kasumi it's not too late to give up on your dream.."

She gazed at him , still emotions in control she shouted..

"When we save you from drowning , Tegemi told me to give you CPR , but i couldn't , i can't, that made me remember when my younger brother drowned , i can't save him..I DIDN'T !!"


"You're the one to talk ! , You gave up , your dream as well !!"

She rushes to the door and closed it behind her ....

"...i..didn't know..., i 'm sorry.."he said as he falls on his knees 

"Young man...can we have a small chat.."


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